Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 948: Music invitations from overseas

Junxiu's "rest" made the manager completely speechless. Didn't he plan to devote himself to his album production and comeback arrangement when he didn't have a movie to shoot? But now it's time. After the release of the highly discussed "Fate of Words", his return... seems to have been stranded by him. Seeing that the agent was about to say something, Park Minying walked towards Junxiu.

After Junxiu's agent saw Park Minying coming, he also chose not to mention this matter for the time being. He said to Junxiu, "I'm going to rest in the car for a while." After that, he got up and left.

Junxiu looked at his back and shook his head. This agent had been with Junxiu since Minhyuk left, so Junxiu knew him fairly well. Before he took the initiative to ask Junxiu's next arrangement, didn't he just want to talk about the album? And Junxiu felt that it was too early to prepare for the album at this time, and it was difficult to get a little rest time after shooting. He had to take a real rest for a week or half a month.

Park Minying came to Junsu with a smile and handed the coffee she bought to Junsu. She really got a lot of attention in this TV series as Junsu's counterpart, so her heart was full of gratitude to Junsu. Maybe there are a lot of advertising companies waiting for her to shoot after the TV drama is finished, so she has invited Junxiu to drink coffee more and more times recently.

Junxiu took the coffee with a smile, flicked the ash in his hand at the same time, and said, "You've been inviting me to drink coffee every day recently. I'm almost embarrassed by your politeness."

"Didn't I thank you? I have a lot of advertisements coming in with you this time. And the ratings of our drama in China/China are said to be very good, and there are many advertising companies looking for me there. "

Junxiu deliberately said jokingly, "Uh? Chinese/Chinese manufacturers, why didn't they find me?"

"Oppa, you can ask ten me for your endorsement price. Maybe the manufacturer thinks the price of my endorsement is cheaper."

"Since there are so many advertisement invitations, you are going to kill me with coffee, no matter what, are you going to treat me to a delicious meal? I've been craving pork belly lately, Minying."

Seeing Junxiu joking in a good mood, Park Minying also joked with him and said, "It's not easy to eat pork belly, just wait for two days to finish the banquet and you can eat more, and it's the crew who paid for it. Well. My endorsement price can only buy you coffee."

"Do you really want to be so stingy?"

"This is called careful planning. Hehe~~ oppa, you said in "Infinite Challenge" that you were temporarily replaced by the Japanese side, is that true?"

"Of course, am I still joking? You see that I have lost my next job, so you are reluctant to treat me to a good meal to comfort my hurt heart?"

"Oppa, your four-episode pay is my pay for the whole drama. You want me to treat you to something delicious? Besides, you are a senior, and you are still a man. Do you want to be so stingy?"

Junxiu also smiled and learned what Park Minying said earlier: "I'm planning carefully. If you don't invite me to eat delicious food, I won't rinse my mouth after smoking for a while. I remember we will have a kiss scene next. Hehe. ~~" Junxiu was completely naughty at this moment.

"oppa~~! I'm really speechless. If a variety show invites me, I will definitely reveal your nature."


After Junxiu laughed, Park Minying asked Junxiu, "oppa, do you have any work arrangements next?"

Hearing that she and the manager asked the same thing, Junxiu looked at Park Minying in surprise: "Aren't you a spy sent by the manager? He also said this when you came here just now."

"How is that possible, just thinking that after you were temporarily changed roles, do you have any plans on your side?"

"I don't have a plan for now, and I don't want to plan anything. After so many years of debut, I really want to give myself a vacation, so I can take a good rest after this filming is over."

"Looking at oppa, the bloodshot in your eyes is getting more and more, you should give yourself a good holiday. I also want to take advantage of the filming to go overseas to travel, but I don't have time..."


Park Min-young has received a lot of attention because of this drama, which is also doomed that she will not have time to arrange a vacation for herself after finishing the filming of the drama. Later commercials and follow-up film appointments will definitely keep coming in, and it depends on how she and the company negotiate.

The TV series was completed with the cheers of all the staff. After more than three months of intense filming, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after the word "finished". The actors and staff all raised applause after the end~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the way to the finale banquet, Junxiu heard the agent say: "Junxiu, you didn't publish the song "Those Years" in Japan ?"

"Well, what's the matter? Wouldn't someone be here to talk about the adaptation rights?"

"This time the other party hopes that you can make an adaptation, and hope that you can use this song as the OST of the movie."

"OST? Which movie?" Junxiu didn't think too much about it. He thought that OST was an invitation from the Korean production company and hoped he would adapt it. Because that song was only released in Japanese and not in Korean.

"China/China Taiwanese film. The director of the film thinks that your song has some similar images to the film he made."

"Taihai's movie? Is it like asking me to adapt the song into Chinese?"

"Well, if possible, I hope you can adapt it into Chinese. Of course, the screenwriter and director over there can also help with the adaptation."

In fact, the film director from Taihai came here to buy the rights to adapt the song, but the agency felt that this time, Junxiu could try to see if it could open up the Chinese/Chinese market in the OST of the film. After all, the Chinese/Chinese market is closer than the European and American markets. It would be more perfect if Junxiu could enter the Chinese/Chinese market.

Of course, Junxiu entered the Chinese/Chinese market as an actor, not a singer, because there doesn't seem to be any special emphasis on music copyright there. So it is impossible to rely on copyright to make money there. The only thing is to enter the market as a high-paid actor in China/China!

Moreover, the agency also knows that Junxiu's Chinese level is almost no obstacle there, so it is very convenient for him to develop in the past. Compared with the Japanese market, Chinese/Chinese actors are paid more and can even keep pace with Hollywood A-list stars.

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