Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 810: It's the end of another year (13)

Liu Moumou's scheming is too heavy, and even hit the idea of ​​Su Yan and Jun Xiu. Yes, there is no denying that all people or things related to Junsu will be included in the news reports. And she wanted to take advantage of the relationship between Soyeon and Junsu, which seemed a lot more immature. Back then, when they Tara debuted in a variety show, Junxiu sent them sincere blessings on the phone, and the 'road' after the blessing was earned by their own efforts, rather than relying on news to show off!

The exposure the news may give them is only temporary, but what about when the popularity of this matter subsides? Are you trying to keep rubbing on Junxiu again? And then again, there are not a few people who have the same idea as her. Which of the little stars in the entertainment industry doesn't want to be hot on Junxiu? However, Junxiu is not a fool, can he not know the intentions of these people? That's why he didn't flood his life so much.

Or maybe his profession doesn't allow him to flood. There are some stories between Soyeon and Junsu that they don't know, but the old members all know there must be something in it. Otherwise, Junsu wouldn't have jumped out to help Suyan over and over again.

In the eyes of a woman, the only thing that can make a man remember so much is...

It's just that Su Yan didn't talk about some things, and they all chose to remain silent. But when Suyan turned away from the table because of 'Junxiu' on Christmas Eve, the extremely scheming Liu Moumou was very upset, she muttered to Suyan's back: "What do you mean, don't you just send a message? Let's say hello by text message? Don't we have Junsu-senpai's number? It's not that we deliberately embarrass you, what are we doing, everyone is for the team, right?"

But Su Yan didn't give her any face at all. She even turned around on the spot at such a party, which made the woman who had a scheming feel unable to hold on to her face, so she thought she was cleverly using the 'team' question to gain everyone's approval. . But in the end, no one responded to her. A newcomer should have the appearance of a newcomer. It doesn't mean that you can get everyone's support if you temporarily step into the group, or even you can pick right and wrong in the group.

And did Liu Moumou really come in because of his strength? Then maybe they all want to say "hehe...". You still need a certain skill to get them to accept you without putting in all the effort, but this skill should never be 'scheming' or 'calculation'. Her poor 'acting' can even fool Park Ji-yeon, who is a high school student. Here it is.

Seeing that no one answered her, Liu Moumou shut up wisely, and she started to pick up the fork and stab the fried chicken in front of her. She used the fork very hard, as if she wanted to make the fried chicken in front of her. What about Park So Yeon?


After returning to the room, Su Yan sat alone on the edge of the bed, then carefully pulled out a book under the pillow, and opened the middle of the page, a photo of a group photo was stuck. In the photo, they are leaning on Junxiu's shoulder, and the two of them are childishly gestured to the camera as "scissor hands". This may be the only memory that So-yeon has left, and this is just a memory, and only a memory!

It was obvious that the love between them had passed for so many years, but there were still slight ripples in my heart when I heard his name.

The love at the beginning was a coincidence, and Suyan didn't blame Junxiu, really. Maybe that's how their relationship was written. Although a little cruel, but it is helpless!

At least now that I think back on meeting him at the most beautiful moment of my life, this is already a chapter of her 'sad fairy tale' about her in her life!

And this 'story' is like this group photo in my hand, it is only suitable for collection! !

Just when So Yeon was about to put her memories in, her phone rang suddenly. In the originally quiet room, the sound of the bell suddenly shocked her. The ringtone is still the one I am most familiar with, the movie theme song "Marriage" composed and sung by Junxiu!

"This is the so-called fate, it's irresistible..."

The bell rang, Su Yan picked up the phone, but when she raised her hand to look at the name of the caller, her heart was so inexplicably tight, a smell like she was dreaming spread out in her heart, and it only appeared in her mind a second ago. After seeing his figure, he called in the next second? what's going on?

With doubts and suppressing the excitement in her heart, Su Yan answered the phone: "..."

After picking up the phone, Su Yan did not speak in a hurry, but spoke up. When the phone was put to her ear, she didn't know why she just wanted to listen to the handsome voice on the other end of the phone quietly. As a result, the next second, So Yeon was disappointed, lost, and even dizzy with weightlessness..

Just because Junxiu opened his mouth, but the first sentence he said was, 'Ah, Kim Taeyeon, are you crazy, don't you reply to my messages? ’

Perhaps it was Junxiu's voice, which is already the kind of drunken voice that can't even stick her tongue out, so Suyan suppressed the inexplicable sadness in her heart and said to him, "You made a mistake!"

"What's wrong? Ah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I said, my name is clearly written on my phone, Taeyeon~~ Taeyeon! Wrong? Hehe, are you kidding me on purpose? Can't hear your voice? That's really a big joke, I'm even... clack bang dong~~ beep beep~~~" The phone appeared when the sound appeared after the phone fell. Hang up busy tone.

Junsu said, 'I can't even hear my girlfriend's voice? ' The phone suddenly dropped before I could say it. The conditioned reflex was to 'rescue' the phone, but there was a 1 in 10,000 chance between the two of them by accident. That is, the finger touches the listening button of the iPhone.

And Suyan shook her head with a wry smile while holding her mobile phone, Junsu was drunk again? Well, for today's Christmas, even if Junxiu is drunk, that's normal, right?

As for Junxiu, who was sitting in the taxi picking up the phone, after he bent down, his body naturally lay on the back seat.

You should know that a drunk person will not sit if he can lie down, and he will not stand if he can sit. Coupled with a sense of warmth in the taxi, his drunkenness was quickly released.

Junsu just lay unconscious in the back seat of the taxi and fell asleep.

A "broken state" that has not appeared for a long time is suddenly released again today...

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