Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 615: Master and apprentice? couple?

Such gatherings, for them, are actually just a friendship connection between friends. Let's have a meal together and chat for a while, so as not to let each other's busyness alienate the rare friendship network that has been established. After all, the network of people in this circle also needs to be accumulated. So Junxiu also participated cheekily in the face of their party this time.

For Junxiu, this gathering was quite rewarding, because she met Park Hanxing, a senior in love, and Junxiu got some useful information from her emotional experience. It was a good party. While eating a sumptuous lunch, Junxiu and Li Zhien had a chat. The two masters and apprentices chatted about difficulties encountered during the filming of the TV series, and also about things in life.

Work, life, the two sat at the dining table and kept talking, while Liu Renna and Park Hanxing sat next to them and watched the chat between the master and the apprentice. The content of the chat between the two included Junxiu's care and love for Li Zhien, as well as some of Li Zhien's concern and care for Junxiu. As Yoo In Na joked before, the two of them are not like masters and apprentices, they are like lovers with very compatible souls.

After dinner, everyone sat in the private room and rested. Junxiu was smoking a cigarette after dinner, and Li Zhien gave him a look and said in a voice of his girlfriend: "Didn't you say you want to quit smoking? Why haven't I seen you quit until now? And this is a private room, you smoke alone, We all follow passive smoking, you really don't pay attention at all?"

Liu Renna smiled and watched Li Zhien teach her teacher. Of course, Li Zhien's starting point was to care about Junsu's health, which Junsu couldn't refute at all. And Park Hanxing smiled and waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, after all, in this circle, there are many people who smoke. Especially during the filming of TV dramas and working overtime, more people smoke, and many female writers smoke. In the beginning, the female writers wanted to be less sleepy in this overtime working environment, and they became addicted to smoking.

Junxiu responded with a smile to Li Zhien's lesson: "Quitting smoking is a step-by-step process. It's like losing weight. If you talk about losing weight today, it's impossible to lose ten pounds tomorrow, right? You will quit, and you will definitely quit. of."

Just as Junxiu's voice fell, the phone in his pocket rang. The phone seldom rings when I don't come back, and the phone starts coming in as soon as I come back. Junxiu took out the phone and looked at the incoming call 'Yooner'. He picked it up: "What?"

In the quiet private room, they all heard the female voice from the receiver: "What are you doing?"

"What's wrong with eating with Zhien outside?"

"Oh, I also said to go to the mountains to play. Aren't you going back in the afternoon?"

Junxiu smiled bitterly and said, "Go back after dinner, isn't it still early? I won't go back, where can I go in the afternoon when it's so hot? You don't have a job here?"

"Just because I don't have a job, I thought about going to the mountains. Where do you eat? Come and pick me up later?"

"I'm here to pick you up? I'm in Yanxi Cave. Or you can take a taxi by yourself, and I'll wait for you. Or you can go straight up the mountain, there are people at home anyway."

"oppa~~~!!" After Yoona's super coquettish voice appeared, Junxiu interrupted her immediately: "I see, I know, pick you up, pick you up, wait for my call at home."

After Junxiu hung up the phone helplessly, Li Zhien asked casually, "Who is it? The sister of Girls' Generation?"

Except for Girls' Generation, the women next to Junxiu can talk to him so casually, and Li Zhien can't find a second one. Junxiu nodded and said, "Well, Yoona, she said she was going to play at my house. The environment on the mountain is good, it's much more comfortable than she is at home alone."

When Junxiu just said it was Yoona, his phone rang again, Junxiu looked at the caller ID 'Jung Soo Yeon' and said with a wry smile, "I knew that as long as Yoona opened her head, there would be a group. "

Junxiu picked up Sika's call again: "Designer Zheng Xiuyan, what are you doing?"

Sika said very simply and directly: "Where?"

"Yanxi Cave, have dinner with Zhien and go back later."

"Well, just in time, I have something to do with you. Come to my house."

Junxiu said speechlessly, "Yooner said she wanted to go to the mountain to play, and asked me to pick her up at her house. What about you, do you want me to drop by and pick you up? Or do you go up the mountain yourself?"

"I'll go up by myself, otherwise it's inconvenient to go down the mountain without a car."

"Okay, or you can go up first, Shungui is at home."

Hanging up Sika's phone, Yoo In Na smiled and said, "Junsu is so busy, why don't you come here today?"

"Okay, just come here, and come out next time to gather."

In the afternoon, most of the artists who slept late got up. So Junxiu's side is a phone call, and a phone call is urging him. So they are embarrassed to continue to delay Junxiu's time, and they can only say that the party is here temporarily. Because it is estimated here that only Li Zhien and Girls' Generation have something to do with them, and they rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with this top Korean girl group.

After paying the bill, everyone came out of the restaurant, and Park Hanxing found Junxiu and said that he would give him the money. money? what money? Does this make Junxiu confused? In fact, the parties between male stars are basically seniors, either by being a brother, or by someone who makes the most money. But women's gatherings are all to share.

When Park Hanxing was talking about sharing the lunch money, Liu Renna laughed: "Hehe, Hanxing, don't be so polite."

Junxiu also nodded and said, "Yes, how can I ask a woman to pay for a meal with a man? By the way, where are you going, do you need me to deliver it?"

Li Zhien waved his hand towards Junxiu and said, "Don't bother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Go and do your business first."

Junxiu nodded and said: "By the way, Zhien, wait for me for a while." Junxiu hurriedly ran back to his car and picked up the prepared gift and gave it to Li Zhien: "I bought it for your mother, green tea. You Didn't my mother set up a company recently, it's a very nice thing to use for hospitality."

"Thank you teacher, I'll thank you for her. Yes, my grandma told you to call her, saying that she made a side dish for you and asked you to get it."

"Understood, I'll be there in two days. I'll go first, I wish you and Jena a happy trip in advance! You two go overseas, especially France and Italy, you must pay attention to safety, there are more thieves over there than you think. More. It doesn't matter if the money is lost, the passport, be sure to keep it close to your body!"

"Yeah. Understood. Ren Na and I are not children anymore. We know how to check some travel precautions. Go ahead and do your own thing."

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