Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 916: The dead skinned Kim Kwang Soo

Junxiu is a very loyal person and knows how to take care of the people around him. This is not his self-assessment, but after HAHA, Kim Jong-kook, Baek Ji-young, Girls' Generation, Lee Ji-eun, Quan Zhi-ryong, etc. artists have unanimously evaluated him. In the past, they encountered some problems and experienced all kinds of down and sad lives, which they told on the show themselves.

Now they are radiant again in their careers, all because of Junsu's care and help for them. They have expressed their gratitude to Junxiu on the show more than once, and these people have one thing in common for their new career development opportunities, that is, they are very close friends beside Junxiu.

So Kim Kwang Soo started to raise the banner of 'So Yeon', whether it was to gain sympathy, or to hope that Junsu would miss his old love, in short, Jin Guangzhu really wanted to put Tara in the 'Junsu'. on an unstoppable train.

Junxiu is indeed a person who is nostalgic, perhaps because of some guilt towards Suyan at the beginning. Although Junsu was very dissatisfied with Jin Guangzhu's actions, he only frowned slightly and did not use words to ridicule him for making excessive demands. Junxiu's silence and Junxiu's hesitation were all seen in Suyan's eyes. Out of her understanding of Junsu, Soyeon also frowned, because she didn't want to be used as a flag or **** by the company.

Junsu is busy, Soyeon knows. She didn't want to embarrass him, and she didn't want to owe him. So-yeon felt to herself that she owed Jun-su enough of her debts. Whether it was Junsu's financial help when her family had an accident, or her joining Tara and now his promise to make songs for them. These Su Yan all understand that he is looking at her face.

He felt that he owed her, and she felt that he owed him. In fact, the two had long since owed each other since the day they separated. It's just that the love in their youth has carved a hurdle in each other's hearts, and this 'hurdle' is a heart disease that they cannot easily overcome when they are in the same working circle, so gradually this 'hurdle' has become An inexplicable debt in their hearts.

Just when Junsu was silent and did not answer Jin Guangzhu directly, the door of the practice room was opened again. This time, Junsu's manager came in. After he came in, he introduced himself and greeted Kim Kwang-soo. His arrival calmed Junxiu's heart a little.

After Junsu's manager introduced himself, Kim Kwangsoo smiled and said, "Hello, hello, I'm talking to Junsu about his long-term Tara production. He doesn't need to report to S.M when he takes on music work, right?"

Junxiu's manager was stunned when he heard Jin Guangzhu's words, and he even doubted the "Huh?" in his ears.

Looking at the silly manager, Kim Kwang Soo said again with his smiling face: "I said Junsu took over the music job, so he didn't need to report to S.M, right?"

"Report..." The agent turned to look at Junxiu's expression when he said this, because he didn't know what happened to Junxiu? Why take such a job? Not to mention that S.M has a girl group, even he has so many children in his own family. It's not that Kim Young-min didn't think about letting Junsu write songs for F(x), but Junsu refused with the word "busy". What kind of medicine did he take today? Will he promise Kim Kwang-soo to be a long-term producer for his company's girl group?

The manager was perplexed. After seeing Junxiu's unresponsiveness, he turned to look at Jin Guangzhu and said, "There's no need to report, but Junxiu's schedule has reached the end of the year, and he can't find any time to be a producer. "

"There's no problem with this, and we know that Junsu is very busy, but after Junsu became a producer, we Tara can fully meet Junsu's schedule. When will he produce for them, when will they come back. It's like Girls' Generation. !! I heard.. when they come back, Junsu, the chief producer, has the final say, isn't it?"

Every businessman has a thick skin before reaching the top, and Kim Kwang Soo is no exception. At this time, it was as if he had made up his mind to rely on Junxiu in a shameless manner.

Junxiu looked at Tara, who was silent next to him, as if he had made a decision. He looked up at Kim Kwang-soo and said, "Well... I said, if I become their long-term producer, what can I get?"

Junxiu's realistic question was thrown directly to Kim Kwang-soo in front of Tara, which made Kim Kwang-soo a little more difficult. Long-term producer, what if you buy songs? There is no attraction for Junsu. And because the price was lower, Tara also felt that the company was stingy and wasted such a good opportunity in vain. Open too much, it seems to be at a loss. After all, it is a brokerage company, of course, it is thinking of maximizing profits.

Kim Kwang Soo said with a cheeky smile, "We charge 500 million for every song. How about it?"

Five hundred million? Junxiu sold 500 million music copyrights to the Chinese/Chinese TV series "Summer of Bubble" this time, and it was after tax. (The income of star artists, China/China is the norm, after tax.)

So Junsu smiled slightly when he heard that Kim Kwang Soo shamelessly still said the price of '500 million': "Does your '500 million' mean US dollars?"

"Hey... Junsu, you're making a big joke. We are in Korea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The five hundred million in my mouth is of course Korean won."

"That's it, then I'll leave the time to my own children. I believe that after I make albums for my own children, they will definitely bring me more than 500 million income to my company, so you still need to find something else for them. Long-term producer."

Junxiu's words made Jin Guangzhu completely unable to find words to refute. Junxiu is not one of those freelance producers in the market, but he has his own company and his own children. Kim Kwang Soo knows that the 'Junsu Effect' can make Tara transform, so why doesn't he let his children transform? Must be cast on Tara's body?

And this time Junsu agreed to write songs for Tara, not because of his Kim Kwangsoo, but because of Soyeon's role in this group. Junsu has always used songs as a way of 'paying back the favor' to the agency that once owed money.

So he also used this method when he felt a debt to Su Yan, because it seemed a bit domineering to use financial compensation, and it was impossible for Su Yan to ask Jun Xiu for financial compensation.

Besides, what name did Junsu use to compensate Soyeon financially? Youth loss fee? If this is the reason, it is too absurd, right?

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