Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Reduced version of Yui, Kiritani Meiling

Japanese brokerage companies rarely provide artists with cars, unless they are super big brands. And most of the itineraries of Japanese artists are in the Tokyo area, which is similar to South Korea. Most of the TV stations are gathered in Seoul. If there is a local TV station filming, the Japanese artists will arrive at the place before the night before, and their travel mode is usually by high-speed rail.

If the program is filmed on location, the TV station will arrange for the artist to take the TV station's outdoor shooting car. It is such an entertainment culture, Japanese companies generally do not give artists a car. So artists either buy their own cars, or take the agent's private car like Meiling Tonggu is today. Of course, when an artist buys a car, they have to be able to drive, right? Another reason is that Japanese TV dramas rarely have scenes of female protagonists' "driving shots", so not every female artist can drive.

Junxiu and his agent stood at the elevator entrance of the underground garage, waiting for Kiritani Meiling and her agent. Soon Junxiu finally saw this person who looked a lot like Yui Aragaki. The last time I saw her was by accident. At that time, Junsu really felt that she really wanted to Yui. Today, I finally got a positive appreciation of this beautiful woman who is ranked eighth in the world. Junxiu thinks her eyes are very similar to Yui, and both of them are big and bright.

However, Yui is much taller in terms of height, but Kiritani Meiling is really super thin. Sensually, she looks much thinner than Yoona. When she appeared in front of Junxiu at this time, she was wearing a short-sleeved dress with her coat slung over her hand. And her exposed arm, wow... it's just a toothpick arm, toothpick arm, even smaller than Yoona's arm, skinny, this word perfectly describes her arm image.

When she saw Junxiu, Meiling Tonggu, who was still far away, opened her mouth and greeted him with a smile. After walking in front of Junxiu, she bowed and greeted Junxiu: "Hello, Senior Junxiu, this is the first time. Meet me, I'm actress Kiritani Meiling."

Junxiu also used Japanese bowing etiquette to return a standard greeting to Tonggu Meiling: "Hello, Tonggu Meiling-sang, I am Junxiu, nice to meet you."

"I'm also very happy to meet you. Senior, I'm your fan, can I shake hands with you?" Kiritani Meiling cautiously extended her hand, Junxiu simply shook hands with her and said with a smile : "Actually, I saw you once before."

"Huh? I've seen it?" Tonggu Meiling never had the impression of meeting Junxiu, so she tilted her head and said cutely: "Have you seen it? I'm sorry, I have no impression."

Junxiu said with a smile: "Of course you have no impression. Because I was in the TV station's garage, I saw you and your agent passing by my car by chance, I didn't greet you, I just thought this girl's super kawaii Iraq's."

Facing Junxiu's sudden 'sultry' words, Kiritani Meiling could only smile awkwardly, because her personality is not extroverted, so she doesn't know what to do except with a smile, so she can't flirt with Junxiu ? They don't know each other after all!

The agent next to Junxiu looked at Tonggu Meiling's embarrassment, and he immediately said, "Let's go to work together first, Junxiu still has a song schedule in the afternoon."


Puma, Japan's office, the office is not very large, and there are not 100 people in each department. After all, the company's headquarters is in Germany, and the office naturally does not need too many people. After entering the company, Junxiu and his party were first brought into the conference room, and then Junxiu and Tonggu Meiling stayed in the conference room. The two managers followed the staff out of the conference room, because they had to The signed documents are delivered to them.

There were only Junxiu and Kiritani Meiling in the quiet conference room. The company probably closed all the shutters in the conference room out of good intentions, so at this time there were only two people sitting opposite each other in the entire conference room. Maybe it was because the atmosphere was a bit awkward when the front was downstairs. After the agent left, Kiritani Meiling's eyes never moved to Junxiu once. After she looked around, she lowered her head and didn't know what she was doing.

It might be rude to say that at this time, in the conference room again, he took out his mobile phone to play. That's why Kiritani Meiling prefers to keep her head down and do nothing, and she doesn't rudely swipe her phone. But Junxiu didn't shy away from looking at Tonggu Meiling, this shy appearance is really cute.

I don't know if Junxiu was washed away by the chattering people of Girls' Generation, so when I saw such a shy person, I immediately felt that she was very special. Junxiu didn't give birth to the kind of "special feeling" between men and women.

It's just a special kind of thing and there are no other factors in it. It may also be that Junxiu has a subconscious, and that subconscious is very clear that the two of them are just a chance cooperation this time, and there will be no way to have too much communication in the future, so he She looked at Kiritani Meiling with a look of admiration for beauty.

But she kept her head down out of embarrassment and shyness, and Junxiu couldn't see her beauty anymore, so Junxiu took it out of her pocket... Then Junxiu started to talk actively: "Tonggu Meiling, you have a thousand on you. block?"

Junxiu looked at her with her handbag, so there must be a wallet inside, so Junxiu asked. Tonggu Meiling looked at Junxiu in surprise, because she didn't know why Junxiu asked for a thousand yuan: "Huh? A thousand yuan?"

With a little strangeness and curiosity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she took out a thousand-dollar bill from her bag and gave it to Junxiu. Junxiu took a thousand dollars and rolled up the sleeve of his suit jacket and said, "See clearly, a thousand dollars, fold it in half, fold it in half again... fold it into a small square... and let it rub on my arm... .Hey, it's torn~ I'm sorry."

Junxiu handed the two small squares folded in half to Kiritani Meiling. She really thought Junxiu had torn it up, so she took the small squares folded in half and took a look. There were actually two complete pieces of a thousand pieces. .

Of course, Tonggu Meiling knew that the two thousand dollars that appeared on the table must have been hidden in advance, but she had been paying attention to the one thousand dollars that Junxiu was holding. When did he take out the other one? How about a thousand dollars? Very curious little magic.

She widened her eyes and ran back and forth between the two thousand yuan and Junxiu in surprise. She really wanted to ask Junxiu how he did it, but because she didn't know him well, she didn't know how to speak.

Junxiu looked at her and smiled and said, "I really want to know how I changed it?"

Tonggu Meiling nodded, Junxiu said with a smile, "Let's go back and think about it during this time, and tell you when we meet next time."

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