Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 917: A real gamble!

500 million song producers, and only songs with singing rights, this is unique in the Korean music industry. Even if it is a first-line producer, a song is only two or three thousand, but Junxiu's songs use 'billion' as the unit. Of course, it was hyped up by the media to use 'billion' at the beginning. After all, it is almost impossible for the outside world to buy Junxiu's songs. All the media used the phrase "hard to find" from the very beginning.

Later, a small and medium-sized brokerage company might want to attract the attention of the media, so they publicly shouted Junxiu's '500 million for a song' on behalf of the media. In this way, Junxiu's songs were priced at '500 million', and this time, the TV series on the Taiwanese side of China/China directly used his music copyright without notifying Junxiu (Taihai is also an area where China/China attaches great importance to copyright. ). Originally, S.M planned to litigate with the law, but later they sent someone over and paid 500 million won for the adaptation fee.

Naturally, this news was reported by the media on the Taihai side of Junxiu's sky-high copyright fee, and the Korean media also translated the Taihai news, which seemed to confirm the basic price of Junxiu's music copyright at '500 million'.

That's why Kim Kwang Soo offered this price to Jun Soo. However, this price is completely unattractive to Junxiu, he is not a freelance musician, and the follow-up value of the songs he produces far exceeds 500 million, so Junxiu will naturally not agree.

Because Junsu felt a little psychological debt to Soyeon, so he didn't want to be too cruel to refuse in front of her, so he used this method to make Kim Kwangsoo give up.

But Kim Kwang Soo is not someone who gives up so easily, mainly because 'Junsu' is too famous as a producer of a girl group. . If he can catch Junxiu, then Tara's future is definitely "unlimited money".

Facing Junxiu's words, Jin Guangzhu smiled and said, "How much do you think Junxiu needs?"

"Hehe.." Looking at Jin Guangzhu, who was not giving up, Junxiu also laughed helplessly, this representative is really "diligent". So he made an impossible condition: "If I really want to take on Tara's long-term producers, then I want 20% of their total revenue."

Junsu's conditions were simply whimsical, and Jin Guangzhu rejected Junsu without thinking: "This is impossible, how can there be such a producer? Want 20% of the team's total income?"

"Hehe.. I am such a producer, because I have 20% of their total revenue in Girls' Generation."

It's true that Junsu owns Girls' Generation's total revenue share, because he holds the shares of S.M. Not to mention Girls' Generation, he also has SUJU's total income.

However, Jin Guangzhu really believed Junsu's words, and he looked at Junsu in disbelief: "You really have the total revenue share of Girls' Generation?"

"Although Girls' Generation's activities are being picked up by the company, their comeback music and future planning are all done by me. I put so much effort into pushing them into the top Korean girl group, shouldn't I get the corresponding rewards? Divided into? Although I can't make Tara become Girls' Generation, I am confident that they can more than double their income compared to now. Now Girls' Generation's annual income is close to 40 billion. If I do The total producer of Tara, their income... I won't say too much, at least the annual income can reach 30 billion."

Junxiu's total annual revenue of '30 billion' is indeed more than double the current Tara's revenue. Although Tara has a lot of commercial performances now, their fame has made their appearance fees not high. If Girls' Generation currently costs 30 million for a commercial performance, they will be at most 10 million. The difference is the difference in the popularity of the girl group.

Of course Junxiu said that because he wanted to reject Kim Kwang-soo and at the same time didn't want to lose face, so he deliberately exaggerated and said that he could make Tara's total revenue of 30 billion. This is also Junsu's alternative and exaggerated way to reflect his value as the chief producer.

However, of course, it is impossible for Kim Kwang Soo to fully believe in Junsu's exaggeration. However, he thought about putting Junxiu on Tara again, so he laughed: "Then Junxiu, do you dare to sign with our company? If Tara's annual revenue in your hands does not reach 30 billion, we will pay according to each The market price of the song pays you. Today, the market price of the songs of the top songwriters, how about I charge 50 million higher? If Tara really achieves an annual income of 30 billion under your plan, then I will follow How about 20% of your total income to cover your annual income?"

Junsu really didn't expect Kim Kwang Soo to play this one with himself, Tara's total revenue signing? It can be said that this is a real gamble, betting on Junxiu's reputation as the chief producer and chief planner. If it fails, then Junsu's signature of the producer of the "Korean No. 1" girl group..

Of course, at this time, the "number one" has a bit of media flattery in it, but if it really fails this time, then it will definitely be a one-time slap to the end. If he succeeds, Junxiu will completely earn his real title of 'Korea's No. 1'.

Junsu did not expect that Jin Guangzhu would use such a method to 'bet on his own fame'. In fact, Junsu himself did not know whether he could make a second 'Girls Generation'. Maybe it can be achieved by making Tara a real first-tier girl group, but the top girl group...he is not sure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because the 'top girl group' needs the right time, the right place, and the people.

The most important thing is "people and people", that is, the future market reaction. Can Junsu control the market? Of course not, without the team's publicity, without the media's strong push, just relying on Junxiu's song, it is impossible to achieve, so he has no bottom in his heart.

But now the bet is placed in front of Junxiu, and if he refuses to accept it, does it mean that he has a false name? Yes, he may not be able to do it.

The whole practice room was quiet, everyone looked at Junxiu, and Junxiu silently looked at Jin Guangzhu, the smiling Buddha, the air felt a little condensed at this moment.

No one in Tara thought that things would turn out like this. It was Junxiu who promised to write a song for them. Has this turned into a bet on Junxiu's fame?

Some people in Tara were delighted, and some were worried about Junsu, because no matter how you looked at this bet, it seemed very absurd. Because at the moment when this bet was made, Junxiu was at a disadvantage.

Because no one in the world can truly see the future. What is the future of their Tara, who can tell?

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