Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 809: It's the end of another year (12)

Christmas in Tara's dormitory was not filled with merry Christmas, but full of complaints. It's no wonder that they have been 'eating from the old' this year. After that "Poppy" became popular, they haven't released a song with strong market influence like "Poppy", which also makes their recent popularity gradually start to decline.

Although the Korean music industry has opened a prosperous world for girl groups, but also because of the emergence of this prosperous girl group, the already tense Korean market has become even more tense. It can be said that the collision of the girl groups is staged every day. However, Girls' Generation is still standing at the top, and the sudden emergence of IU Li Zhien also has a soaring rhythm with the help of Junxiu.

And their Tara, who was originally loved by the masses, is gradually declining in popularity because there is no sequel. You must know that South Korean girl groups have sprung up like bamboo shoots since last year. They have never released popular songs, so what is waiting for them is to lose the market.

You must know that the competition in Songyao is really fierce, so now they are full of tension, especially today's Christmas event is still singing and dancing "Bobbie" and then bringing a new song, which is equivalent to Without that "Bobby", they'd really be dead.

The competitive pressure in the market makes them unable to be happy at Christmas, instead, they complain about this and that in this festival. If there is a Santa Claus who can fulfill his wish, then they also want to be a girl group like Girls' Generation. Because Girls' Generation has Junxiu's support behind it, even if he didn't take on their album producer this time, there is still no suspense after the songs provided by him are released! !

Let me ask, is there any girl group in Korea that doesn't envy Girls' Generation with 'Junxiu's sister' in the team?

Yes, no one can deny the achievements Girls' Generation has achieved in the past two years. But this is just a kind of recognition for them. What makes other girl groups really envy them is that they have super music producers like 'Junxiu'. As long as the songs he handles, even the songs he gives out, have never disappointed fans. His existence is a golden sign!

In addition to the songs he sent out, there were songs for Girls' Generation and other children's, but as long as they were composed by him, they were "hit songs". It is because he has so many singers and girl groups that he has become the most popular superstar producer of girl groups in Korea!

And this Christmas, after they came back and complained for a while, the topic naturally came to Junxiu. The main reason is that Junxiu's news can't be avoided during this time. The songs he personally created for his students made her the hottest female artist in Korea at the moment, and there is no one. (It is now!!)

No way, Lee Ji-eun's recent three high notes are too red and too red after they were performed live. Isn't there a word called "red to purple"? Li Zhien was in this state at this time. The song produced by Junxiu made student Li Zhien fly into the sky. Did the teacher pick up the treasure, or did he know the pearl with his eyes? Of course, there are some people who say that Junsu's endurance is not ordinary. After all, the company has been established for a few years now, and the songs he gave out are only Baek Ji Young, Kim Hyun A, Lee Ji Eun, three of them, and they are all SOLO songs.

Many netizens are jokingly saying that Junxiu doesn't want to make a girl group after creating a Girls' Generation? Even a girl group member like Kim HyunA was pulled out to solo.


However, when we talked about Junsu in Tara's dormitory, everyone's attention was focused on Park Soyeon. Here, she is the only one who has a relationship with Junxiu. Didn't Junxiu admit it himself? So Yeon was considered a half handsome student back then!

Liu Moumou, the last member to join Tara, is also the member who is most eager to become famous. She suddenly said to Suyan, "Suyan Oni, isn't it a holiday today? Or, you can send a message to Senior Junxiu. A message to say hello?"

"Hey~! Will the greeting at this time seem too fake? It's obvious that we are inviting him to sing."

After the members helped, Liu Moumou continued to mutter: "I really hope that Junsu-senpai can write a song for us."

After her debut, So Yeon, who had never contacted Junsu again, looked at Ryu with a blank expression after hearing her words: "There are countless people who want Junsu to write songs, even if he wants to write songs. , Do you think he will write for the girl group of his own company, or the girl group of another company? Don’t you know that Junsu has invited many people to him since Kara, and the media said that Junxiu's songs can be said to be 'a piece of gold' in the market. Is it so easy to invite songs?"

The logic is correct. After all, Junxiu still has countless people waiting to be fed, so what are they?

"Hey~~ just send a message to say hello, we don't lose any meat. We didn't even think that Senior Junxiu must write songs for us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The relationship between Lala and Lala is not bad. Recently, his relationship The TV series is a complete hit, if you can go to the scene to visit the class or something..." Liu Moumou was very scheming, and even thought about using Junxiu to hype their popularity.

This made the person sitting beside frown slightly, but she didn't know what to say, because her scheming was all for the combination.

But Su Yan, after hearing the entangled words of this ignorant Liu Moumou, a nameless fire burned in her heart, and she even had a feeling of 'no speculation' about Liu Moumou's words. . Her response was very soft, but it was a state of suppressing anger in her heart.

"If you want to make a phone call or send a text message, please do it yourself." After leaving these words, Park Suyan walked into her room and talked to this overweight woman, Suyan really felt that she was humiliating herself. IQ.

So-yeon really wanted to ask her if her "greetings" with some kind of calculated intentions could still be called greetings? Junxiu is not a fool, can't these 'greetings' still distinguish the hypocrisy in them?

Stop kidding, everyone is in this circle. Don't you understand the basic routines of talking about people and talking about ghosts?

Maybe only one or two intimate people can tell the truth to each other? And Su Yan felt that the relationship between the two of them at this time was so light that she didn't need to dig her heart out any more.

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