Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 915: Tara (below)

Junxiu is also an artist himself, so he clearly knows how hard it is for artists who are oppressed by the agency. Isn't TVXQ where he used to be the best example? Although his personal contracts were different from the rest of the members, he still saw the thrift they used to buy things privately. Even buying a designer piece of clothing that you wear in private is something to consider and reconsider.

It's not that they don't want to buy it, but they really don't have much money. A piece of brand-name clothes may be enough for their younger siblings to pay for a school year, so they need to hesitate and think twice before buying. After all, after becoming famous, one's image also needs to be paid attention to. When attending events or something, a stylist will borrow sponsorship. However, there is no brand-name sponsorship for private clothing, so you can only buy it yourself.

Even Junxiu's private sponsorship is only the clothing of the popular brand [Uniqlo], but such a brand seems to be a bit of a loss for the stars standing under the spotlight. Fortunately, Junxiu didn't mention any famous brands about his private clothes. Maybe his own existence is a famous brand, right?

Junxiu has personal opinions on fashion issues, so he will not pursue the fashion ideas issued by the media. But fashion is something that idols at this stage need to follow, especially women. So Junsu really doesn't want to say that her songs will make Tara grow up and become the target of the agency's oppression, and Junsu sincerely hopes that Suyan will have a better life.

Perhaps seeing So-yeon doing well, the inexplicable sense of regret he had left behind will subside a lot, right?

Although Jin Guangzhu also felt that Junxiu's remarks were a bit excessive, he was asking for others, so he had to bite the bullet and say "no" with a smile. Junxiu has experienced such a long social life, and he is already familiar with the basics of slapping a sweet jujube. So Junsu finally said something to Kim Kwang Soo that made his heart 'next collaboration. ’

This "sweet date" of Junxiu made Jin Guangzhu become a little elated. Kara, they only got one song of Junxiu, and just one song, they squeezed into the position of the first-line girl group. The only girl group that has won songs in Junsu's hands for a long time is 'Girls' Generation'. Of course, Kim Kwang Soo understands that it is because Junsu's sister is in it. Although Tara doesn't have Junsu's sister, she has Soyeon.

In the whole of Korea, it is not Park Jin Young of JYP, not Yang Hyun Suk and Kim Young Min of YG, but JS Junsu, who is also an artist! !

How should women's groups target market niches to position themselves? No one has the unique vision of handsome. Marketing, songs, and girl groups have unique personal opinions on how to match Junsu with these three, which is unmatched by any marketing team in any company.

Therefore, Girls' Generation has evolved from a youth girl group at the beginning to the current national girl group. Everyone knows that it is because of the producer behind Girls' Generation: Junxiu! !

Kim Kwang-soo listened to what Jun-su said, and the next time he cooperated, he played the essence of a businessman. Now that you have said it, if he can become the second Girls' Generation, then he will be Kim Kwang Soo...

Kim Kwang-soo flattered and smiled at Junsu: "I'm also looking forward to Junsu, you will be able to cooperate with our children a few more times. Junsu, why don't you look at it like this, you will be a long-term producer for our children? "

"Hehe.. You want me to make your Tara the second [Girls Generation]? Are you not afraid that Tara will encounter Waterloo in my hands?"

"How is it possible, there is no such case as Junsu and your failed girl group in the music industry. If Tara really met Waterloo in your hands, it would prove to be their life. The highest Korean producer like you can't let them Climb to the top..”

Before the filming of Kim Kwang Soo's flattery was over, Junsu interrupted his flattery: "Don't say that, I know how capable I am. Don't give me any high hats..." Junsu said When I got here, I looked at the Tara children standing next to each other with their eyes full of gold stars. The invitation they represented really shocked them.

Let Junxiu be their long-term producer. There is only one girl group in Korea that has such treatment, and that is Girls' Generation, which is smooth sailing both domestically and overseas! Although it is only their representatives who have spoken here, Junxiu will have to say whether they agree or not, but it will not affect their secret expectations after hearing this. Even if they themselves knew that the possibility of this matter is not high, but their representatives opened their mouths, at least there is a possibility of 0.1%, right?

And just the slightest possibility is enough for them to look forward to it, just because he is handsome!

Even if he was interrupted by Junsu, Kim Kwang Soo continued to flatter him: "This is not a high hat, but a fact. Now, among Korean music producers, maybe the second or third is not a good conclusion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But you are Everyone is recognized as the number one. And the results you make are there, which is obvious to everyone. So, don't be too humble."

Junxiu smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for such a compliment. But you also know that I'm very busy, so..."

Junsu used an extremely euphemistic way to reject Kim Kwangsoo's kindness. Of course, Junsu's busyness is something that all Korea knows, so his rejection is reasonable.

But Kim Kwang Soo is like a 'bastard', once he bites, he won't let go. Junxiu finally said 'there is a possibility of the next time', even if it was a scene, he wanted to turn that 'maybe' into a kind of 'sure' on the spot. This is also Junsu's promise, which is really expensive for the music industry. One production and one song can make a girl group shine.

This is something that any brokerage representative cannot refuse. Because rejecting Junsu's promise is equivalent to pushing money out. There must be no businessman who doesn't want to make money, right?

Kim Kwang Soo was still smiling and said to Junsu like a laughing Buddha: "Junsu, don't panic and refuse. I also know that you are a kind person, and you will take care of all the people around you, your sister. Girls' Generation is a national girl group, and your current student Lee Ji-eun has also become a national sister in the music industry, so please think about your former student Soyeon."

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