Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 575: ask for help (on)

Junxiu's contract amount was exposed so accurately this time, it would be impossible to say that there was no brand behind it, otherwise, it would not have been so accurate to say the 200 million yen contract fee, and it was no more or no less. Moreover, the media did not use speculative words such as 'maybe' and 'maybe' when reporting the signing fee, but insisted that Junxiu's signing fee was '200 million' yen!

As the agent said, the brand also needs the heat of the news, because the title in front of their exposure of Junxiu's signing money will carry the brand company 'Puma'. 200 million signed artists, and 200 million to hype the brand popularity, it is cost-effective for them. Such a big company spends 200 million yen to hype the brand's popularity in the whole of Asia, it must be cost-effective, and it is super cost-effective!

The agent quickly contacted the brand and the company, and soon both parties issued a statement: "The signing fee reported in the news is just a speculative figure, please don't be misled by the news."

Of course, after this statement comes out, no media will reprint it, because what the media needs is the click-through rate. Therefore, unless Junxiu's die-hard fans will read the statement issued by Puma's official website and Aihui's official website, the general public is very busy at work all day, and there is no extra time to pay attention to any statement. After talking, they don't care about their affairs without making a statement. Besides, ‘Junsu’s 200 million yen contract fee is a good thing to talk about drinking at night. ’

So Junxiu came home with a depressed expression on her face, and when Yui greeted her at the entrance, she looked at Junxiu's 'dead fish' expression, and she suddenly laughed: "Hey, what expression? Could it be that? You said you went to dinner and ate your wallet?"

"The wallet didn't fall out, but the money in the wallet fell out. For the 200 million yen, is the bath water ready?"

With a smile, Yui took over the formal suit that Junxiu was carrying, which was not a sponsored product but his own. She took Junxiu's suit and entered the living room together: "Hahaha.. 200 million, can you move it back? The bath water has been put away. Come on, don't be angry, these news are all time-sensitive News, you will be forgotten when the new one comes out in two days. My signing fee is also marked out, anyway, the media will report two pieces of such news every year. In the first half of the year, you will be paid for your film, and you will be liquidated for one year at the end of the year. How much did you earn?"

Junxiu reluctantly shook his head and walked towards the bathroom: "Hey.. The media are full now. I'm going to take a shower and chat for a while. The weather is getting bigger and bigger, and Tokyo is much hotter than Seoul."

"Well, you go, I'll rub your back in a while."


The weather is getting hotter day by day. After taking a shower, Junxiu and Yui are sitting on the terrace at home watching the city neon in the distance and drinking a cold beer. The skewers that Junxiu packed are already cold, and the two still eat it. It's delicious. Junxiu said with some regret: "It's really inconvenient to have no takeout in Tokyo. This time in Seoul is the most prosperous time for takeout, fried chicken, pork trotters, Chinese cuisine, sashimi, whatever you want. Seoul is less than Tokyo. Maybe it's an affair."

Tokyo nights are more intoxicating than Seoul, and there are many 'service industries' here, so it's easier to get lost.

When Yui listened to Junxiu's "Aventure", she rolled her eyes unhappily, but she did not deny that there were indeed many Aventures in Tokyo. But how can there not be many first-tier cities in the world? Of course, you have a lot of money, and the chance of this affair is 100%. The second is your appearance. Your appearance is relatively straight.. Well, whether it is appearance or money, both Either way, in which city there is an affair.

Just as Junxiu was talking about the affair, the mobile phone he put on the table made a message of 'kakao', Junxiu picked up the phone and looked at the person who received the letter, it was actually Jun Hyebin whom he met at dinner earlier. Junxiu didn't know why she was sending him a message at this time, he tilted his head with a little doubt, and then read the message.

"Junxiu, do you have time? I want to talk to you about something."

"Oh, my number is XXX.." Since there was something to talk about, Junsu sent her number to Jun Hyebin.

After replying to the message, Yui was about to ask, when Junxiu's phone rang, and he picked up the phone: "Senior, it's so late, what do you want to talk about?"

The pronunciation of "senior" is actually similar in China, Japan and Korea. Yui originally wanted to ask who it was, but when Junxiu called out, "Senior," she waited until Junxiu's call was over.

"I'm sorry, I've delayed your work." Jun Hyebin knew that Junsu released a music album in Japan, and she thought that Junsu was still busy at this time.

"No, I've finished going home. Is there anything I can help with?"

"Well... I want to ask you for help with something. It's not easy to talk on the phone. Why don't we make an appointment to meet and talk?"

Because it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, it was a bit strange to go out, so Junxiu asked back, "Oh?

"Well, it's because we have something to ask you for help. The agency she signed now... It has not been settled for her for a year. In the second half of the Japanese drama she performed this time, even the agent They all ran away. In the end, the TV station also bypassed the company and directly paid her personal settlement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But her performance contract was signed by the agency, and now it is more troublesome. So I thought Let's see if I can ask you for help, can we talk about the specific situation in person?"

"You're looking for me now.."

Junxiu also knows that when many artists in the circle have conflicts with the agency, the company will hold on to the artist's money. Liu Zaishi still has hundreds of millions of salary that he has not received from the previous company. After signing Liu Zaishi, he will be responsible for helping him deal with these judicial issues.

But now, Jeon Hye-bin only said 'help' on the phone, and it is impossible to help, because such a lawsuit is very time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive. First of all, she Wu Yanshu is not an artist of Junsu Company, nor is she a great **** like Liu Zaishi. How did Junxiu "help" and why did he "help", even if she promised to accompany him to sleep, Junxiu felt that this business was a loss.

So even if you want Junsu to help, at least you have to come up with an offer of help that Junsu cannot refuse. Even if you say you want to join Junxiu's company, you have to talk about whether the company can get good benefits after doing this for you?

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