Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 567: deny (below)

Yui Aragaki's company has come forward to deny the news of the relationship, and this side has also come forward to deny it. Now even Junxiu has come forward to express dissatisfaction by posting on his own online social media, and he even used some exaggerated ways to express everyone's feelings for him. The attention is a little too much. After the first message was sent, Junsu sent the second SNS message.

"As long as there are women around, it will be presumed to be dating. I'm afraid if this continues, will you say I'm 'coming out' when I meet Ha Dongxun in the future? I also have the freedom to make friends, please don't be gossiped. Public opinion has been kidnapped. Now the baseless reports of gossip magazines have made many artists afraid to go out and meet friends. So please don’t pay too much attention to my private life, I also want to socialize normally, or fall in love!!”

After seeing Junsu's post, Korean fans began to fight back against the media, saying that the media's excessive attention had put a lot of pressure on Junsu. Numerous netizens expressed their support by leaving messages below Junxiu's SNS: "oppa, don't pay attention to the media reports, we support your normal friendship and love, if you are really in love, please announce it. We can understand, because In the blink of an eye, you will soon enter your thirties. And I have grown from a small fan to a mother of a child! I hope you can find your own happiness as soon as possible, whether it is Taeyeon or Yui Aragaki, I am all Support because they are all beautiful!!"

There is also a blogger, a blogger with a large number of fans, who began to express his own opinions: "Please understand Junsu a lot, he is really not easy. He has been out for ten years, and he has never had any negative news. Even the emotional 'gossip' came out of him only two. If you don't have some emotional experience in making music, you can't write good lyrics and music. This time Junxiu's "Eyes, Nose, Mouth" is not a good emotion Is it descriptive? I really like this kind of emotional music, so please fans who like Junsu, and I hope Junsu can make good music, don’t interfere too much with his private life, okay? He’s already 30 what."

The news that appeared today can be said to be deliberately arranged by Junxiu, all he wants is to mess up his 'love speculation'. Today's news reports and the denials from both companies make it harder for everyone to guess who Junsu's true love object is. Because Taeyeon and Yui are both appearing at the same time today, is it possible that the two of them will be removed from Junsu's 'love list' in the next time?

Anyway, normal thinking will definitely go this way. After all, if Junxiu is in love with Taeyeon, then he will definitely avoid the scandal with Yui Aragaki. Because the two of them have also been rumored to be in love many times, so from the normal thinking of women, she can accept Junxiu and Shiraishi Mai's gossip to hype the album, but she will never accept Junxiu's exposure to many times' Yui of love said '.


After getting up in the morning, Junsu and Yui went to the Tokyo office of the sportswear 'Puma' with their manager after having breakfast. The brand will also have a press conference for the signing ceremony today, because their brand is the first sports brand that has created a big name to find celebrity artists to cooperate and endorse, so it needs to be hyped. The news of Junsu and Yui Aragaki's date broke out last night, and there must be a lot of press conferences present.

So when we were on the road, the agent smiled and said to Junxiu: "Originally, the brand has invited a lot of reporters to come to the ceremony today. It seems that many reporters will definitely ask about yesterday's news at the press conference. What do you think? Have you answered?" Junxiu, as an old artist in the circle, can handle the trapping questions of reporters very well, and these are all things that the agency doesn't need to worry about.

Junxiu took the mobile phone and looked at the messages of the netizens in South Korea and also responded to his agent: "The reporters have only asked a few questions in the past, and these have been experienced before, so what needs to be done now? Do your homework beforehand, and you'll just have to see the tricks when the time comes."

"Haha..." The agent smiled and said, "You and Yui have been in love for so many years, haven't you thought about going public?"

The manager on the Japanese side has already dealt with the aftermath of the two of them being photographed many times, so Junsu and Yui's love affair is not a secret to the manager, nor is it a secret to the executives of the Japanese company. It should be said that the agents of both sides are the witnesses of their emotions, right?

"Both of us feel that there is no need to disclose the matter of love to the public. Everyone who should know knows it, and her family members, friends, and others also know it. So, there is really no need to disclose it to the outside world, and we also We don’t want to add to our emotional pressure because of what the outside world says.”

Having been an agent for many years, I have naturally seen many celebrities fall in love with each other. Once the relationship is made public, online remarks, and media reports will be really stressful for both parties in love, so Junxiu's choice is right. Besides, love is not a TV show, you don't need to make it for others to see and comment on.

After saying this, Junxiu put away the phone and looked out the window. The problem of his relationship is always tangled. If Shun Kyu promised to help persuade Taeyeon after coming here this time, he really doesn't know how to open this mouth when he goes back? Feeling guilty and sorry for them, so Junxiu has only one thing in mind, she must be nice to them, she must!

Even if they leave in the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all the faults are caused by him, he has no right to blame any of them.

The car quickly came to the downstairs of the company, Puma's office is in a business building. When Junsu and his manager got out of the car with the signed contract and walked towards the office, a small car drove towards the parking lot. The person in the driver's seat greeted Junxiu's manager.

Junxiu's agent smiled and said to Junxiu, "It's Tonggu Meiling's agent, wait, let's go up together."

Junxiu nodded and asked his agent curiously: "What is the small car that Kiritani Meiling uses for her trip?" Small cars that are very popular in Japanese families are very fuel-efficient and easy to park.

"I don't know either, maybe the company doesn't have a special car for her, right?" The agent shook his head and said.

Tonggu Meiling does not have a special car provided by the company, because her work scope is basically in the metropolitan area, so she usually takes trams or taxis to catch her trip.

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