Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 322: "Dream Concert" (Part 1)

Junxiu certainly knew that they couldn't be stupid enough to throw the fan letter into the trash can as obvious as the waiting room. IdoL would hardly read the fan letter, and everyone would leave it to the company to deal with it, unless there was something special circumstances. Ω'ΔE Novel Ww*W. 』1XIAOSHUO. For example, in some programs in COM, they must be recorded reading the fan letter, but if that is really necessary, the fan letter will be read by the company in advance before handing it over to them.

Therefore, it can be said that they rarely contact fan letters on weekdays. Junsu asked because he was worried that they did get a fan letter when they went to the show that day, but they forgot to take it with them when they left. Then the cleaning lady will naturally throw away the fan letter as trash. If the misunderstanding is really caused by this, then it can only be said that the broker's dereliction of duty.

Because Girls' Generation has been running too fast during this time, and there are so many messed up scandals about them, Junxiu sometimes wonders if the company's plan has been caught in the door? In order to promote Girls' Generation as soon as possible, the scandals made by the company have not stopped. Of course, Junsu and Taeyeon will not be mentioned, and there are also Sika and Kim Jaejoong. In short, they have been rumored since their debut. The surrounding scandal is either TVXQ or suJu.

You must know that TVXQ, and suJu, are definitely top artists in the Korean men's group market, and there are countless female fans of the two. So the company arranged Girls' Generation's scandals to hype them up, which is really courting death. Their fame is rising fast, but at the same time, they also aroused strong resentment from the fairy queen of TVXQ and the fairies of suJu.

Fan letter, maybe it's a problem created by some fan. Junsu always felt uneasy when he heard Taeyeon's answer: "Taeyeon, 'fan letter', I think it's very likely that anTI is deliberately playing tricks behind the scenes. And don't you think? The fan letter was explained by the company. It subsided very quickly. The calm on the Internet now makes me feel a little uneasy."

"Oppa, are you thinking too much? It's fine when it's over. And our fans are quite supportive and encouraging. It's okay."

Listening to Taeyeon's words, Junsu frowned, there was always something he didn't notice, which made him feel strange. You must know that the organization of anTI, Junsu, knows much more than them. In the period of his debut, Js Junsu was the IdoL with the largest number of anTIs in South Korea, and even surpassed Moon Heejun, who has an army of 100,000 anTIs.

"Well, I hope I think too much. By the way, next week is "", this is your Girls' Generation's first appearance, right?"

"Well, this is also the first time for our Girls' Generation to stand on such a large stage. I really envy you, Oppa, you have all held two tours in Asia."

"Wait two years.. It may take less than two years. You will definitely start your Girls' Generation concert." Junxiu said here and looked at the time on the wall, there was less than 10 minutes left. The radio show is about to start live. Junxiu also stood up: "I'm about to leave, you still have to prepare for the live broadcast."

Taeyeon also looked up to check the time. It was indeed time for her to prepare. Taeyeon followed Junxiu and said, "Let's go, oppa, I'll take you out. Thank you for coming to visit today."


On June 7th, "" (Dream Concert) This time, the Dream Concert was co-hosted by the Artists Association and sBs, and the venue was chosen at the Seoul Olympic Main Arena, which is the largest stadium in South Korea, with nearly 70,000 people. Seats can accommodate up to 100,000 people.

The Dream Concert, its purpose is to let Korean teenagers have more dreams and hopes. The Dream Concert is an annual Korean wave music event in Korea. Especially in the past two years, the influence of Korean wave has spread to the whole of Asia, which makes countless Korean teenagers. For IdoL or actors, the more and more longing for a career in the entertainment industry.

In particular, the news often talks about sky-high remuneration, sky-high contract signing, and the remuneration calculated in units of 'billion' and so on. Of course, news always reports good news but not bad news. Such reports are actually misleading to children. I always think that artists are easy to earn, and they also earn a lot. In fact, people who can make a lot of money are not as many as imagined.

So this makes countless boys and girls yearn for the entertainment industry, and it also allows some 'brokerage companies' to take advantage of the situation to enter this circle, fraud, and/or **** and other incidents are also staged all over Korea. .

"Dream Concert" belongs to the public welfare nature, so the concert is free to watch. In addition, there are TVXQ, suJu, and other stars participating, there are many fans who came to watch the concert today. There are even some fan groups who come to wait before dawn.

Arrived at noon, nearly 2oo buses came here one after another, which directly caused the traffic here to be paralyzed.

And there are already a lot of fans in the stadium who are ready to support their favorite IdoLs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ pulling banners and these. Especially TVXQ's support banners, it is estimated that there are not as many support banners as Suju and Girls' Generation's two popular fan groups.

Even though Junsu and the members have left Korea for more than a year, their popularity has not diminished at all. Because TVXQ has as many as 800,000 real-name registered fans in South Korea, and there are some unofficial fan groups that are included in the statistics.

Not to mention Junxiu's achievements in Europe and the United States, no one can deny the success of TVXQ in Japan. After more than a year to develop the Japanese market, they have achieved unprecedented results. So today, the fairy queens used their practical actions to express their support as always.

This "Dream Concert" can be regarded as a 's.m family concert', TVXQ, suJu, shInee, Girls' Generation, all attended, even Junxiu also participated in this concert, after all, he is now Is it in cooperation with National Broadcasting (kBs).

And the concert is arranged, the opening is s.m three groups of artists, the finale is TVXQ, or s.m artist...

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