"You don't really think so, do you?" Lee Yoon-hee asked.

"How is it possible, it's just for the effect of the show, really, am I that stupid?" Liu Zaishi smiled weakly, "Come on, let's start!" "

Li Yunxi still poured water, very stable.

"Oh, you can already work here." Kim Jae-ho said.

This cold sentence made Li Yunxi laugh, smiled, his hands shook, and Liu Zai's stone was wet.

"Yay! Don't listen to him, Yoon-hee! Liu Zaishi was crazy.

"Bia pinch!" Li Yunxi quickly adjusted back.

Kim Jae-ho raised his hand next to him and said, "Pouring tea without killing is soulless!" "

Lee Yoon-hee was not influenced by him and completed the task, Liu Zaishi did it directly, Kim Jae-ho pushed it, and succeeded!

"Yay! What is this? "

Just as they were celebrating, Jin Zhiguo and they arrived.


The three of them hurried to move, now is not the time to celebrate, to be caught up!

Kim Jae-ho they saved too much time in the last meeting and saving, Kim Junguo they are only catching up now, but they can't waste this advantage!

While Kim Jae-ho and them were taking on new tasks and choosing boxes, Kim Junguo and they hurried to start.

Li Yunxi directly chose the number two this time, because he had not been chosen, and then the three of them went to the next stop non-stop, because Chi Shizhen also came, too fast!

The final destination is opposite the pier, and they are going to take a two-pedal boat to the opposite side, and Kim Jae-ho is afraid to even get on board.

"How is this pedal? What about motors? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yay! Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up! Liu Zaishi sat directly on one, and then greeted Kim Jae-ho.

"There are only two! Then you guys come on! I'm there to cheer you up! As soon as Kim Jae-ho wanted to sit aside, he was directly pulled by Liu Zaishi and pressed the seat.

"What do you think! How can you let girls come! "

"You're sexist! Chill the air! When will a woman stand up! Kim Jae-ho said angrily.

"Stop acting! Hurry up and step on! "


This is originally for ornamental use, what is the point of using a motor, and destroys the ecology, not beautiful.

Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok stepped hard, Lee Yoon-hee cheered on the side, although there is not much description, but in fact, Lee Yoon-hee still has a lot of words, after all, in this kind of team, it is impossible not to say much, and the words will be infected.

"Oppa Huai Ting!" Lee Yoon-hee clenched his small fists and shouted in a sweet voice.

"Yay! Oppa is full of power! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Aaaaah!" Liu Zaishi shouted.

"Brother! You can't step that fast! The rhythm should be the same! Kim Jae-ho said quickly.

"Good! Listen to my password! One, two, one, two! "

Halfway through their ride, Lee Yun-hee suddenly pointed behind and shouted, "They started too!" "

"How is it so fast?! Was it a success? It's outrageous! Kim Jae-ho looked back and saw that it was.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up! "Liu Zaishi used all the strength to breastfeed.

This tool was not originally intended for this, and the normal style of painting should be two people riding leisurely and then floating freely with the current, which is enjoyment.

But now, their expressions are hideous, and they look like they are about to die, because this thing is really more tired than imagined when it works like this.


Behind came the roar of Jin Zhiguo, and his voice floated on the entire lake, which was very oppressive!

The man is about to catch up, Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok want to work hard, but it is already their maximum horsepower, Lee Yoon-hee looks anxious, just wants to go up to help, but can't help.

"You help with your hat to paddle!" Kim Jae-ho said anxiously to Yoon-hee.

"Yay! What the hell you say! Yunxi, don't listen, otherwise you will fall, ah, you are going crazy! Liu Zaishi's hand pressed on his thigh to help, but it was not very practical.

Finally arriving on the shore, Li Yunxi quickly grabbed the RM flagpole, but the staff said: "It's not this!" Inside! You'll have to find it! "

The three people quickly ran, but as soon as they ran, Kim Jae-ho fell directly.

"Yay!" Liu Zaishi was scared to death, he was at the end, and a person in front of him suddenly disappeared.

He quickly went up to help Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho said weakly: "My feet are soft!" "

"My feet are soft! Hurry up! Now is not the time! They're coming! Liu Zaishi said nervously, success or failure is here.

Kim Jae-ho's legs were weak, and his eyes were confused when he stood up, but he continued to run.

You said that if you failed at the beginning, it was like Chi Shizhen and them, and it doesn't matter now.

But the three of them were very anxious, and they were very smooth all day long, they all thought they had won, but they didn't expect to be turned over!

Li Yunxi was anxious to run in front alone, and Liu Zaishi shouted: "Yunxi! You run first! ", he himself also threw Kim Jae-ho and quickly ran.

A few people didn't run a few steps, Kim Jae-ho suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and then came the voice of Kim Ji-guo, Kim Jae-ho looked back and saw that they had already begun to go ashore.

Kim Junguk took the lead and ran directly to their side, and when passing Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho quickly grabbed the corner of his clothes and tried to be a pendant.

"Yay! Let go! "Jin Zhiguo can't manage so much now, and directly runs with Jin Zaihao.

Everyone never expected that in the end, they would still see such a racing picture.

In the end, he arrived before Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho finally let go of his hand, Lee Yoon-hee arrived early, and then Yoo Jae-seok, Brother Joo Hyuk.

But this is a team game, not who arrives first, but which team arrives first, and in the end it turns out to be a showdown between Kim Jae-ho and Haha.

This last picture can be described as thrilling, both teams are trying their best to shout their last teammates, but Kim Jae-ho has to leave earlier after all, and he was taken by Kim Junguo for a while, arriving earlier than haha.

"Yay!" Lee Yoon-hee jumped up excitedly, and Kim Jae-ho sat directly on the ground, no longer having the strength to cheer.

I feel like I ran the last stick in a relay race.

"Yay! Why are you running so slow! Jin Zhiguo directly scolded haha, haha was trained every day, lowered his head in that cute love, grievances.

Suddenly, PD came to them and said, "Double the chance for the bonus!" "

I saw that he was holding two bowls in his hand, and each bowl had a signature cake on it for them to choose, one was to lose them all, and the other was to double the bonus.

"What about this?" Lee Yoon-hee asked.

"Yay! How much is the bonus doubled? Liu Zaishi glanced at the last box, and it was the most three thousand yuan inside!

"Dafa! Three thousand! We are all the most! Liu Zaishi said excitedly.

But in this case, the pressure is also doubled, they take the most bonuses, if they choose the wrong one, today is a day for nothing, if they don't choose, they can keep nine thousand, that's a lot!

To be greedy or not to be greedy?

Yoo Jae-seok and Lee Yoon-hee both set their sights on Kim Jae-ho, who had not yet eased up.

"Give it a shot, turn a bike into a motorcycle, rush!" Double directly 18 thousand! Three million won! What are you waiting for! We have Yoonhee! "Kim Jae-ho exudes the air of a gambler.

Generally, before losing their money, people talk like this.

"Yes! Yoonhee! You choose! Liu Zaishi also agreed, fight, variety show, is to stimulate, not to stimulate where the program effect! Of course, if he fails, he is afraid that his heart will be suffocated.

"What if I choose the wrong one?" Yunxi's pressure has never been greater.

"It's okay, don't worry, don't be burdened, if you choose the wrong one, you can participate in the next drama for free." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Which is wrong?" Lee Yoon-hee immediately turned to ask PD.

Liu Zaishi clapped his hands and laughed, and Yun Xi changed his naughty after the day.

"You can perform very well~" Jin Zhiguo praised.

Lee Yoon-hee smiled proudly, she is actually joking, although it is indeed very tempting, Kim Jae-ho's drama, even if she does not charge money, she will shoot it, and she can earn popularity.

An actor is a line, then your fault tolerance rate will be infinitely higher, as long as there is a masterpiece, you will have more opportunities.

But even if it is, she doesn't want to choose the wrong one, just saying so, the pressure will be much less.

She took a deep breath, when she wanted to choose, she was still very nervous and directly chose one.

"You break it directly, don't touch Brother Zaishi, otherwise it'll be over!" Kim Jae-ho hurriedly reminded.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Zaishi is drunk, how can I say that I am like a smelly hand?

But as soon as Lee Yunxi opened it, the note said, the bonus is doubled!

"Yay!!!" Liu Zaishi shouted excitedly, although he would feel a little strange after reacting, but it was difficult to hide his excitement.

Kim Jae-ho nodded, very satisfied that he believed in science.

"Three million! Ahhh! The three people held hands and jumped in circles excitedly, and suddenly there was one less person jumping and jumping.

"Yay!" Liu Zaishi looked down and saw that Kim Jae-ho was on the ground.

"Leave me alone! Then play and dance! Kim waved his hand and was still happy on the ground.

This face, everyone who saw it felt happy, this is probably the happiness of heavenly wealth.

A few people went to eat a beautiful Chinese meal, it was eaten in a big hotel, Kim Jae-ho actually didn't want to eat this, as far as his food sense of the day was concerned, he missed those street stalls, such as what roast, pork foot rice, what char siu goose, put some chili pepper to mix, Meizhi, but the hotel is also good.

Kim Jae-ho also meets Ji-young.

A day has passed by two people who are a little strange, but it is not important, one greets direct good friends.

"Jiyoung, where did you go after the detachment?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Deadly taunt!

"Hahaha~ Our team has been lagging behind!" Jiyoung is quite big and very cheerful.

"I'll just say, if you want to win, you have to be on a team with me." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Uh-huh! Hope to be on the same team with Oppa today! "Jiyoung is positive.

"Jiyoung! Don't talk to strange people! Li Guangzhu said.

"You're the weird guy, aren't you?" Kim Jae-ho smiled.

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