Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 617: Products designed by Sika (Part 1)

The simple conversation between the two can see the difference between Taeyeon and Sika. Sika cares about Junxiu's lie. Even if she knows that the lie is with some good intentions, it is always a lie. Sika felt that there was no need to hide the love affair, and she felt that Li Zhien must know the relationship between Junsu and Taeyeon. After all, Junsu and Jien have a very close relationship.

As for Taeyeon, Junsu's white lie is more of an understanding. Why did Junsu say on such an occasion, 'It's Shunkyu at home? ’ When Junsu went out, he knew that Sunkyu was in the dormitory, and she was at home, Kim Taeyeon. But on the phone, he said that 'Shun Gyu' was at home. Taeyeon roughly guessed that there must be someone other than Lee Ji Eun at the scene, so his response said, 'Soon Kyu is at home. ’

Taeyeon has more understanding and tolerance in Junsu's love, because she knows Junsu's character, although he is very entangled in the issue of Aragaki Yui and her, but Junsu is rarely affected by the outside world except for the two of them. tempting. It is said that men can’t stand temptation. In fact, for Junxiu, he has to face too many temptations. His company is all girl groups, and he also has various cooperative relationships around him. If he can’t manage himself well , something has happened a long time ago, so there will still be today's Junxiu?

What Junsu said in Sika's mouth was 'lie', Taeyeon smiled and said, "Since he is inconvenient to talk on the phone, there must be a reason for the inconvenience, so I can't blame him. 'Lying'. The more understanding, the less quarrel. In love, you need to take a step back, and you can't control the man too much."

"You just let him go like this every day, indulge him, one day you will cry." In Sika's eyes, Taeyeon was too indulgent to Junsu.

Some Sika thinks it is necessary to be "harsh" to his management when they are in love. Junxiu himself is a 'luminous body'. He can attract bees and butterflies while standing there, and there will always be some women who will try it out in the mood to give it a try. Yes, Junsu is very firm, he can withstand the temptation once, twice, or even three or five times, but Sika feels that Taeyeon's indulgence, there will always be someone who will break Junsu's firmness. Besides, Junsu is an alcoholic himself, and if something happens that she doesn't want to see after drinking, Taeyeon won't be able to cry at that time.

Sika took two bottles of water in the kitchen and returned to the living room. She gave Taeyeon a bottle and drank it on her own. She didn't know whether she was drinking water or wine. Anyway, the topic Sika said , is always something Taeyeon doesn't want to talk about in depth.

After Sika sat down, she said to Taeyeon, "Are you really going to be like this all the time? Don't you worry at all? Even if you believe in Junxiu, can you believe in those who are staring at them outside?"

Taeyeon looked up at Sika and said helplessly: "You use restraint to manage a person who is so good in itself, don't you think it will cause backlash? Emotions are not managed by restraint, have confidence in yourself, Just have faith in him!"

"What's the use of confidence, Junxiu used to have a 'true fragrance' physique. Now he is more popular after the property exposure, and the most important thing is that Junxiu's private reputation is not bad. Maybe many entrepreneurs may target Junxiu as a prospective son-in-law. ."

Taeyeon smiled and shook her head and said, "Entrepreneurs? Small businesses, Junsu doesn't look down on them. Big companies don't look down on Junsu anymore. Most of the stars who enter the giants end in tragedy. Okay, don't talk about this, we Emotional matters, we control it ourselves. If one day, he can't control his emotions and his ego starts to overflow, that's something I can't stop! Well, let's stop talking about this. "

Bondage may be feasible for ordinary well-off families. You have really met a very good person and a very rich person. If you want to manage this relationship in a 'binding' way, it will definitely become the trigger for breaking up. People all yearn for freedom, and the feelings that people breed are no exception.

If Junsu really can't control his feelings one day and becomes in a state of promiscuity, does Taeyeon really have a way to restrain him? Obviously not!

Mainly because Junsu's job is to come into contact with all kinds of women. If Taeyeon is really worried, don't think about having a happy birthday. As long as Junsu goes out to work, Taeyeon spends every day in fear. So she can only rest assured, relax, and trust each other. This is the smartest way.

After Taeyeon said "don't talk about this", Sika couldn't continue this topic. Although she only reminded Taeyeon out of good intentions, her reminder was based on her emotional point of view. And her emotional outlook is not so applicable to Taeyeon and Junsu's love.

The two stayed silent at home, swiping their mobile phones until the horn of Junsu's car rang, and Taeyeon and Sika looked up and turned to the door. As a result, it was Yoona who came in, and she looked at the two at home with a bright smile: "Sika Oni, where's your car key?"

"Why do you want my car keys?"

"Your car is parked at the door of the garage, oppa, the car can't get in."

Sika smiled awkwardly when she heard Yuner's words, took out her car key and gave it to her. Yuner took the car key and ran out again. After a while, Junxiu and Yuner both came back. Junxiu said to Sika in the first sentence after entering the house: "You only care about your convenience when you park, right? You are really casual enough to park in the middle of the road to the garage."

Junxiu complained while holding the water on the table and drank it directly. He didn't ask whether it was Taeyeon's or Sika's, it didn't matter whoever was.

Sika rolled her eyes at Junxiu and said, "You are also quite casual, grab my water and start drinking."

"You can't drink yours?" Junxiu retorted Sika with a roll of eyes, then turned to look at Yoona who ran towards the kitchen and said, "Help me get an ice cream~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yoona nodded: "Unnie, do you want it? "

Taeyeon stopped and said, "I don't want, you ask Sika."

"Neither do I." Sika also shook her head and said.

Yoona bit her ice cream and brought an ice cream to Junxiu. Junxiu opened the ice cream and ate it, while casually asking Sika, "Didn't you say you have something to do with me? Tell me."

Sika smiled and took out a sunglasses box from her bag and handed it to Junxiu: "Look at the product I designed, do you have any suggestions for improvement?"

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