"The train is leaving!" Song Zhixiao was very excited, and the train was always linked to travel.

Travel, the important thing is not the scenery on the journey, but the people who share the scenery with you.

And it just so happens that the few around her are the best people.

The whole country can be said to be the best MC, can be said to be the best singer, can be said to be the most interesting several people, around her.

The weather is good, the scenery is good, the companions are good, and the mood is naturally good.

In the next paragraph, there are many places to play freely, and our Liu Zaishi, of course, must take on the responsibilities of this MC and enliven the atmosphere, and he is the backbone at this time.

He also bought bread for this, and had to rely on this bread as a reward mechanism to live the whole thing.

"So what do we do?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Liu Zaishi snapped away Kim Jae-ho's hand that secretly reached for the bread while speaking, "Then let's do this, put a digital sticker on the back of this." "

Haha seconds understand: "Decide that person will be the first to throw the dice!" "

"Good ~" Everyone likes, after all, it is most important to choose who to throw the dice at the next stop now, because now the dice are two shots and two shots, and the explosive rate of elimination is 100% Oh, and everyone does not want to be the one who throws the dice.

And Liu Zaishi's game, enlivening the atmosphere, deciding the order, and distributing bread, is just like a surprisingly egg, fulfilling your three wishes at once.

Kim Jae-ho was the first choice, he first made the method, a set of bells and whistles, wrapped the bread in his hand, and then put it in Song Jihyo's mouth, "Here, blow a breath." "

Song Zhihyo felt inexplicably glanced at Kim Jae-ho, and then blew a funny breath, Kim Jae-ho immediately opened, "Yay! Number five! "

It actually drew the last one.

Haha above his head quickly took one, and then stretched out to the front to let Song Zhixiao blow, his head still wanted to look forward, Kim Jae-ho stretched his hand up to his neck is a bare hang, I don't know if it's called this name anyway haha suddenly lost half a breath.

"Aaaah! Can't breathe anymore! Haha frantically patted Kim Jae-ho's shoulder.

"Do you dare? Still can't blow it? Yes? Kim Jae-ho said viciously.

"Don't blow, don't blow! It's going to die! I was wrong! "

"Do you want me to blow it for you?" Kim Jae-ho let go of him and gave him a blank look.

"No need, no need~ haha laughed.


This bad line ~

Liu Zaishi they are going to die of laughter, the palms are about to slap badly, Kim Jae-ho's reaction is too fast, haha cooperation is also very good, everyone did not expect that Kim Jae-ho will also do this, looks very professional, a little handsome.

This naturally goes without saying, it is what Kim Jae-ho learned before, don't really say, learning martial arts is really useful, especially when pretending.

After slowing down, he also glanced at the bottom of the bread in his hand that was almost flattened, "No. 4!! "

Suddenly, after Liu Zaishi on the side took a piece, he looked at Song Zhixiao and said hesitantly, "That..." stretched out in front of Song Zhixiao, "Help me blow it too~."

"Brother! How can you too! "


Liu Zaishi is too good at it, and he immediately learns it when he sees it useful.

He glanced at it and suddenly shouted: "No! "

This frightened Li Guangzhu, and after reacting, he was speechless, the boss is not small and dares to do such a childish thing.

This childish ghost was happy by everyone, Liu Zaishi got nothing, that is, there was no sticker, only five of the seven breads had stickers, and if you didn't smoke, you had to smoke again, but you can get a piece of bread for nothing.

Liu Zaishi: "You can eat it with confidence~"

After Song Zhixiao took it, it was also empty, and it was Li Guangzhu's turn, he looked at Zhixiao, and then at Kim Jae-ho, looking hesitant and dead, Sima Zhao's heart was known to everyone, haha laughed positively until his jaw almost dropped.

How the hell did this guy do it, without saying a word, he can make people laugh just by facial expressions.

This is probably what he can be an actor, recently his city hunters are on the air, although some people N city hunters don't know that light beads are also acting in it...

He hesitated with the bread, Kim Jae-ho: "Do you want me to give a bite?" Then in the next second, he grabbed Li Guangzhu's hand, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll blow it!" Whew! "

"No thanks, no more!" Lee Kwang-joo hurriedly protected his bread, not to be touched by Kim Jae-ho's tone, and then pulled it out of Kim Jae-ho's hand.

Everyone is happy to die, you are not a, and then glanced at your bread in fear, a very simple 3 word.

"Yay!" He shouted, fortunately not blown by Kim Jae-ho.

Seeing that he got 3, Song Xiao and Liu Zaishi were uncomfortable, now the two of them are either 1 or 2, this is not a question of life and death, but a more miserable problem of death and death...

Liu Zaishi's eyes immediately changed and became heavy, and he suddenly had a premonition that something bad was about to happen.


That's right! He's the worse one!

The next stop only needs the next person, so he is likely to be the one who got off alone.

Kim Jae-ho reached out and touched his hand on the table and said heavily: "Brother, let's go on the road after eating well"

"Yay! What a lot! Liu Zaishi smiled angrily, "It really is!" Isn't it good if I passed? And it is not necessarily eliminated! "

"Others may not be necessarily, you just..." Before Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, Liu Zaishi got up with his waist crossed, "Ah! What do you mean! You spit out all the bread! You! "

Kim Jae-ho quickly pulled twice and swallowed the bread, and wanted him to spit it out when it came to his mouth? No way!

"Yay! Qianchenglin! You seem to be very happy! Liu Zaishi slapped the table and said his real name so angrily.

Song Zhixiao smiled so hard that he finally took a breath: "I'm No. 2 oh~Oppa~"

Fatal Blow!

Ten Kim Jae-ho are not so infuriating with this sentence!

"It's really ..." Liu Zaishi turned back angrily, and when he turned around, he saw Li Guangzhu laughing so that his mouth couldn't be closed, and he was still holding it there, he was even more angry, you might as well laugh!

Liu Zaishi actually really feels that he still has a chance, after all, it is only one in two, he can't be so unlucky, and the chance of this fifty can't be touched, right?

Coincidentally, Kim Junguo and Ji Shijin also thought so, and now they are on the plane~

After the bread was eaten and a little dry, everyone went to buy some water, chatted, and saw that the time was almost the same, Liu Zaishi said: "We don't have long time now, let's cool separate~"


Everyone agrees, simply neat, will not disturb other people who get on the bus, as a public figure, the public is always the first, people come and go in a hurry, a program group is not good to block others there.

···· Seeking freshness...

Liu Zaishi continued to refine: "Then let's be like this, once there are losers, everyone can just laugh and take the car." "

Kim Jae-ho immediately said: "That brother, how miserable you will be then!" "

"Yay! It's not necessarily me! "Liu Zaishi is stupid, why did he directly substitute him?


The car continued to walk, seeing that it was about to reach the station, Song Jihyo also began to get a little nervous, she asked Kim Jae-ho: "What if I get off the car at that time?" "

"Then I'll get out of the car and accompany you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Really?" Song Zhixiao asked in surprise.

"Of course it's fake!"

"Snap!" Song Zhixiao directly slapped him on the arm.

Kim Jae-ho explained with a smile: "There are rules, when the time comes, I will happily collect all the crowns at the end first, and then wait for you~",

Song Zhixiao also cried and laughed when he heard it, he is not a cheap person.

The haha in the back directly pulled the childlike voice and shouted: "The crown is mine!" It's all mine! "


"You dream! It's mine! Kim Jae-ho also learned to shout.

Liu Zaishi rubbed his nose and smiled, really, I'm still here, what are you talking about?

But soon he became nervous, because the train slowly began to stop, Song Zhixiao was nervous, and Liu Zaishi was showing all over his body what the word nervousness meant, which can be described as fidgeting.

When it really came time to leave, several people were nervous, but Kim Jae-ho did not, he was the last, if this could be his turn, how unlucky would he be?

If that's the case, either Rebirth spent all his luck, or met Song Zhixiao and spent all his luck, but he himself felt that his luck was still quite good, at least better than some people, such as Liu Zaishi, such as Li Guangzhu.

And these two people, both in front of him.

When he arrived at the door, the car did not stop, but it was fast, Liu Zaishi said: "It's really like just now, let's separate in a dashing way~" Zaishi tuned again.

"If I am eliminated, you will not turn your head, no need to say hello." Liu Zaishi said.

"There is already a picture." Kim Jae-ho touched his head.

The time to get off the car was a total of sixty seconds, as soon as the door was opened, everyone went down and rushed out, Liu Zaishi picked up the dice and threw it!



Everyone Wuyang Wuyang ran back, got in the car, and returned to the original position.

How apprehensive I was when I got out of the car, how happy I was when I got on the bus, and that happiness overflowed the screen, as if the previous nervousness was a joke.

It is exactly the same as the plot that was thought up in advance, and it is exactly the same, leaving Liu Zaishi alone to grieve.

As you wish!

Liu Zaishi never imagined that it was really him, he regretted it, it was he who designed himself, why did His Majesty rebel?


"Yay! You guys! Liu Zaishi ran over and pointed at them.

Kim Jae-ho lip-synced: "Goodbye to you, sure enough, you are all obedient, I am not there and you must be fine!" Be happy~You guys~"

Haha is going to die of laughter, if he could not hear what Liu Zaishi said, he would really believe Kim Jae-ho's nonsense.

Kim Jae-ho also compared his heart with his hand: "I love you too!" "

Liu Zaishi scolded and cursed, I love you a ghost! _

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