Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 933: recording

The familiar director, the familiar senior teacher, and Junxiu's heart are also relieved a lot, because the familiarity will not be so boring when he is in the crew next time. Although the filming of Korean dramas is very rushed, the actors are also very hard. But no matter how busy or hard it was, Junxiu didn't like the depressing atmosphere on the set. You must know that when the studio is depressed, everyone does not have enthusiasm for work, everyone is dead, and it feels uncomfortable.

And the director Junxiu is familiar with the senior teacher who is very talkative and also on the set. Junxiu always finds something to liven up the atmosphere, which makes everyone, including the staff, full of enthusiasm in their work. Of course, the highest work enthusiasm is given by the ratings of the TV series. After all, the ratings are high, the actors can relax, and the staff will also have bonuses. This is how you are, how are you, how are you, and the perfect ending.

At this time, when the director said that the role of Junsu's mother in the play was teacher Kim Mi-sook, she walked in. Teacher Kim Mi-sook, who is in her fifties, is still so beautiful and dignified. When she saw Junxiu, Junxiu had already stood up from the seat and walked towards her with a sunny face. Kim Mi-sook also returned Junxiu's gentle smile, her smile was very similar to the feeling of 'Mama', and it was still so warm.

Junxiu hurriedly stepped forward to help her hold her bag, and at the same time naturally took teacher Jin Mishu's arm: "Teacher, it's been a long time, how are you?"

As for Junsu, Kim Mi-sook, who is a senior, still likes her so much. Because Junxiu has never become arrogant when he achieves achievements, and he will never play big names in front of the staff. Even if he is a world-class star, he will always nod to the staff when he arrives on the set, It's hard work, although it's just a sentence, it's enough to show that Junxiu is a kind child.

You must know that there are really not many children in the entertainment industry who know good manners. In particular, there are a lot of people who become defiant after getting grades. Some time ago, there was a certain actress. Because she was dissatisfied with the filming period, she didn't leave the crew and flew to the United States without a single greeting. This incident was very noisy in Korea at the time, and all the seniors were standing there one after another. Come out and point at this irresponsible female star.

The way of filming in Korea has always been like this, and all the actors know that as long as they are filming and broadcasting at the same time, there is no way they will not catch the show. South Korea is not like China/China after the production is completed and then broadcast, if that is the case, the actors will not be so tired. So, after this female star made such a mistake, many seniors in the entertainment industry jumped out to accuse such a practice. Since you chose the path of being an actor, then you have to abide by the rules of the Korean entertainment industry.

Jin Mi-sook sat down with Jun-su's help, and Jin Mi-sook turned to look at the director and said, "The actors now don't know how to be punctual, and Jun-su's busy people have arrived early, I still don't believe that there are more people in the crew than Jun-su. What about busy people?"

Junxiu said with a smile, "It's alright, teacher, isn't there 10 minutes left for the appointment time? Besides, I don't have a schedule before starting the machine."

"Hehehe, your news has been very lively recently, and it even shocked everyone. Junxiu, how can people in our industry disclose their income? This will make people hate it. Especially It's young people today, it's quite hard to find jobs, and they're unbalanced."

"Teacher, the news of the income is fake, in order to attract everyone's attention to those children. You can also see it as a disguised hype."

"Hype? Such hype is not good for you."

"It doesn't matter, in order for them to get more attention in my hands, it doesn't matter if I suffer a little."

"Oh? It doesn't matter if you suffer? Could it be that you have a girl you like in it?"

"No, but there is one of my students, who studied with me before she debuted. The group she's in recently is not that good... um." Junxiu didn't make her words too straightforward, and Jin Mishu naturally understood this. The remarks.


Junsu and Kim Mi-sook had a brief chat, and then the main actors came one after another. The only one who was late was Kara Goo Hara. Because their group is still active in Japan, she came from the airport, so everyone understood it better. of. Compared with the Korean wave pioneer, Kara does have a high popularity in Japan. Even Junxiu has to admit one thing, that is, Kara is more popular in Japan than Girls' Generation.

The main actors met briefly and briefly introduced themselves. The director said when the game was on and sent the official script to everyone. The main actors read the script of the first scene together and left one after another. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When she came out of the TV drama office, Park Minying looked at Junxiu with a smile, her round face made people feel very cute. She smiled and said to Junxiu, "I'm really happy this time, to be able to work with you, Senior Junxiu."

I am really happy, any actress can play opposite Junsu and will not be unhappy. Especially after her agent heard that Junsu took over the TV series, he told Park Minying excitedly that her worth at least doubled after the second half of this year.

Junxiu smiled and said, "The two junior girls I met in school have worked together now, so I'll trouble you next. Minying.." Junxiu took out his mobile phone after saying a few words. After watching the time, he said, "Let's talk when we meet on the set next time. I still have a lot of things to do today."

In the conference room ahead, Park Min Young saw Junsu and Kim Mishu chatting, so she didn't catch up with Junsu much. Now after the meeting, Junxiu is busy with other work and has to leave, which makes Park Minying a little disappointed. She also said that she and Junxiu have lunch together. After all, they are alumni, and they will spend so much time together .

After Junsu left SBS, he set off directly to JS's recording studio. Tara's children were already waiting in the studio for his arrival, and today they heard the song Junsu wrote to them for the first time. Also got the lyrics.

The assistant in the recording studio said to Tara, "Hurry up and familiarize yourself with the lyrics and melody, and when Junxiu arrives, I will record it for you directly."

After getting the lyrics, even hearing the song for the first time, she immediately called for the recording, which made Su Yan very puzzled: "Don't we need to practice more before recording?"

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