Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 614: Chinese cuisine

After Li Zhien arrived, the four did not sit in the cafe for a long time, and moved to the restaurant. During lunch time, Junxiu ordered the familiar Chinese restaurant "Mulan". The business at noon was a bit worse than the business at night. Chef Li Lianfu greeted Junxiu with a smile. He took the four of them into the restaurant and chatted with Junxiu with a smile: "Did you eat anything delicious in Huaxia this time?"

Junxiu went to Huaxia? Even Li Zhien didn't know about this, they always thought Junsu was in Japan. Unexpectedly, the chef's news is more well-informed than them?

Junxiu smiled and nodded: "Well, after staying in Yanjing for a few days, I went to Shudu again. This time I spent more than half a month in Huaxia before I discovered a truth. Traveling inland like this is really a summer. It's a very bad season. Going out every day during the day is super hot like taking a sauna. Yanjing is much hotter than Seoul, let alone Shudu. However, Sichuan cuisine is really what I think is the most suitable for Korean tastes Chinese cuisine. Spicy and fragrant. Say hello to the waiter before cooking and order less peppercorns. Wow.. Really delicious, especially the Sichuan Dan Dan noodles. I personally think it is better than the fried sauce noodles.”

Li Lianfu said with a smile: "Dandan noodles, we can also make them. It's just that not many people know about dandan noodles in Korea. Usually, everyone only knows about fried noodles and sweet and sour pork. Ji Eun xi, this time you starred in a TV series. , my wife likes it very much."

Li Zhien came to this Chinese restaurant for a long time because of Junxiu's relationship. Under the influence of Junxiu, she learned that Chinese cuisine is not just fried noodles and sweet and sour pork in everyone's eyes. She knows the breadth and depth of Chinese cuisine. It's just that for her, eating a meal prepared by Master Li Lianfu is more expensive than eating a Korean beef barbecue.

Zhi En nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you, Master Li Lianfu. The TV series is over, and the teacher invited me over to eat delicious food. Last time I was reluctant to order the eight treasures dishes, so I will come first."

Li Zhien made the master laugh. The seafood Babao dish is currently the most expensive dish on the Chinese food price list because it uses eight top-quality seafood.

Junxiu smiled and shook his head and said, "Mr. Li Lianfu, look at it, just follow the 500,000 meal standard." The price of 500,000 won for four people is already very good. That is because Korean ingredients are relatively expensive. If it is 3,000 yuan in Huaxia, you really have to eat a very rich table.

When Li Lianfu went out to prepare the dishes, Park Hanxing, who was sitting next to him, said, "This is the first time I have eaten the price of '500,000' on Chinese food, which is more expensive than Western food."

Li Zhien said with a smile: "You don't know Chinese food. When you really understand Chinese food, you will know that 500,000 cooking costs are not expensive. For example, wild matsutake mushrooms are 300,000 won and half a catty. A serving of Matsutake Korean beef Soup is more than 100,000 servings, Buddha Jumps over the Wall is more than 100,000, and so are Babao dishes. In fact, hundreds of thousands of dishes are rarely ordered in Chinese cuisine, and they are too expensive. Last time my teacher and I When I came here, I ate the dish of 'mullet roe' which was also very expensive. It is said that a pound of mullet roe is close to one million."

Junxiu nodded and said: "Some of the ingredients are expensive, so the price of the dishes is expensive. This time I went to Sichuan, China, and ate a tofu in the hotel, and it cost 35,000 won. Later, I didn't know why I asked the waiter why Is tofu so expensive? She told me, this is not tofu, but chicken. It's just that the chef keeps stirring the chicken until it becomes the shape and texture of tofu. This dish is a Chinese state banquet dish called chickpea flower. Eat it It is a top-level cooking skill, and it can no longer be regarded as the category of daily cooking. There is also a dish called Wensi Tofu, which is cut into hair strands and mixed with crab roe. This kind of cooking can only be described as ingenious, and the taste There is nothing to say. Huaxia cuisine is really not the fried noodles, sweet and sour pork in the eyes of Koreans. Huaxia alone has tens of thousands of kinds of pasta, and a person can’t eat them all in a lifetime.”

Listening to the teacher and apprentice sitting in the restaurant chatting about food, Liu Renna laughed: "Every time the two of you sit down and start talking about food, I wonder if Ji Eun's 'bulimia' is because of you, the master. just came about?"

I don't know if Li Zhien is a problem caused by excessive weight loss or a problem caused by too much pressure from the outside world. In short, she has not recovered from 'bulimia' so far, so she only eats one meal a day, and she can eat very well. . The doctor's instruction was to let her chew slowly one bite at a time, chewing the food completely before swallowing, which also made Zhien take a longer time to eat.

It's fine on weekdays, but if I'm shooting a TV series, I'll suffer a little when I'm running for publicity.

After Liu Renna's words fell, Junxiu's eyes became gentle. He looked at Li Zhien sitting beside him and asked softly, "Are you still using drugs to restrain yourself recently?"

Li Zhien nodded and said, "Taking some medicine can reduce appetite, so it will be easier to restrain, but it is more difficult at night, and I can feel the smell of ramen wafting everywhere."

"Well, find a quiet place to move there. I don't know if there is any land around me. You can ask."

"Mother seems to be inquiring about the land over Gwacheon recently."

"Moving to a quiet environment will definitely be good for you to recuperate your body. If you want to buy a land, buy a bigger one. Gwacheon will definitely have to be developed in two years, and the price of the suburbs in Seoul will follow. Of course, the increase will not be higher. It may be compared to Seoul, but it’s no problem to wait three to five years to double it.”

Everyone knows that Seoul's development has been overdone in recent years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The construction center has also begun to develop towards cities near Seoul, such as Ilsan, which is an hour away from Seoul, but it is not far from moving to Seoul. The TV station in Mapo-gu is just around the corner. Mapo District will definitely be very luxurious in the future. If you have money to invest in Mapo District, it is not bad. However, the house prices there are also increasing rapidly every day.

Liu Renna tilted her head and said, "It may only be doubled in three to five years. This investment is not very cost-effective, right?"

Junxiu said with a smile: "But it belongs to fixed assets, and buying real estate is not a stock investment. A skyrocketing price may increase tenfold tomorrow. It's like my land in Jiang/Nan District, it's almost 20 years, no. Has it only turned around six times? Money, it’s useless to hold this thing in your hand to eat the bank’s interest. For stability, invest in real estate or funds, although that thing won’t increase as much as the right stock, but Not to mention that it will suffer. Not every artist has the vision of Senior Ha Ji Won!"

Ha Ji Won is a 'stock god' in the artist circle. The stocks she bought have basically gone up, and they have gone up a lot! The same stocks are also risky!

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