Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 528: Cooperation signing

When Mai's manager first received the call, he thought Mai Shiraishi was having a hallucination, and Junxiu asked her to cooperate? Can't find a singer here in Japan? In addition, Junxiu's management contract in Japan is in the hands of Ai Hui, and the singers in Ai Hui's hands can be said to occupy most of the Japanese music scene. So Mai's agent felt that Junxiu would never find Mai's head when he was looking for a partner.

The news of 'Junxiu looking for a collaborator' alone is expected to blow countless companies out of their heads. So the broker didn't believe it at first. But he didn't find her until he heard Mai said that the collaborator of Junxiu's plan rejected his proposal, which made him a little believe. Because the last time I met Junxiu was at the theater, Junxiu said that he had something to do with Mai and Sa Yuri.

How did the relationship between them come about? This is not important to the agency, because Junxiu alone will benefit their entire group. Since it is a beneficial relationship, why does he care so much? And the company's so-called love prohibition, the object of the prohibition also depends on the person. It would be worth it if the children of the company could have an affair with Junsu or something.

After all, Junsu is not married, so there is nothing against morality. And the matter of love between men and women, Japan is a very open society, and it is a good thing for them to take them on the hot search for two days at most. It is better to be on the hot search with Junxiu than with those funny artists. Sooqiang, right?

You must know that after the first scandal between Yui Aragaki and Junxiu broke out, not only did Yui not affect her career, but it made her career more smooth. So the agent is also thinking, if Junxiu really cooperates with Mai this time, will Mai's career follow this attention?

Mai told her agent that at noon, Junxiu made an agreement with her to meet at the 'Kubei Sushi Restaurant' in Ginza, and then they would discuss the signing of the money. The agent also knows that as long as there is no contract for this matter, everything will be variable. So he reported this matter to the company with a heart, and by the way applied for some 'public funds' for the settlement after the successful signing at noon.

At lunchtime, Junxiu's car stopped in the bustling Ginza neighborhood. Compared with the "God of Sushi", Sika still prefers "Kubei". Although the price difference between the two is not big, Sika likes Junsu and goes with him.

Downstairs in a building in Ginza, Mai Shiraishi and her manager are here waiting for Junxiu to arrive. It didn't take long for Mai to say to the agent, "Come on." The agent followed Shiraishi Mai's gaze, and saw Junxiu wearing a leather jacket with a hooded sweater, a pair of ripped denim, those white 'small Bees' express casualness. Celebrity costumes, hats, sunglasses, and masks are just as many.

The woman next to Junxiu casually wore a knitted sweater and a dress, stepped on super stiletto heels, a big sunglasses and long golden brown hair, walking beside Junxiu was also full of aura. The agent asked in a low voice: "That is..."

"Jessica from Girls' Generation was there last night, and Jessica is the stylist for his album this time. Didn't you read the Yahoo News report this morning?"

"Yahoo? Are the two of them on the news?" Indeed, the agent didn't watch Yahoo's entertainment news in the morning, because after Mai called him early in the morning, all his thoughts were on the signing at noon today. As for the news, he really didn't have time to watch it.


This morning, the Yahoo Entertainment headline on the Japanese side published a photo of Junsu and Jessica sitting on the street eating skewers. With photos to prove it, this news, of course, is about Junsu and Sika's love. Even what Yahoo said on the news, it turned out that the person in Junxiu's mouth was not Yui Aragaki, nor Taeyeon, but the iceberg princess 'Jessica' of Taeyeon's same group.

After the news came out, many people really believed it. Because Sika's appearance is there, and her status in the circle is not bad, she is a member of Girls' Generation, and she is one of the very popular members, so she is a good match for Junsu in all aspects. .

After the news of Yahoo came out, it was reprinted and reported by Korean media very soon. Junxiu and Sika's love affair just started to heat up on the Internet. In less than an hour, the official came out to refute the rumor. Sika is working for Junsu as a stylist for Junsu's Japanese album in Japan.

Fans all know that Sika has always been keen on fashion, but this time Junxiu's album styling is so big that she actually did it? Fans of course know that Sika is one of the stylists this time, and her official speech, and there are many Kaka fans who are encouraged, but it is impossible to cut off everyone's speculation. photographed.

However, whether it is Sika or Junxiu, have they experienced less news? Especially for Junxiu, he is a little immune to such news. Anyway, he rarely reads the comments from the outside world, so he doesn't feel the excitement on the Internet. Anyway, the scandal will not affect his album sales.


When Junxiu and Sika approached, Mai Shiraishi bowed slightly as a greeting, and his manager stretched out his hand and walked towards Junxiu from a distance: "Junxiu-sang, I didn't expect to meet again."

Junxiu shook hands with his agent and said, "Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's go up first, don't stand here."

"Yes, yes, go up first, go up first."

The manager smirked and led the two upstairs. He couldn't let Junxiu and Jessica be pandas in this crowded Ginza, right?

In Kubei's private room, two sushi chefs held sushi for their group of four. Sika and Mai Shiraishi were both seriously admiring the chef's art. Both of them were very fond of sushi. Mai Shiraishi had never been to such a top sushi restaurant, so she took it extremely seriously.

Junxiu chatted with Mai's agent: "Mayi should tell you, this time there is a chorus song in my music album. Originally, I had a singer in my heart, but in the end they refused. This proposal, so I contacted Mai. I thought that instead of arranging singers from the company, it is better to arrange it myself. Mai and I are also somewhat social, and I am very optimistic about her future, so I thought about this time with her. It’s time to cooperate. How to hype the album after the album depends on your company’s methods. I won’t say all-inclusive of these things, right?”

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