Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 529: Significant power gap

After lunch, Junxiu, Sika, Mai Shiraishi and her agent came to Aihui to sign the contract. The company is actually a little dissatisfied with the fact that Junxiu brought people back to sign the contract, but the dissatisfaction can only be said in the heart. It's true that Junxiu has done a bit too much for the agency. There are so many singers in the company that choose not to choose Sony's artists.

Of course, the managers of Aihui's company know how great the benefits of working with Junsu are, so they feel that this kind of thing should be left to the artists of their own company. But how do you tell Junsu about such a thing? Now that people have brought it, why not say no at this time? Didn't this hit Junxiu in the face? Junxiu is not a small artist to be slaughtered by others.

So when Junxiu went to tell the company about signing a cooperation agreement with idols from other companies, the supervisor here smiled and asked Junxiu: "Well, Junxiu-sang, are you not thinking about it anymore? We also have some inside the company. There are many singers and artists, and there are also very good idols. Do you think you will give this opportunity to the children of your company?"

Junxiu knew that the company would 'intercept' the number of collaborators after learning about this matter, which is why he informed Mai privately last night and brought someone to sign the contract today. Junxiu smiled and began to perfunctory to the people here: "Next time, next time there is a chance. I invited Nogizaka this time because I like their girl group very much."

Junxiu's perfunctory words made it very clear, this is the child I like, and I naturally have to take care of the one I like. Moreover, Junxiu has been in Japan for so many years. There are so many artists and singers in the company, and he only knows them from South Korea. Speaking of how many singers there are in Ai Hui's company, he has only heard their names, and doesn't know any of them.

As for the company's desire to take this opportunity to promote newcomers inside, Junxiu doesn't have such a big heart. You support, it is better for me to support.

Faced with Junxiu's rejection, the company's side was also very embarrassed. Seeing that such an opportunity was left to the people outside the company, he was somewhat unwilling. And Junxiu looked at their embarrassment, he frowned slightly: "My album, whether it is in Korea or in the United States, how I want to make it is up to my heart. Do I have to follow the company's arrangement when I come to Japan? ? If your company wants to meddle in my music, then release the sound source for this album."

Junxiu left this sentence and turned around. The person in charge on the Japanese side hadn't digested Junxiu's words, but Junxiu left angrily. Junxiu walked to the conference room for this album and said to Sika: "Sika, pack your things and go back to China, the album will not be done."

Sika looked at Junxiu with a bewildered expression: "Huh? What's the matter..." Before Sika's words were finished, the person in charge ran over and bowed to Junxiu and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Junsu-sang, we have no intention of interfering with your album production. It's just... according to your wishes, everything is according to your wishes, and the company will actively cooperate. Signing, we will sign immediately."

Of course, the person in charge here knows how much revenue Junxiu's album will bring to the company. If Junxiu leaves at this time, the rest of his albums will be ignored. How big is the loss? To know that the price of the source and the price of the album are not the same thing. So this pot is not something that the person in charge of his album can't bear.

After such a fuss, he obediently brought Mai and her agent to sign a contract. And Junxiu sat in the conference room and said with a smile: "The company here still wants to intervene in my album production. I think too much."

Sika said speechlessly: "Under normal circumstances, I would definitely recommend my own singer to cooperate with you, right? Okay, go to your recording studio, and she will start recording after she signs a contract."


In the afternoon, Mai Shiraishi returned home listlessly after finishing the recording. She threw herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze. The recording went very smoothly, almost only twice. Finally, as she left the studio, she asked, 'Is this all right? ’ However, the answer was simple: ‘Anyway, we have to use sound repair, practice a little more, practice a little less, and all are repaired. ’

Junxiu's original words were really shocking, and even made Mai Shiraishi feel a little unhappy, so she deliberately ended without hurriedly leaving, but stayed and listened to Junxiu's recording. Junxiu sang a section and recorded it at least ten times. Even when he sang for the first time, it was Junxiu's own flawed voice that moved Mai. Therefore, the difference in strength between the two can be heard from the moment Junxiu sings.

She simply had no interest in staying in the studio anymore, and left after listening to the first recording. When she went to say goodbye to Jessica, she saw a room full of clothes and accessories, and she saw a lot of sponsorship from top luxury goods, which made her understand that Junsu's album preparation and their album preparation are completely two concepts. Yes, the level difference is too big.

The preparation required is also differentiated according to such a grade difference, she can be regarded as opening her eyes for a while, the preparation of the world star and the preparation of their little idol.

However, today's Junxiu makes Mai feel a little handsome and a little moved. No wonder Sha Youli is so obsessed with Junxiu. She learned from her manager that Ai Hui wanted to stop the cooperation with her this time. As a result, Junxiu directly said, stop it, then this album will not be made!

This is also the first time that Mai has truly felt the difference between a 'star' and an 'idol'. Now they have no possibility of negotiating conditions with the company, and Junxiu dares to directly give the company a choice. Maybe this is the lesson Junxiu gave them last night~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to negotiate with the company, you must reach a certain level. And she still needs to keep working hard to get to this stage.

Seeing that Junxiu can be so handsome to make the company soft, she also yearns for it. She swears in her heart that she will seize this opportunity and make sure that she will gain more attention. Only such an artist is a human being! !

The three songs of Junsu's mini album are ready. The song is in place, and immediately after the costumes on Sika's side are determined, they will be put into the shooting of the MV.

On this day, Junxiu, Sika, and the stylists all entered overtime mode.

Everything is ready, only clothing, styling. Today's dinner was a simple box lunch at the convenience store, and Sika and Junsu were sitting at their desks eating.

While eating, she said, "I heard what you said on the phone just now and sent it to the company?"

"Oh, it's a bag I designed and made. It has to be airlifted back."

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