Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 932: Actors meet before the start

Junsu disregarded his own children and instead went to be a producer for other people's children. This really has a sense of shame for JS Entertainment, and this sense of shame is stronger for JS representative Min Hyuk. Because some things can't be explained too clearly to the outside world, those who can't understand the key will look at JS Entertainment representatives with ridicule.

So when Min Hyuk expressed the humiliation in his heart, Junsu could only respond to him with an embarrassed smile: "I know you are working hard, so I also want to accumulate more experience in making Tara this time, so that I can make my own home in the future. Children, don’t worry, this is my first and last time making an outside girl group. Next year, I will put more attention on my own children.”

"It's New Year's Eve now? Do you have that much time? We have so many children, and it's impossible for you to rest for so long here."

"Take your time, how can you push it all out at once. Don't you like to see yourself fighting with yourself?"

"Yeah, don't use those illusory things to fool me, now I'm going to be suspicious of anything you say. Really, Junxiu, take care of your children. Our company's current girl group hasn't appeared yet. A pillar. The ones with better grades are all SOLOs, SOLOs, even HyunA has been turned into a SOLO, what do you think?”

"I know, next year, I will definitely make one or two pillars for you, don't worry."

"Don't use empty words, I hope you will put things into practice. Zhien, she is coming back soon. Do you have any plans for her next?"

"Of course, this year is a very important year for Ji Eun. I am here for the TV series. After the movie is over, I will go back to China to make the next album for Ji Eun, and I will make it myself."

Junsu is fond of his precious apprentice, so Minhyuk naturally believes that Junsu’s words are definitely not empty words. He will make it himself when the time comes, then even if he doesn’t sleep, he will make it for Ji Eun. This is him. Absolute love for Ji Eun.

Of course, this favor is also worth it in Minhyuk's view. Recently, the Korean media described Lee Ji-eun as a 'mobile money printing machine'. It is not wrong at all. In the three months since the beginning of this year, Lee Ji-eun's revenue for the company has already exceeded 100. 100 million, it can be seen how scary this speed is. And there are still many manufacturers who still call every day to ask if they can talk about Li Zhien's endorsement. You must know that after the negotiation is done, these are all money.

Min Hyuk nodded and said, "Well, at the end of the year, I will greet the agent in advance, so that he can free up Ji Eun's time. By the way, we plan to let Bai Zhiying start a concert tour. See if you can spare it. Time as a guest?"

"I don't know the progress of the filming of the next TV series. This can only be discussed when the time comes."

"Okay, then... go and do your business first. I still have a meeting here. I'll contact you later on the "I Knot" side, so there shouldn't be a big problem." Minhyuk said and got up. , who just got up, he glanced at Junxiu and said, "I heard that your girlfriend came from Japan? What about Taeyeon?"

"..." Seeing that Junxiu suddenly became dumbfounded, Minhyuk instantly felt relieved, and he was just being naughty when he said this. Junxiu annoyed him, and he would turn his head to make Junxiu upset all of a sudden.


Upset, yes, Junsu has been upset since he came out of Minhyuk's office. But this is not because of emotional problems, but because of the emotional problems, it is because of teaching Tara a few people to sing, which makes Junxiu feel irritable. Singing is really a talent problem. Although some people can handle the shooting well, it is almost impossible to make her singing skills improve rapidly after careful teaching.

For those without talent, progress is a long process of practice. And Junxiu felt that they just lacked such time, and in the end Junxiu could only admit it, and could only endure it. After teaching them, Junxiu can only let them continue to practice with CCM. As for the recording, hehe, are you still waiting? Junxiu didn't even bother to show them the demos that Junxiu made.

Junsu let them go back to practice on their own for two days, and he would record them after the day he went to start the cast meeting was over.

The rest of the time, Junxiu spent the most precious two days with Yui wholeheartedly in Korea. The two of them wandered around many places in Korea together in the past two days, such as Gyeongbokgung Palace, Namsan, Hong Great, wait. Of course, in the past two days, Junxiu and Aragaki Yui wrapped themselves like rice dumplings and shuttled through the famous scenic spots in South Korea. Fortunately, the whereabouts of the two were not found.

Soon two days passed. This morning Junxiu made Yui breakfast. After the two ate together, Junxiu personally drove Yui to the airport. When he got to the airport, Junxiu parked his car far away. Far away, let Yui walk into the airport to check in, in order to avoid reporters at the airport gate.

After delivering Yui, Junxiu hurried to the TV station again. Today is the time to meet the main actors before the show starts.

When Junsu came to the conference room prepared by the crew, he was the only one who arrived. The director of the TV series also rushed over to meet Junxiu after hearing that Junxiu had arrived early. After seeing Junxiu, the director smiled happily and stepped forward to give Junxiu a hug: "Junxiu~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~Long time no see."

"Director, long time no see." The director of "City Hunter" is the director of "Splendid Legacy", Chen He. Junxiu said with a smile, "Why is this time my rival scene is also a school girl I know? Last time I was with Hyoju too."

"Hahaha, I didn't know that every time I work with you, your opponent is your junior girl. It seems that I have a relationship with you Dongguk University. Count the time, you should go to graduate school, right?"

"No, I haven't passed the graduation exam. Our professor suggested to me to apply for graduate school, but I refused. These fake diplomas, I don't dare to ask for them, they are hot. I don't know how many people are holding magnifying glasses now. Watching me, be careful."

"Also, don't bother with these ineffective diplomas. Now that you are the focus wherever you go, you should be careful everywhere, that's right. By the way, do you know who is playing your mother this time?"


"Mr. Kim Mi-sook, hahaha. Last time, you invited Ms. Jin Mi-sook to be Yinxing's stepmother. This time she is your biological mother."

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