Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 603: Yanjing welcomes you (4)

Summer in Yanjing is extraordinarily hot, even hotter than Seoul. Junsu and Taeyeon just walked under the scorching sun towards the place to eat, yes, they were walking! Because after the two got off the hotel, they turned to the main road and saw 'Long Long' Junxiu said with a smile: "When we took a taxi over yesterday, the driver gave me advice. Don't take the bus during the morning rush hour in Yanjing. Take the subway. The car blocks people, and the subway squeezes people to death.”

Taeyeon may not know much about the subway in Yanjing, but Junxiu told her that the Tokyo subway is rushing in the morning, and she understood it instantly. Because Tokyo's morning rush hour is very famous all over the world, when people can't squeeze in, the station attendants use pushers in the back.

Taeyeon strolled through the streets of the capital with her parasol under her umbrella. The hot weather was really uncomfortable. She pouted and said, "Tomorrow, we don't want to get up so early. We must miss the morning rush hour, which is a bit of a pain."

Junxiu smiled and bent over and got into Taeyeon's parasol and put his arms around her shoulder: "You're not fat, so you shouldn't be afraid of the heat? It's rare for us to have the opportunity to walk like this on the street, which is completely unheard of in Korea. Unimaginable things."

It's normal for fat people to be afraid of heat. But Taeyeon is also afraid of heat, which makes Junsu laugh. In fact, for idols who are accustomed to cold, heat does make them more annoying. First of all, because the weather is hot, there will be an inexplicable feeling of irritability in my heart. The second is that the weather is hot, it is easy to sweat, and then the makeup is easy to spend. It is only in the past two years that some waterproof makeup has been introduced. Before, they could feel the kind of 'tiredness' after the makeup mixed with sweat.

Therefore, the psychological shadow that summer brings to them is relatively heavy, which is the main reason why Girls' Generation rarely has works that return in summer. If it's a singer, it's fine, just stand on the stage and sing quietly. But they are idols. They sing and dance at the same time. The sweat in summer can be imagined.

Listening to Junxiu's teasing, Taeyeon squinted at Junxiu: "Wow, I really don't like summer."

After saying this, she slightly raised the umbrella in her hand and looked up at the scorching sun hanging in the sky. Not to mention the irritating temperature in summer, just sweating after shopping can make people very uncomfortable, so this season is a period of extremely distinct likes and dislikes.

People who like summer are mostly people who like water sports. And Taeyeon is a person who basically can't exercise, so for her in summer, she is just playing with water at home and eating some iced watermelon. As for playing in the street today, let's forget it, it's much more comfortable to blow air-conditioning at home than to go out on the street.

Junsu smiled and didn't respond to Taeyeon's disgust for Summer. He quietly walked down the street with her. The cars on the highway lined up, and the people who went to work around were wearing shirts and holding jackets in their hands, rushing to go to work. I don't know if it's because of the summer, but the passersby around seemed to be in a hurry. Only the two of them walked slowly.

After walking for a while, Junxiu said with a smile: "It feels similar to Seoul, everyone is very busy."

When Taeyeon heard Junxiu's words, she gave him a roll of eyes, "oppa, are you dizzy? In the morning rush hour, any first-tier city around the world is busy, okay? You're past ten o'clock, you Look, the road is much quieter."

"I don't see it. We went to the Forbidden City at about ten o'clock. It is a tourist destination, and there are as many people. I have seen the scene of the Forbidden City and the Great Wall on the Chinese National Day. You can't imagine it. Hehe..."

"I'm hungry, how far is it?"

"Come on, ten minutes."

Junxiu said ten minutes, but the two walked for more than 20 minutes before they came to the restaurant. The restaurant in the morning was already air-conditioned. When the two came to the door of the restaurant, they saw the second shopkeeper standing at the door to pick up customers. When the two opened the door, the second shopkeeper began to shout. This made Taeyeon's eyes light up, she put away her umbrella and followed Junsu into the noisy breakfast shop.

The two entered the breakfast shop, and the hall was decorated in a typical Beijing style with antiques. The shop that entered the eyes of the two of them was already full of people. The voice of the second shopkeeper in the hall kept shouting, and even Junxiu heard the most classic hawking sound. In this store, you can instantly travel back to the Qing Dynasty. The only difference is that the customers who dine in the store are dressed in modern clothes.

Finally, she was a little surprised. Taeyeon pulled Junxiu's T-shirt with a smile on her lips, and Junxiu bent down slightly to listen to her: "oppa, does this look like a scene from a Chinese movie you usually watch?"

Junxiu nodded and said, "Well, the decoration and the way of selling in the store are all antique, which is very friendly to Chinese people. Look, this candied fruit is 100% something that appears in ancient Chinese movies. "

Both of them entered this noisy noodle shop with a sense of surprise. After they sat down and ordered, Junxiu ordered two noodles with fried sauce and two bowls of white fungus soup. After ordering, the two kept looking around, listening to the lively Chinese, watching the lively dining environment, and finally had a sense of travel. Because from the hotel, on the way to the meal, I feel that it is not much different from the Gang/Nam Street in Seoul~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It may be that there are more high-rise buildings.

The morning rush hour in Seoul is just as crowded, the salaried workers at work are just as busy, and the skin color of China and South Korea is the same, so there is not much realism in terms of visual sense. It was not until the two of them sat in the restaurant, listening to foreign languages, and watching the dining atmosphere that was completely different from Korea, that they had a sense of travel. The heat of the summer was also a lot under the cold air in the store, and Taeyeon finally had a travel smile on her face.

The jjajang noodles are on the table. Yanjing's old-fashioned jjajang noodles and Korean improved Chinese jjajang noodles are completely different concepts. Although 'sweet noodle sauce' is used, the recipes are two different ways. Yanjing's fried sauce noodles is a bowl of noodles surrounded by a variety of vegetables, cucumbers, bean sprouts, and green onions have eight varieties of different colors.

Taeyeon looked at the fried noodles in front of her and said in surprise, "It's totally different, totally."

"Well, it's very different." Junxiu nodded, then picked up the chopsticks and dipped some meat sauce to taste it: "Well, it's similar to the Korean one, but the spring sauce is slightly more salty. It feels pretty good." After speaking, Junxiu began to put these dishes into bowls according to the format of Jeonju bibimbap. The colorful appearance is really similar to the Jeonju bibimbap in Taeyeon's hometown.

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