Yun Xi immediately began to untie the jacket tied on his body, and he really didn't say much.

Kim Jae-ho shook his head: "I can't communicate with you, why do you all come to such a good place and have to team up with your uncle?!" "

"Isn't it convenient for us to be on a team with narcissists?" Liu Zaishi smiled.

"Yunxi, if I and Brother Zaishi choose one, will you choose me or me?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Is there any more choice?" Li Yunxi said with a smile.

"Yay! Choose me, choose me, choose me, what a choice! You really are! "

"Yes, isn't there a choice? Pick me. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Master stops! I'm going to get off! I can't stand it either! Liu Zaishi greeted.

The master did not understand and moved on.

"The master doesn't want to pay attention to you and only thinks that you are noisy, and he is thinking about why the uncle behind him is so noisy."

"Yay! It's funny! He must be thinking about the young man behind him, his voice is big, his mouth is still smashed, smash it, it's not over! Liu Zaishi compared his hand to his mouth constantly opening and closing.

Don't misunderstand the audience who see this, they are really arguing.

Li Yunxi is very uncomfortable now, she feels that she is going to die of laughter in this car, it is difficult to catch her breath, the laughter is too dense, like a wave, wave after wave does not give breathing space.

She finally found an opportunity, took a breath, stopped and said, "Let's see what is in this box." "

"Yes, look at you, blame you, don't do business every day, the most important thing is not to watch!" Liu Zaishi said.

"Hah! It's funny, if it weren't for Yoon-hee, you would have forgotten the box in the car. "

"Another maximum of three thousand yuan!"

Lee Yoon-hee forced himself to calm down and shouted: "Wow! Daihatsu! wow! Again the most! "

"Yay! What's wrong with us? Liu Zaishi exclaimed.

"Sure enough, I have to let Yun Xi choose, Dafa! We must win! This is the most bonus! Be sure to make the program group bleed! Kim Jae-ho said excitedly: "They definitely didn't expect that there would be a team with the highest prize!" "

"Yes! Work hard! Be sure to win today! "

A few people didn't get excited for long, the car stopped, the fighting brothers fought for too long, directly let the race schedule seamless, it can be said that the role of a little rest did not play a role.

On the other side, several people who handed over the task arrived, and they were also stunned when they saw such a fan base, after all, they thought that there would be no one at first, but they did not expect that they would come.

This kind of unexpectedly thing is even more surprising, Li Guangzhu even saw his various nicknames, such as Guangfanda, etc., the popularity is bursting, and the posture of the Asian prince can be seen.

And Jiyoung, her fans are here is the most terrifying.

The magic is that the tasks of the three teams are all passed at once, which shows that the difficulty is not particularly large, just look at the time.

Good luck to find at once, bad luck to find for half a day.

Like Kim Jae-ho, it doesn't count, time can be controlled freely, and he can finish it whenever he wants.

By the time they got to the next stop, it was dark, and they had really run for a day.

Through the large number of onlookers, everyone came to a very characteristic pavilion, where two girls in white silk clothes were embroidered with phoenixes, which looked particularly smooth and heroic.

When the trend comes to the end, I find that traditional clothes still look good...

The two girls held kettles with long spouts, and as soon as everyone arrived, they began to show off, which should be familiar to everyone and poured tea.

Kim Jae-ho has only seen it on TV, and he is also amazed when he actually sees it.

Kim Jae-ho belongs to that kind of reaction waterfall, will give a lot of reactions to things he is interested in, all kinds of interjection will come out of his mouth, even if it is not powerful, looking at his appearance will feel very powerful.

Moreover, this time is really powerful, such a teapot, really played by them out of flowers, the clothes on the body is the wind, the teapot in the hand is like a dragon, for a while the dragon flying phoenix dance, suddenly certainly, the young lady put on a good pose, poured the water steadily into the water, suddenly mentioned and pressed, directly put it away, the water did not throw out a drop.

It can be said that the mundane process of pouring water has become bells and whistles.

"Good!" Kim Jae-ho shouted Chinese and then slapped his palm.

Liu Zaishi has to clap his hands when he holds the box, it's so exciting!

"I'll try it too!" Kim Jae-ho was in high spirits.

"Farewell! I'm afraid there is water everywhere! Liu Zaishi said with a smile, "What is the task?" "

On the table is the task letter, and the content of the third level is very simple, that is, the tea cannot be overflowed above the line of the cup, then the tea, and finally the cup is pushed to the other end of the table to cross the line but cannot fall.

It's a very simple task, purely cleverly played on the theme of tea, which is not worth mentioning for the RM team.

"Then I'll drink tea, I'm a little thirsty." Kim Jae-ho took the initiative to undertake this task that had the least room to play, saying that tea, in fact, was ordinary water.

"Then I'll push it, Yunxi, you will pour."

The two people assigned the task in a few words, and Yun Xi took over a task that tested the most technology without any right to speak, after all, people are young ladies pouring water, and what is so good about their two old men pouring water.

Kim Jae-ho sat and put the water cup on his head, a little worried: "You can come casually, don't cross the line." "

Although he is afraid, don't let the family be burdened, this is his most basic cultivation...

"Yay! Pour it out! Aim for the point! What a hand shaking! Didn't eat? That's right! Elder brother! We haven't eaten yet! Kim Jae-ho sprayed directly.

Liu Zaishi smiled and said, "Yay! When is this! All want to eat! Hahaha~"

"Ah! Oh yes! Lee Yoon-hee herself panicked, and the more Kim Jae-ho said, the more she panicked, and then the more she trembled.

Kim Jae-ho said with a flat face: "Is it raining?" "

He has given up.

Seeing that Jin Zaihao became a water man, Liu Zaishi laughed so much that he almost rolled over.

In fact, this kettle is not easy to operate, it is a delicate job, this kind of fine, Kim Jae-ho's words are very suitable.

"Okay, okay!" Liu Zaishi hurriedly reminded.

Yunxi was relieved at this, she collected it was quite beautiful, not a drop of water spilled out, Kim Jae-ho doubted whether there was still water in it...

Wiping a handful of water on his forehead, Kim Jae-ho finished the water with a grunt, turned it over his head to prove that he had finished it, and then covered the table for Liu Jae-seok.

This action, at a glance, you can tell that it is an old soju man, but in fact, he has not drunk more than a large Coke bottle so far.

Without him, there is a legend in the entertainment industry - Kim Jae-ho, the god of two cups poured.

A glass of blush, a glass of unconsciousness, that's probably the degree.

This action is what he learned in the TV series.

Liu Zaishi got the cup, suddenly became nervous, and began to gesture.

Kim Jae-ho nervously compared the shape of the microphone with his hand on the side: "Now is our Liu Jae-seok player, in this beautiful place, can he get rid of the useless male title that can't hit pieces of paper and can't kick shuttlecocks?!" "

"Yay! What a useless man! Liu Zaishi was speechless, and the tension immediately disappeared.

"You continue, you continue..."

Liu Zaishi pushed with his hand, and the cup went accurately to the diagonal, and then flew out diagonally, which was really perfect!

Liu Zaishi and Kim Jae-ho looked at each other, and the air was a little embarrassed for a while.

"It's really a useless man." Lee Yoon-hee's words broke the calm.

That's it!

Calm and complain! Real damage! Quench the knife!

Liu Zaishi was directly pierced in the heart, it's over, after tonight, Kim Jae-ho's casual title will be with him for a lifetime!

Last time, he also praised Li Yunxi for doing a beautiful job, and this time it was his turn, and he knew how deadly it was.

"It's okay brother, it's just a failure once, and the next time you fail is really useless man."

"Are you comforting? This makes me more stressed! Liu Zaishi was speechless.

"Then what if you throw it casually, I don't need to take a shower tonight?"

"Oh! Yoonhee! Bathe him right here! Liu Zaishi threatened.

"Brother! What kind of evil words are these! We are twelve! "

"Yay! What is there in the bath! I didn't mean that! Liu Zaishi panicked.

Kim Jae-ho, of course, knows that this is not what he means, he is just switching concepts to get himself out.

They tried again, and the members remained the same.

"Obabi pinch!" Li Yunxi said in advance.

"It's okay, you just take your time, don't be burdened, Oppa likes this wet feeling."

"What are you talking about?" Liu Zaishi poured the water already on the water cup on Kim Jae-ho's head: "Cheer up!" "

"Sorry! I'll pay attention! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Li Yunxi laughed so that the teapot was a little unsteady.

Anyway, just the three of them, you can try countless times without waiting.

This time Li Yunxi is obviously different, very stable, and already skilled.

"Well done, that's it, Yoon-hee, take your time!" Liu Zaishi said next to him.

"Yay! Elder brother! Don't disturb him! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"How am I interfering!" Liu Zaishi laughed and stopped talking.

Lee Yoon-hee was not disturbed by them and completed the work perfectly very calmly, without spilling a single drop.

"Well done! Yoonhee, well done! A glass of celebration! Kim Jae-ho toasted directly, and then gave Liu Zaishi, Liu Zaishi pushed, the cup braked sharply on the white line, and then just fell on the side.


Liu Zaishi glanced at Jin Zaihao with a weak heart, and Jin Zaihao looked down at the rolling water cup and said to Liu Zaishi: "Brother, I really can't drink it..."

Liu Zaishi bowed his head and repented, and raised his head: "Exchange!" "

"Good! How about you drink water when I pour water! Kim Jae-ho suggested.

"You want to be beautiful!" Liu Zaishi immediately refused.

"Then you drink water and I pour water!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good!" Liu Zaishi readily agreed.

"Wait Oppa! Isn't it the same? Li Yunxi's small head, big questions, she was almost bypassed.

"Yes!" Liu Zaishi reacted.

Kim Jae-ho slapped his thigh and regretted: "Just a little!" "

Lee Yoon-hee looked at him in surprise, do you think it will succeed?

PD even thought of what subtitles to use here - fool brother.

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