Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 947: Missed Jun Ji Hyun

The performances of the seven groups of people have all ended, and the staff at the scene have begun to arrange for the audience to leave the stage in an orderly manner, although the seven groups of people and the seven songs are completely unfinished for fans. But this is not a real song festival, its essence is always a variety show. So in the face of how the fans at the scene are shouting this encore, it is impossible for an encore to appear.

The audience who came to the scene queued for hours, but only listened to the 'concert' for less than an hour. So everyone leaves with a lot of regret. Unfortunately, there is no way. As the staff explained to them apologetically, "Infinite Challenge" is a variety show, not a music show.

Everyone sitting in the waiting room held the 'Gayo Matsuri One Trophy' in their hands with the excitement of the past. This time the program gave each group a trophy fairly. Liu Zaishi thanked Junxiu on behalf of the show team again: "Junxiu, thank you very much. You are so busy to participate in our show, really, I don't know what to say other than thank you. All right."

After a month of filming, this "Gayo Festival" is finally a perfect ending. When I came from Seoul this morning, I saw Junsu sitting in such a noisy car and sleeping soundly. The members and staff of "Infinite Challenge" such as Yoo Jae-suk were indeed very grateful to Junsu. They all watched Junxiu came out exhausted to the extreme.

Knowing that filming a TV series would be very tiring, he still agreed to appear in their show and persevered. This friendship will be remembered by Liu Zaishi and the show team.

Facing Yoo Jae-suk's thanks again, Junsu smiled and responded to him: "Brother Jae-suk, from the first day I starred in, you always say thank you to me every time I shoot, your constant gratitude makes me so grateful. I feel burdened."

"Hehe, well, I won't say thank you anymore. But thinking that you won't be able to attend the dinner for a while today makes me feel very indebted. Well, I'll talk to the members after your drama is finished. Please alone once."

Because Junxiu has to rush to the set of the TV series in a while, and the filming location of his TV series is not in Seoul, it is more than two hours' drive away from Seoul, so he will definitely not be able to participate in the dinner for a while. After the game is over, he will go back to take a shower and remove his makeup, and then rush to the place. Can't let Junsu wear smoky stage makeup to shoot TV series?

"Well, let's get together after I finish."

The audience outside the venue all left under the guidance of the staff, and the noisy venue in front became quiet at this moment, but the stage did not end. The lights that had been extinguished lighted up again, and there was a piano in the middle of the stage, and Junxiu and Liu Zaishi returned to the stage once again, singing the inspirational song "The Word of the Word" on the stage without any audience. Destined to".


With the broadcast of "The Song of Songs", the song that attracted the most attention was not "My God" by Junsu and Yoo Jae-suk. Although this song was really amazing, all media reported that Yoo Jae-suk and Joon-sook jointly sang to "Twenty-year-old" is written by young people who are confused.

The sound source of "No Pick" was also released along with the show, and the one on the download list was "Fate of Words" after the crowd dissipated. "Infinite Challenge" also publicly stated on the official website that the song festival is a place for everyone to have a lively carnival. This song with a little inspiration is more about recording Liu Zaishi's personal experience, so the program team also felt that it was really uncomfortable. It is suitable for the atmosphere of the scene, which opened a 'small stove' for Liu Zaishi and Junxiu.

"Fate of Words" has been on the top of all Korean charts in this way, followed by the dance song "My God" by Junsu and Yoo Jae-seok in the song festival. And Tara's song also fell to the ninth position after the release of the sound source of "No Pick Song Festival", and it was an instant drop.

And Junxiu's dance song also entered all nightclubs in Korea instantly after it was broadcast. Junxiu's creative strength once again showed an invincible attitude. The two songs are static and dynamic, completely opposite styles. These two songs The song is completely describing Junxiu's ability to write and dance.

At the filming site on the day when the song was released, Junsu laughed while looking at the transcript. In fact, before the song was released, he had already expected that the ranking of "Fate of Words" would definitely surpass his own dance music, because this song could resonate with more people. It is also Liu Zaishi who is giving back to all the confused young people who are singing at the moment. I hope they will not give up on themselves.

The song "Fate of Words" is not love, not love, but to give those young people who are in a confused period a kind of confidence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A kind of confidence (full) for the future life.

The agent looked at Junxiu's smiling face, but he didn't smile at all. Instead, he said with a melancholy face: "Junxiu, the TV series will be completely finished in a few days. Do you have any plans for the future?"

Japanese movies were temporarily changed roles, and Korean movies, as the agent said, the crew immediately found other people to play after receiving the news that Junxiu could not play. The person who replaced Junsu's role this time is newcomer Kim Soo-hyun, who is also the male lead of the drama "Dream.High" starring Lee Ji-eun.

When Junsu knew that the other party had already found an actor to replace him, he just smiled wryly and said, 'I have no fate with Jun Ji Hyun. ’

Yes, I finally saw the appearance of a movie that could fulfill Junsu's 'wish', but couldn't agree because of the film contract. As a result, I missed the cooperation and lost the film contract there. It doesn't hurt to lose Junsu's movie appointment in Japan, but it hurts to miss the movie with Jun Zhixian.

Now that Junxiu's TV series is about to be completed, it means that all the time when he should go to Japan is free. Originally, the manager wanted to take some jobs in Korea for Junsu, but when the Japanese contract fell through that day, didn't Junsu say that he planned to make an album SOLO and come back? So he didn't dare to arrange the next itinerary for Junxiu privately.

Today, the manager deliberately asked Junxiu about the next arrangement before finishing the project. In fact, he planned to remind Junxiu not to forget to make an album and come back in the later conversation. After all, the more Junxiu's activities, the more he draws. So he wished Junxiu's 'money printing machine' could run 24 hours a day.

However, in the face of the agent's inquiry, Junxiu lit a cigarette and said, "Of course it's a break."

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