Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 863: dear them (on)

Although I haven't been to Tokyo for several months, everything here is still so familiar. Sitting in the car and watching the city's skyscrapers rise from the ground, telling the prosperity of Tokyo. All kinds of people on the street have become so cute at this moment. I wonder if I want to see them? The joy of the mood makes everything in the eyes look so beautiful?

Junxiu is really tired during this time. Recently, she has been tortured by news for nearly ten days. Every day, there is news about him in the entertainment page. The news, sometimes, makes artists love it very much. After all, publicity requires the intervention of the media. But sometimes, it's too ticklish to be cruel to them. After all, people always like to see other people promote their good things, don't they?

Love, if it is an ordinary person, is indeed a good thing. But for celebrities and idols, being in love is not necessarily a good thing. Celebrity idols have always been a profession that relies on popularity to eat, and the exposure of love will cause a considerable loss of their popularity. So, star idols really hope that the media can report good news to them instead of bad news. But, that is impossible.

Junxiu, who had been tortured enough, finally left South Korea and came to Tokyo. Although the paparazzi system in Tokyo is much more developed than South Korea, Junxiu is really less than going out here. And there is her and her in this city, a kind of return, joy, and a beautiful smile blooming on Junxiu's face.

"The weather is really nice~!" Junxiu couldn't help sighing while looking at the sunny sky outside.

The Japanese agent pouted and said: "The weather is good now, maybe it will rain in two hours. Isn't the weather in Tokyo like this? It's not clear when the rain will come."

Junxiu glanced at the agent angrily and said, "Do you really need to spoil my interest like this? Okay...I see, I see."

Junsu said 'I see' and held a script in his hand. However, this isn't a TV show, it's a movie. Junxiu's box office in Japan still maintains a high level, which makes many Japanese directors feel that Junxiu is a guarantee, which is a bit similar to the Korean side. You must know that Junsu is regarded by all the directors in Korea as "Junsu is like a mascot" and he has become a guarantee of ratings!

After Junxiu got in the car, the Japanese agent couldn't wait to give him a script for a movie, but Junxiu rejected the script without even reading it after he got it. It's too tiring to say that I don't want to act. This year Junxiu has a very full schedule. The English single is about to be released, and the US publicity also needs to run. And he also promised fans that he would definitely make a Korean-language album to come back this year, as well as the TV drama script that came in from Korea when he left..

Now Junxiu's TV series is still under consideration, and the film from Japan has come to invite again. Junxiu is not a 'Uzumaki Naruto', he can't use a 'multiple shadow clone'. Naturally, when faced with so many plans, he really found that his time was very short.

So when this Japanese movie script came in, Junxiu didn't even bother to read it, so Junxiu put it aside after getting it. He really felt that he was too tired to go on like this, so he directly declined the invitation.

However, for an agent who has a commission, Junxiu can get a pretty good income from shooting a movie, and he personally looks forward to Junxiu's follow-up. Of course, Junxiu was really too tired to accept it, so he had to pretend to read the script before rejecting it. Rejecting without looking at it, of course, made the agent feel a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, Junxiu picked up the script and read the "Peach Blossom Period" Junxiu was stunned and said, "Isn't this a TV series? The ratings are good, and it's been adapted into a movie? Then why not find the male lead of the TV series to play, so that the audience can be There is also a sense of substitution, right?"

The agent looked at Junxiu in surprise: "Do you know this TV series?"

"Nonsense, it was broadcast in July last year. I was in Japan and Yui to promote the movie, okay? I'm fine after I go home. I don't watch TV series, should I watch "Human Observation"?" Junxiu has been selected by Japanese variety shows. Human Watch has watched it several times. Speaking of this show, Junxiu has a little psychological shadow. I'm afraid that someday I will start to observe myself again.

"Hey, I forgot. In July, you are promoting in Japan. I just didn't expect you to watch TV dramas too. This movie adaptation was invested by Dongbao, so... there was an invitation from there."

"Dongbao Company? Nagasawa Masami's company?"

Masami Nagasawa, the 'Dongbao Cinderella' of the year. This brokerage company is not only a film investor, but also an actor's brokerage company~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is a large entertainment company in Japan. And Ai Hui, where Junsu and the others are located, is a brokerage company specializing in singers, just like S.M.

Although Junxiu was talking about the question of 'Tongbao Club', but in his mind he began to wonder if his JS Entertainment would gradually change into a movie investor? Don't play big for now, is it good to invest a little bit? At least a change in the company's image.

Junxiu was still thinking about investing in movies, when his agent interrupted his train of thought: "Well, Masami Nagasawa's company, this time Masami Nagasawa recommended you for the movie. Hey~~ I really don't think so. Understood, when did you and Nagasawa Masami wrap up?"

"Yeah, what do you mean by being wrapped together, what do I have to do with her? Friends, maybe not even friends?"

"Hehe, you think she can't even be a friend, but Nagasawa Masami seems to be infatuated with you. They have gone to South Korea, Nagasawa Masami, Ishihara Satomi, but your real girlfriend Aragaki Yui hasn't followed you yet. steps."

Junxiu threw down the script in depression: "I've been irritable enough this time, don't make me such a mess. I feel uncomfortable even listening to such a topic now. "Peach Blossom Period"? Yes Ah, I seem to belong to the peach blossom period in my life now!!"

"Hahaha.. Yes, you are in the peach blossom period in your life, so do you want to act in your true colors? I read the script before, if you act, there will be a **** scene with Masami Nagasawa, how about it? This is a film that Nagasawa Masami sacrificed a lot."

"Are you crazy? Sex scenes, you know I don't take **** scenes! Kissing scenes or something, she's jealous, and even **** scenes... Forget it, I won't accept it if you kill me!!"

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