Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 907: APINK!

Junsu knows that the company must give them a 'class' before their debut. This class is to tell them about the politeness issues that they must always pay attention to after their debut, and what kind of attitude they should use to face those who are full Supported 'cyber violence'. These are all compulsory courses for idols now. Cyber ​​attacks have been going on in South Korea for more than ten years, and cyber violence has also appeared since the appearance of the idol industry.

Therefore, to make idols in Korea, not only must they have professional strength, but also a strong heart. Before their debut, Junxiu gave them some verbal encouragement, and once again gave them the subject of "psychological tolerance". There are many artists in South Korea who have suffered from depression due to the problem of online violence, or even committed suicide in a more serious way.

As a senior in the circle, he feels that the most important thing is not to achieve what kind of achievements, but to cultivate a strong heart. Because no matter how good your grades are, there will still be people who hate you.

Just like Junxiu himself, even though he has engraved his name in the history of the world music hall, there are still boring people who abuse him online, attack him personally, and greet his family. So Junxiu feels that a strong heart is the most basic and most important thing as an idol.

After he carefully gave them a psychological class again, he looked at the youthful children: "By the way, your team name has not been decided yet. It's going to debut soon, what do you think it will be called? The name is good. Let’s brainstorm, everyone, sit down and think about this most important issue at the moment, we can’t choose a name of ‘Seven Princess’, right?”

(Long-winded, Ah Fan started with seven people, and Hong Yukyong only quit Ah Fan in 2013.)

After Junxiu said a scumbag team name, the children almost vomited: "Pfft~~ What, what the seventh princess, Senior Junxiu~~" They were also very dissatisfied with the name, they were afraid Junxiu really applied the name to it to finalize it.

Chu Long immediately said to Junxiu: "Senior Junxiu, didn't you say that our team name is solicited on the Internet?"

"I'm accepting a solicitation, but you can think about it yourself. You don't have to use the solicited name. Do you have a name you want?"

They looked at each other, and they really hadn't thought about the team name. After all, the people above came down and said that their team names are being collected online. So they leave all such things to the company. Of course, they have no decision-making power from trainees to children preparing to debut. So they just don't think about it.

Looking at their appearance, Junxiu knew that they didn't have any ideas, so he said, "The first thing I saw in you was a youthful breath, a girlish breath. Or is it called Sunshine Girl??"

Junxiu's first suggestion was naturally rejected by them. Sun Naen smiled sweetly at Junxiu and said, "sunny? Isn't this Shun..sunny O'Neal's stage name?" Sun Naen has been Junxiu's neighbor for so many years. , Of course she knew Li Shun-kyu's real name, and Shun-kyu himself revealed her country-like name in that 'country program'.

Junxiu smiled and suggested again: "Haha.. It's not possible to use her stage name. Sunshine Sister Tao? This name is also very good, it has a retro feel."

"Senior Junsu seems to like using the name 'sunny' as a starting point?"

After being denied again, Junxiu realized that choosing a team name was a very troublesome thing, so he said nonsense: "Otherwise what? Senior Jiang Xiuzhi's "Purple Fragrance", just call you purple girls. ?"

"Purple girl, it's better to be called pink girl."

"It doesn't sound good, why don't you just call it pink? How about it? A-level, first-line, I hope you can achieve the level of 'A-level' in the circle in the future?"

"Apink?" "Apink?" The name really made them feel good. Pink is a favorite color of many girls, and pink is used to describe 'princess'. The initial 'A' represents the company's expectations for their future, hoping that they can reach the position of the first-line girl group.

I don't know if I was afraid of Junxiu's random naming, or I really felt it was good. In short, as the captain, Park Chulong immediately said to Junxiu: "Senior Junxiu, this name is not bad, and the meaning is also very good."

"Okay, let me tell Minhyuk and see if you can use this name. I think it's pretty good too, APINK? .." Just as Junsu was talking about their team name, he put it in his pocket. The phone is rare. Junxiu thought it was his mother who was calling, so he took out the phone and looked at the incoming call.

The phone showed an unfamiliar Korean number, which made Junsu very weird. Anyway, Junsu can be sure that his US number is unlikely to receive scam calls from South Korea. So he made a quiet gesture to the children without much suspicion and got up and answered the phone.

"Hello, who are you?"

A man's voice appeared on the phone: "Is it Junxiu?"

It was obvious that the caller knew who he was calling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu didn't deny it. After all, he had an American number and answered the phone in Korean. To deny it? Junxiu simply admitted: "Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Kim Kwang Soo, the representative of CCM."

"Oh, Rep. Kim, hello. But, is there something wrong with your call?"

CCM, Soyeon's agency of Tara. Therefore, it is relatively easy for them to find out Junxiu's private number.

"That.. I was going to let the kids come back in the summer, and we were already inviting songs outside, and then we heard from our kids that you planned to write songs for them?"

Junxiu remembered this, and he did agree to write songs for Soyeon and Tara. And he also promised them that he would personally be their producer when he came back from the United States. At that time, Junxiu didn't expect that there would be such a full line of things waiting for him after he came back.

Now it seems that Junxiu is looking for something to do for himself again. He promised himself at the beginning, should he push it away when he is approaching the threshold? And they must have been waiting with hope for Junsu's song, Junsu's production. Wouldn't the rejection at this time make Soyeon's reputation in the team plummet. At the beginning, Junxiu was looking at Suyan's face.

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