Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Yanjing welcomes you (3)

The night passed, and early in the morning, the high-rise hotel welcomed the first ray of sunshine in the capital today, and the light directly penetrated the floor-to-ceiling windows and came to the beds of the two of them. Last night, after the two of them arrived at the hotel, it was two o'clock in the night. After packing their luggage in the room for a while, they were delayed for a while, waiting for the two of them to take a bath and lay on the hotel bed. It was three o'clock. So the two of them didn't finish any 'homework' last night, and they fell asleep hugging each other not long after they got on the bed.

The sunshine in summer is always so bright. At seven o'clock in the capital, the sun hangs high and illuminates the whole city. When the two of them slept last night, maybe it was because of the darkness of the sky that they both forgot to draw the curtains, so after the day was bright, the light penetrated into the bedroom, and Junxiu was pierced by the sun and woke up. Opening his eyes, Junxiu stretched out his hand in front of the dazzling sunlight, and walked out of the living room staggeringly. After closing the curtains, he sat on the sofa in the living room as if he was absent-minded. , Junxiu actually fell on the sofa.

In fact, the movement of Junsu getting up had already caused Taeyeon beside him to wake up. She thought that Junsu would go back to the bed and sleep for a while after pulling the curtains. As a result, Taeyeon did not see Junsu returning to the bedroom for five minutes. She just got up and walked out to the living room, and when she saw Junxiu actually fell asleep on the sofa, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Junsu has been busy running promotions in Japan for more than a month, and Taeyeon has been resting comfortably at home for a month. After taking care of her body and mind, Taeyeon also gave up the habit of sleeping late. Although she won't go to any gym after getting up early, she still sticks to the habit of getting up early. Looking at Junsu lying on the sofa, Taeyeon smiled and went to the bathroom to get a towel and put it on Junsu before going to wash.

After Taeyeon finished taking a shower, she put on light makeup, which took about half an hour. When she was ready, Taeyeon came to the sofa where Junsu was lying. She squatted in front of him, twisted her hair, and brushed Junsu's nose with the tip of her hair. Junxiu woke up in two moments under Taeyeon's funny behavior.

When Junsu opened his eyes and saw Taeyeon with a smiling face in front of him, he rubbed his eyes and said, "Why did you wake up earlier than me? Couldn't you be so excited that you couldn't sleep?"

When I was a child, I was very excited when I was traveling or something, and I usually woke up early in the morning.

Taeyeon smiled and held up Junxiu's face and kissed the corner of his mouth, "Well, I'm so excited that I can't sleep."

There is excitement, because this is the first time she and Junsu have traveled overseas. Although Huaxia is not very far from South Korea, it has a different meaning for Taeyeon. The excitement and anticipation of the first trip were inevitable, so Taeyeon felt an inexplicable excitement after dawn.

Under Taeyeon's kiss, Junxiu sat up from the sofa, he also held Taeyeon's beautiful childish face and gently pecked her mouth twice: "I'm going to wash, five points, no Ten, go to the bathroom. Have you brought everything?"

Women are always a bit complicated when they go out, and they must need more things than men, so Junsu asked Taeyeon if she had packed up?

Taeyeon looked at Junxiu's back as she went to the bathroom, and she happily agreed: "Well, it's ready, I'll wait for you to go downstairs for breakfast."

"Not at the hotel, let's go out to eat, how about eating Yanjing fried noodles?"

Jajangmyeon, this thing is not unfamiliar to Koreans, and they also know that Jajangmyeon is a Chinese dish. But basically, people who travel to Huaxia never think of going to eat authentic Chinese fried sauce noodles. It is also possible that Koreans can't find a place to eat, right? After all, fried noodles is only available in specialized noodle shops, and there are really few restaurants that specialize in noodles.

Taeyeon looked at Junxiu in surprise and said, "Oh, have you made a plan yet?"

"Of course. I specifically asked Bai Zhongyuan about 'jajang noodles'." Junxiu entered the bathroom after saying this.


Junsu got dressed and came out of the bedroom. Taeyeon looked at Junsu's white T-shirt of the "Champion" brand and smiled, "I thought you, the spokesperson, would wear what brand of clothes, but it turned out?"

The brand is the most popular sportswear brand in Japan and the United States. Its brand positioning is the general public, without any luxury at all. However, rap singers in the United States prefer this brand, but basically not many people wear it. To put it nicely, the current positioning of the brand is to feel like a cotton pajamas, basically the kind of casual wear you wear at home.

Why does Taeyeon say this, because Junsu's dress has always belonged to Korea's fashion vane, and even his usual clothes have attracted the attention of the fashion industry. So if he wears clothes on weekdays, as long as it involves going out, he will definitely pay more attention, but when he arrives in Huaxia, he doesn't have any dressing up?

A simple white champion T-shirt, black slacks, and a pair of Puma espadrilles he wore back from the set. Taeyeon smiled when she saw Junsu's outfit. This is the first time to see Junsu so careless when he goes out? Is it really overseas, so I don't care about star image?

Junxiu looked at his clothes and smiled: "I bought them in Tokyo. UU reading www.uukanshu.comSale, buy one get one free. This is called being hidden in the city. If I wear such ordinary clothes, I can walk on the street. No one will give me a second look. That's fine, let's go and eat jjajang noodles. Oh, yes.."

After Junxiu finished speaking, he ran back to the bedroom. He carried his backpack and came out: "After a while, you will take the bag. If you are tired, put it in my bag. Also, here is your choice." She took out three 'Chanel's sunglasses boxes' in her bag and put them in front of Taeyeon: "The sponsorship they sent for this MV shoot, they said they didn't need to return it."

Taeyeon took out her sunglasses from her bag and put them aside, then picked up Junsu's sponsorship and randomly chose two and put them in her bag: "Just these two."

After everything was done, the two of them went out. The temperature outside the hotel early in the morning made Taeyeon stop: "It's so hot?"

"I checked the temperature, it's 35 degrees." Junxiu said, taking out a parasol from her bag and holding it up: "Here, don't get tan."

Taeyeon took the umbrella and looked up at Junsu: "Would you like to walk?" Because after leaving the hotel, there was no taxi.

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