Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 321: Exploring Taeyeon

Taeyeon's broadcast starts at 8:00 pm, it's only around 7:35, she and Kang-in are still preparing. ΩΩE novel WWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com and Kang In saw Junsu's arrival and took the initiative to make room for the two of them. Taeyeon opened the takeaway brought by Junsu, and put the exquisite sushi in the box one by one: "Huh.. sushi? Oppa, how do you know that I want to eat sushi recently?"

In fact, Taeyeon wants to eat everything recently, how can she have time to eat properly when she is so busy with her schedule? Moreover, the time to arrive at the radio drama every night cannot be fixed. Occasionally, it is early, and when there is no need to eat kimbap in the car, she will call the Chinese restaurant in advance to order takeout before arriving at the radio station. The outside of the Chinese restaurant is nothing more than jajang noodles, and she has to control the proportions of high-calorie food such as jajang noodles.

She can't eat and drink like Yoona and Sooyoung without any weight limit. Her takeaway opportunities are at best an occasional meal improvement. So when she saw the tempting sushi brought by Li Yuhao, she became extremely happy without knowing it. Maybe now she can't tell whether the happiness is because Junxiu brought it? Or the temptation of this delicious food? Or, both?

Sometimes when Junsu watched Korean variety shows through the Internet in Japan, he felt really sad when he saw IdoL's sincere greed for food on the show. Or such a scene seems funny to the audience, because they don't know what kind of mental devastation they don't understand, but he is naturally clear as IdoL, so he will feel sad.

It was like the gleam in Taeyeon's eyes when she looked at the sushi in front of her, and the embarrassed smile she felt at herself. All this made Junxiu feel her hard work, he smiled understandingly towards Taeyeon: "Eat, eat more."

"Well, thank you oppa, are you busy here lately?"

"The production cycle of this TV series is long, so I didn't feel very nervous about filming. The important thing is that the company plans to let us come back to TVXQ after "", so I have to prepare songs for the comeback, and not only will I go to the martial arts academy recently Practicing, and talking about moving. It’s a lot of trouble, in short, there are a lot of things to do.”

"Moving? Oppa is going to change dorms?"

"Well, a lot of fans have gathered around my apartment these days, causing a lot of inconvenience to the residents of the apartment, so my only way is to choose to move. Recently, the agents are helping Find a place with high security."

Listening to Junxiu's words, Taeyeon also pouted and said, "Some time ago, I finished my trip late at night, and when I got back to the dormitory, it was around 1 o'clock. After I went upstairs, I heard someone in the safe passage going downstairs. It freaked me out while calling my name."

Junxiu knew what their dormitory looked like. It was an old-fashioned apartment. It wasn't that there was no security there. It was just that there was an uncle guarding the door in the lobby of their apartment. It is also easy to mix in. Therefore, they need to pay more attention to their own safety.

Listening to Taeyeon talking about such a tense thing, Junxiu also urgently said to her: "Are you stupid, you? You must ask your manager to take you upstairs after get off work late at night, even if it will delay him for a few more minutes. Time, but this is safe. You must also put your own safety first in everything you do. Especially during commercial performances, you must not be close to the front of the stage (to prevent accidental falling Off stage), don’t shake hands with fans (to prevent being pulled off stage by fans), don’t you know these basic safety common sense?”

Junxiu's words contained his deep concern and love, and Taeyeon was also sweet in her heart when she heard such a lesson, she smiled at Junxiu and said, "I see, I know, I know this matter. I told the company and the agent that the agent will send us to the door of the dormitory in the future, don’t worry, you have not only told me about the safety issue, but the agent has also told us countless times. Well..oppa.”

After Taeyeon finished speaking, she picked up a piece of tuna sushi and handed it to Junsu, not to feed it, but to hand it, because there were the show's PD and writers watching on the audio console outside, so even if she wanted to stop Junsu's mouth , she can only feed it by hand, not by hand.

Junxiu took the sushi that Taeyeon handed him and put it in his mouth, then he took out an earphone from his pocket as if remembering something and gave it to Taeyeon: "I like their earphones a lot lately, you can use them. , nice headphones."

Taeyeon took Junsu's headphone box and looked at it: "B&o.a8? Where did it come from?"

"A brand in Denmark, it's not an expensive earphone. The main reason is that this earphone is very suitable for female voices, and the bass is not so strong. In short, I use it well."

Junsu said "it's not very expensive" just because she didn't want Taeyeon to feel any burden on her heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and earphones are indeed a must-use thing for IdoL's profession. Of course, Taeyeon also knows that in-ear headphones can't compare to those expensive over-the-ear headphones. So she didn't have too much psychological burden and accepted the gift Junxiu gave her: "Thank you oppa."

Junxiu smiled and nodded at her: "It can be used during the broadcast today, and the headphones have to be used a lot to realize the sound quality. I believe you will like it very much."

"Yeah." Taeyeon chewed on the sushi and began to unpack the earphones.

"By the way, Taeyeon, I read the news some time ago that some fans said that you threw your fan letters in the trash?"

Some time ago, it was indeed exposed that the TV station waiting room used by Girls' Generation when they participated in a song show, and after they left, there were fan letters in the trash can. This matter is still very violent, saying that Girls' Generation is a group of arrogant guys. Although the company later came forward to say that they were framed by anTI, the effect did not seem to be very good, because the company could not come up with absolute evidence to clear them of being "framed".

"How is that possible? Even if we receive the fan letter outside the TV station, it will be handed over to the agent after entering the waiting room, and then he will transfer it to the company for management..."

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