Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 616: It's sick!

Junxiu drove away, and Liu Renna smiled and whispered in Park Hanxing's ear: "Do you think this pair of masters and apprentices get along more like a couple who have been together for many years? Maybe it's because the status of 'master and apprentice' is put there. Let them, who are obviously a good fit, have to treat each other with courtesy."

Liu Renna looked at the two of them from the point of view of the people next to them, and felt that the existence of the "master-disciple" relationship between the two of them was really a pity. Hearing Liu Renna's words, Park Hanxing also smiled slightly: "No one can tell about the relationship. As for the relationship between the two of them, it's not a pity, and it shouldn't be up to us. Maybe neither of them want to Let's destroy such a relationship. After all, love is the most insecure relationship, and it's good to get along like them comfortably!"

Liu Ren Na also nodded and said, "Maybe, what is the state of this 'love' in their hearts, they know best!" Liu Ren Na also knew that this 'love' between Li Zhien and Junsu would never break through. that day. But even if they don't break through, their position in each other's hearts cannot be shaken. Just like she is definitely the best friend in Li Zhien's heart, but she can't surpass Junxiu's position in Li Zhien's heart. In the future, when Li Zhien has a boyfriend, her boyfriend cannot be surpassed.

After Ji Eun put Junsu in the car, he saw his car leaving before turning around to join the two of Yoo Inna.

Junxiu drove the car towards Yoona's house. Even the pedestrians became much less on the streets at noon in summer. When the vehicle was driving on the streets of Seoul, it felt that the roads under the scorching sun were beginning to twist. It can be seen how severe the surface temperature is at noon. Junsu murmured while driving: "Wow, the summer in Seoul is really getting hotter every year. Will it not be possible to sleep without air conditioning next year?"

Junxiu said that he increased the air conditioner. At noon, the weather was too heavy and there were very few people outside and few cars. The vehicles came to the downstairs of Yuner's house smoothly, and there was no traffic jam at all. Junxiu took out the phone and called Yuner: "Here, come down."

After waiting for five minutes, Yoona went downstairs. She appeared in Junxiu's field of vision in a loose skirt. Her long hair added to her fairy spirit. Her pure appearance gave people a comfortable coolness in summer. sense.

Yuner directly opened Junxiu's car door and got into the car. After she got in the car, she did not buckle her seat belt in a hurry, but extended her hand towards Junxiu with a smiling face. Junxiu looked at Yuner's outstretched hand speechlessly. He didn't say much, and slapped her palm directly: "Why are you reaching out?"

"Gifts, you and Sister Taeyeon went to Huaxia for half a month, didn't you bring any gifts? When did you become so stingy? Is it the legend that the richer you are, the more stingy you are?"

Junxiu silently cast a blank eye at Yuner and said, "Seat belt."

"Hahaha..." Yuner laughed happily when she saw Junxiu's uncomfortable appearance, and laughed from the bottom of her heart.

In fact, there has been very little contact between the two since Junsu went to Japan. The most recent contact was when Junsu's Japanese album was released, and Yoona sent a congratulatory message. Originally, Junxiu thought that the entanglement between the two would calm down, but after returning, it was still the same.

Yuner actually thought about breaking this weird miss, but she couldn't control her heart, and she couldn't help it. When he was in Japan, she was on vacation in Korea, and every day she would search for news about Junsu, and then check his SNS for updates. At noon, when he forgets his existence in the afternoon, he will appear in his mind before lying in bed alone at night before closing his eyes. Missing, unable to control, this made Yuner feel very irritable.

So after learning that Junxiu was back today, she couldn't hold back the smile on her cheeks the moment she saw him. It turns out that seeing each other again after a long miss, just seeing each other will make people feel sweet. Yoona knew it was a disease, it was a disease! Can, how to cure? She doesn't know either!

The car started and headed towards the mountain. On the way, Yoona started chattering in Junsu's ear and kept asking, 'Are there any photos? ' 'Is it fun? ' 'Where did you go? ' 'I really want to go together. ' Originally, Yoona had a lively personality, but after meeting Junsu, her liveliness seemed to be magnified many times.

Facing the lively Yoona, Junxiu gave the answer gently. But in the end, Junxiu concluded: "In summer, it is not suitable to go to inland cities that are too hot, because after going to the scenic spots, you will be sweating all over your body. In summer, you should enjoy the sun and sea by the seaside."

"I think the scenery of the 'ditch' you went to is very beautiful. Especially the water... It's so quiet and refreshing. And that place should be cool, right?"

"Well, the weather is relatively comfortable to go there. When we were in Yanjing, Taeyeon and I went crazy. Basically, we went to the scenic spots during the day and went back to the hotel in the afternoon to rest. There are few, and it is similar to Seoul now, and there are not many people on the street.”

"Hey.." Yoona sighed regretfully and said, "If only I could go on a trip with you. Oppa, when will you take us to Jeju Island?"

"Go when you have time."

"Don't you have time now? And Jeju Island is only an hour away from Seoul, so you can come back immediately if you have anything. I ask them, who wants to go..."

Yuner said that the wind is the rain, and Junxiu was so frightened that she immediately stopped her: "Don't, I just came back from here, and there are so many things waiting for me to do. How can I think that it will come out as soon as it comes out, wait a minute. Next time, next time. Next year, next summer, head office?"

"This is what you said. I can keep it in my heart. Next summer, we will go to Jeju Island together."

"Ui, Ui, go to Jeju Island next summer!"

When Junxiu and Yoona were going up the mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sika drove her 'Little Treasure' and rang the doorbell of Junxiu's house. After a while, the big iron door opened, and she drove the car into this' In the resort, I just found a place to park the car and entered the room. When she came to Junxiu's living room, Sika only saw Taeyeon lying lazily on the living room sofa and looking at her: "Why did you suddenly think of going up the mountain?"

"I asked Oppa to talk about something. I contacted him earlier. He said he was going to pick up Yoona, so I came up first. As for Shun Kyu, didn't he say that Shun Kyu was there?"

"Shun Kyu? She's in the dormitory. She has a job at night, so why did she come up the mountain?"

"Hey~~ Oppa is a rare lie? When he called earlier, he said that Shun Kyu was at home?"

"It may be inconvenient to have someone next to you, so let's say Shungui is at home."

"No, he was talking about having dinner with Zhien. Does Zhien know that the two of you are in love?"

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