Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 908: A promise that cannot be postponed

Many of the promises were made at the moment under the circumstances, and Junsu also agreed to write songs for Tara under those circumstances. At that time, Junsu didn't think that he would be invited to a TV series after he came back from the United States, so at that moment he thought that he could spare a day or two to make songs for them.

Of course, Junxiu also has the last two days of rest. If Li mother doesn't come back, he can work overtime and work harder to fulfill this promise. But Mother Li hasn't come back for so many years, and Junxiu happens to be able to rest these two days, so he really wants to be with Mother Li. Since childhood, she has treated Junxiu as her own son, and Junxiu has a very deep affection for Li's mother.

A mother who rarely comes back once, and when she can rest, shouldn't she accompany her more? But now the company on Suyan and the others is anxiously looking for Junxiu to fulfill the promise. It's no wonder they are so anxious, because the news of Junxiu's role in the TV series has already been released. After seeing the news, it's no wonder that CCM is not in a hurry. After all, Junxiu, the first male lead, will definitely not be able to spare time after the TV series starts, unless their company is willing to wait for Junxiu's TV series to finish.

The broadcast time of a TV series is two months, but the filming time is at least more than three months. It's April now, and I'm waiting for Junxiu's TV series to finish, at least at the end of June. Then wait for the album production, choreography, Suyan and the others to practice, etc. As time goes on, wouldn't the fastest comeback arrangement be scheduled until August and September?

After procrastinating for such a long time, don't say that CCM is unwilling, and it is estimated that Su Yan and the others are also unwilling, right? After all, this promise was made by Junxiu himself, not by them taking the initiative to come to the door, but Junxiu himself saying that when he returns from the United States, he will personally make them a song suitable for them, so CCM called at this time. Junxiu really has no reason to refuse.

So at this moment, Junxiu is really in a dilemma. On the one hand, it is the mother who has only come back once in so many years, and on the other hand, it is the promise that he promised himself.

Junxiu was silent on the phone for a while, and Kim Kwangsoo on the other end of the phone felt Junxiu's embarrassment, but he didn't want to delay the production time. He knew that the girl group's activity season was summer, and if he wanted to postpone it until autumn , or winter, this is really not the time he wants.

So no matter how embarrassed Junxiu was, he still put pressure on Junxiu with his words on the other end of the phone: "Junxiu xi, because our company has already determined the time of Tara's return this summer. So... you see..."

Of course, the latter words don't need to be said too clearly, just hope Junxiu can fulfill his original promise.

"Well.. that's it. I'll call you back later. Since it's what I promised, I'll definitely do it. It's just that there are some very important personal matters on my side that need to be discussed. So I don't dare to talk on the phone. I agreed in one bite, otherwise, if I can't do it, it will be a bit..."

"Of course, of course, call me back after you discuss it. I'll wait for your call? Then I'll start to arrange for the children to free up time."

In the end, Kim Kwang-soo's words still told Jun-su, 'Even if you are inconvenienced at the promised time, my side will not change. ’

"Okay, you can arrange it here, so let's do this first?"

After hanging up Jin Guangzhu's call, Junxiu patted his forehead depressedly: "Hey.. It seems that I really need to pay attention to my speech in the future, hey.."

Looking at Junxiu with a trace of self-blame, the children watching next to him looked at Junxiu worriedly: "Senior Junxiu, what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just found out that I really owe too much to the children of my company, let's work hard..." Junxiu originally wanted to promise them face to face and write songs for them next year, but turned to think about the Things only get yourself into a dilemma, and promise?

Junxiu felt that with a clear 'time point' commitment, it's better not to talk nonsense, lest it be delayed due to some sudden event, or it can't be fulfilled, doesn't it mean that in the hearts of the children, he has become a 'untrustworthy'? So, it's not like don't talk about this matter. When I'm free at that time, I don't need to promise that he will write it naturally.

After a simple closing remark of 'work hard', Junxiu was about to leave the practice room. Before he was ready to go out, Junxiu waved to them and said, "Chulong, come here."

"Nei" Chulong immediately followed Junxiu out of the practice room. Junxiu took Chulong slowly towards the elevator entrance. On the way, he patted Chulong on the shoulder and said, "Chulong, as you said earlier, you are the oldest in the team. So those children I I'll leave it to you. You can control them a lot on weekdays. After all, they are all underage. You, as a sister, take care of them properly and lead them. The daily life of the dormitory will be more laborious for you."

Junxiu's instructions made Chulong nodded and agreed: "I will. Don't worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~Senior Junxiu. I will definitely take good care of them."

"Well, while taking care of daily life, I also pay a lot of attention to the emotional changes of my teammates. Especially when I debut, there will definitely be some unpleasant words on the Internet, so if something is wrong, I will promptly contact the agent. Or the company says it."

"I see."

"You are the captain, then the child will be handed over to you. And...you, it's time to lose weight. You have such beautiful facial features."

The ending of Junxiu made Park Chulong very depressed, and why did he suddenly say that he was overweight. Besides, Park Churong doesn't think he's as fat as sister Jeon Hyo-sung, who has debuted, does he?


After the practice room came out, Junxiu found his mother, and the two went home together. The vehicle arranged by Minhyuk took Junxiu's mother and son back.

Sitting in the car, Mother Li looked at Seoul, which has changed a lot. She sighed at the changes in the city: "When I left, it was called Seoul, and when I came back, it was called Seoul. In a blink of an eye, You have become a world star, and the development of Shungui and the others has also become smooth. It's good, it's good, the only regret I have..."

After saying this, Mother Li turned to look at Junxiu, she reached out and took Junxiu's hand and said softly, "Although I also know that your career is developing very well now, have you ever thought about when you will get married? "

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