Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 864: dear them (below)

Since Nagasawa Masami's debut, her personal role is similar to that of Yui Aragaki. She belongs to a pure actress and a healing type. So this time "Peach Blossom Period" is also a tentative image change for Nagasawa Masami. The pure actress, the first time she appeared on the screen with passionate kisses and **** scenes, this is definitely a benefit for male audiences. For Nagasawa Masami, this is also a 'gamble'.

The transformation of the image, the change of the role and the acting skills are not simple things. You must know that Masami Nagasawa has never tried such a role. (I recommend everyone to watch "Peach Blossom Period" Nagasawa Masami was 'attacked'. And she was 'attacked' when she was not wearing underwear.)

For the manager, it was the first time that a 'dream lover' like Masami Nagasawa gave his passionate kiss and the **** scene on the screen, which was really very tempting. So he instead used this method to seduce Junsu? Who knew that once he said the word 'bed scene', not only did he not seduce Junxiu, but instead he was strongly opposed by Junxiu.

Because the agent's statement naturally portrayed the scene in Junxiu's mind, the thought of the scene naturally reflected Yui Aragaki, Taeyeon, and the two became angry when they watched the film. Junsu as an actor, they were already eating enough when filming the 'kiss scene', especially Taeyeon. Yui also understands a little because of her actors, and Taeyeon has some dog-headed military advisors beside her when she wants to understand.

So after I actually filmed the scene of the bed scene (19 banned), I used 'work' as an explanation, which really seemed too pale. After hearing the agent's 'temptation', what came to Junsu's mind was not the scenes that satisfy the desires/desires of men, but the monstrous scenes of Taeyeon's 'vinegar smell', which Junsu thought was scary.

Junxiu also used the most direct words to say to the agent: "I won't have **** scenes even if I kill me, especially your Japanese **** scenes.."

"Junsu, your understanding of Japanese movies and 'small movies' seems to have a big problem. Movies that can be moved into movie theaters, **** scenes, also need to be reviewed. Also, Japan's positioning is not like Korea's. In that way, there are excessive '19 forbidden' scenes. The scenes you imagined belong to alternative films, when did you see Japanese movies with such scenes described?"

The agent is right, in Japan, there is a big difference between movies and small movies. This is a completely different type of film, and it doesn't mean that when it comes to 'bed scenes', you think of some 'real guns and live ammunition' scenes. Because those are impossible to move into theaters. This is not a yellow/color video hall, and it is impossible to pass a film review in Japan.

The agent's rebuttal made Junxiu very ashamed. He really didn't know how he naturally associated "bed scenes" with small movies. Is it just because this is Japan?

Junxiu smiled awkwardly and tilted his head and said, "Uh, okay. Now, whether I review it or not, I have to leave the movie first, because I will definitely have no time for the rest of the time. The worst is after I leave tomorrow. We will have to wait until April to return to Asia. By the way, when will my sister’s album be released?”

"No problem, next month at the earliest, mainly because of the familiarity with dance. After all, Japanese fans are looking forward to Girls' Generation's knife group dance."

"Well. Didn't we also get attention because of the sword dance when we were in Japan?"


Junxiu chatted with the agent and soon came to Aihui. After Junxiu came to Japan, he did not choose to go home and linger with Yui Aragaki immediately, but went directly to the company. He wanted to see what the choreography of the songs he created and what the choreography looked like, as well as the Girls' Generation who he hadn't seen in a long time, and his beloved woman Kim Taeyeon.

Ai Hui, Girls' Generation's practice room door is pasted with "Girls' Generation" written in traditional Chinese. The name tells everyone that this is their exclusive practice room. Girls' Generation's practice room, which is rarely visited on weekdays, suddenly opened while they were dancing and practicing.

The eyes of the nine people were attracted by the "door" that was pushed open. As they practiced the "driver dance", their eyes widened in surprise. In the next second, all the nine people stopped and smiled brightly in the direction of Junxiu who came in. Yuner was the most excited after seeing Junxiu, and she was the first to ask: "Oppa, when did you come? "

"As soon as I arrived, I rushed over after getting off the plane. Let's rest for a while and brought you some drinks." Seeing the sweat stains on their T-shirts, Junxiu relented and let them rest for a while. .

Junsu handed Taeyeon the drink he brought~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taeyeon said "thank you" to Junsu very casually. When they started to rest, the group sat on the ground like that, and Junsu also joined in. in their rest area. He gently took out a wet wipe from his pocket and gave it to Taeyeon: "Put on the sweat, and the bangs are on your forehead."

Junsu began to fall in love with Taeyeon when he came, which made all of them who were sitting next to them burst into dissatisfaction: "Hey~~ Really, does Oppa seem to be kicked out by us when you come? Don't live? Can you two be so close next time when we're not there?"

"That's right, that's it, it's just too hurtful that the two of you are here for you and me. I said, don't you think about our feelings? Really, it's too much.."

"Yeah, it's too much. We're not sweating? Oppa, don't give us a tissue, do you think you're worthy of Shungui?"

This somewhat inexplicable remark was naturally said by that Kim Hyoyeon. Junxiu looked at her very speechlessly, and then looked at his sister Li Shungui: "Xiaoyuan, why am I sorry for Shungui? Is it because of a wet wipe?"

"Oppa, don't worry about her, she's talking in such a topsy-turvy way that we sometimes hear it for no apparent reason."

Pani also said at this time: "oppa, do you want to listen to the song completed here based on your song?"

"Oppa, you should have heard of it?"

Junxiu shook his head and said, "I really haven't heard of it. The company's finished product has been sent here.."

"Yeah, you're so busy these days, how can you support our songs? You should listen to Taylor's songs more, right?"

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