Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 576: ask for help (middle)

Just a word of help from Quan Hyebin's phone, this 'busy' can't be helped. Although Wu Yanshu recently acted as the female lead in a Japanese drama, the company has to judge the value of the artist itself, right? This kind of thing cannot be solved with 'friendship'. The company is a place to talk about interests.

You said that you are a little famous now, but so many Korean brokerage companies specializing in actors have not come forward to take over this business? Why did Jun Hyebin ask Junsu in the form of 'help'? So what is certain is that Wu Yanshu has found some companies, but those companies feel that her matter is more valuable than her person, or it is troublesome, so they simply do not accept the recruitment.

But without the contact work of the agency, Wu Yanshu can't go to the TV station every day to recommend herself? Besides, an actress like her who has just emerged a little famous, how much does it cost to shoot a TV series, of course, the bigger thing is the advertising revenue. But without the company, how can the manufacturer inquire about her private number? Besides, there are many choices of artists in the market, and it is not necessary for the manufacturer to have her Wu Yanshu.

There are many artists who can replace her in the entertainment industry, but she is now caught in a trilemma, staying in the original company can't get money, and no other company is willing to accept the recruitment, if she decides to go out on her own and meet those Compared with brokerage companies, they have lost their market competitiveness. She's just stuck there, unable to move.

She came out this time just to relax her mind. She personally has nothing to do, but Jeon Hyebin has nothing to do either. There are no big bosses around her that she is familiar with. Even if she can contact the boss of the brokerage company, they have to see if it is worth it. So the two of them were drinking in the tavern today, and Junxiu appeared after drinking and drinking.

Junsu, he is the boss of the company himself, and their JS entertainment is very integrated. With the existence of the branch of 'CC', they have become the first-tier brokerage company in Korea. The artist's strength is top-notch, the company's strength is top-notch, and in terms of background, isn't there an old Jianghu Li Xiuman? So Junsu's appearance was like turning on a light, so when he left, Jun Hyebin asked for Junsu's kakao!

At that time, it was because Junxiu was accompanied by an agent, and they didn't know if Junxiu would have other plans in the future. So after they returned to the hotel, they had a good discussion, and sent Junxiu this news with the mentality of giving it a try.

Now facing Junsu's direct question, "What do you mean by looking for me now.."

They just put the situation in capital letters, but some things have to be pointed out, right? So Jeon Hye Bin replied, "That's right, we're busy Wu Yanshu who wants to join your company, JS Entertainment. So, can you find time to talk face-to-face about some things?"

"Is that so.. Where do you live? Where can I go?"

"We live on the side of Tokyo Tower. You can see where it is convenient to go. We are not familiar with Tokyo."

Junxiu covered the microphone and turned to look at Yuyi: "Yuyi, do you know that it's still open at this time, and it's a quiet restaurant with private rooms?"

"There are quite a few in Nishizabu."

Then Junxiu said to them, "Well, wait for me at the entrance of the subway station in Nishi-Azabu. I'll be out there right away."

After agreeing on the place, Junxiu said to Yui, "You can also go together."

"Your senior in Korea? It's inconvenient for me to go there. I don't understand what you guys are talking about."

"It's okay, just introduce you to get to know me. They encountered some troubles with the agency, so we discussed what to do in the past. If we talk well, they may want to join my company, oh, the other party is a guy who just starred in Morning The female lead in the drama."

Hearing that Junxiu wanted to introduce a Korean artist to her, although she would sit there in a daze because of the language barrier after she went there, it was an external statement, which alone made Yui very satisfied.


Sitting in the taxi, Yui whispered to Junxiu, "Yesterday the two of us made headlines, and today..."

"What does it matter? Anyway, the media likes to write it, so let them write it. We can't stop those things. Besides, it's not possible that only the two of us were photographed today, but four of us. Besides me, all of them It's a woman, I want to see how they make up stories?"

Soon Junxiu and Yui arrived at the agreed place to get off the bus. After he got off the bus, he saw the two people standing at the entrance of the subway station. Junxiu smiled and walked towards them with Yuyi. When Jun Hyebin looked at Junxiu with a woman, she was surprised for two seconds and then returned to her natural state. Junxiu is also human, so can't he fall in love?

Junxiu and Yui both wore hats, so they didn't see who the woman was next to Junxiu when they were far away, until they got closer and listened to Junxiu's introduction: "Senior, wait for a long time. This is me. girlfriend, Japanese actor Yui Aragaki."

After bowing to the two of them, Yui introduced herself in unfamiliar Korean: "Hello, I'm Yui Aragaki, please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

Yui Aragaki, the name is too loud, because it is not only in the past two days that there has been a lot of news that Junxiu and her are in love. Although both companies have denied this fact for a long time, Junxiu personally brought it out and introduced them to their lives.

"Hello, Yui Aragaki, I'm Jun Hyebin, you speak Korean very well, did Junsu teach you?"

However, Jeon Hyebin's response~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Yui understood her self-introduction, she heard the words 'Korean' and 'Junsu' that she could understand, and she guessed it: "I don't know. ,Won't."

Junxiu smiled and said to the two of them, "She doesn't speak Korean, just like when we came to Japan, she can only introduce herself. Let's find a place to sit and talk."

The group of four set off towards the restaurant. There are indeed many restaurants in Nishi-Azabu at night, and many of them have private rooms. The four of them randomly chose a restaurant and went in to ask for a private room.

In the private room, the four of them ordered a sukiyaki, and ordered some fried food and wine, and the four of them sat down like this.

This is also the first time the two of them have looked at Yui Aragaki up close, and Yui always has a sweet smile on her face, which makes them feel very comfortable, and they finally understand why Junxiu likes it Dressed up.

Because she is really beautiful when she smiles, and an inexplicable sense of healing blooms in her smile..

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