Bid farewell to Liu Zaishi in tears, through the car window, looking at Liu Zaishi who is gradually leaving, his back is lonely, desolate, everyone is a little unbearable, or the first time to see such Liu Zaishi.

"Just let him go?" Haha asked.

"That's for sure!" Kim Jae-ho said, "You have to respect the wishes of the person, or will you go down and accompany him?" The door hasn't closed yet~"

Haha smiled, he said that, it is impossible to get off the car to accompany him, just mean it.

Everyone went back to their original positions, and after one less person, it was just enough to fill the four-seater.

"Then now I'm the biggest..." haha thought suddenly.

"What do you want to say?"

Haha tightened his collar, sat upright, just remembered the situation but insisted on less than two seconds and immediately laughed, he still couldn't pretend.

After Liu Zaishi left, there was no backbone, it can be said that everyone here is a younger brother, but it doesn't matter, this is just one of the roads.

You can shake your legs, look at the scenery outside, and enjoy the spare time at the moment, just in the future, the so-called green trees are thick and summer days are long, and the building platform is reflected into the pond.

The scenery passed by the train, and only now there is a little sense of tourism.

"Ah~ it's really very simple and interesting, right~" Haha looks very relaxed.

Li Guangzhu leaned against the "zero zero" window to cover her mouth and smiled: "Really, it's the first time I've seen such an unlucky person." "

Li Guangzhu has also seen it for a long time, and he really saw it for the first time with such a smelly hand, like watching TV.

Kim Jae-ho is also drunk, you are embarrassed to laugh at others.

"Yes, the funniest thing is that he still told us not to look back hahaha, he must regret it now." Haha said.

"A person squatting there and getting angry, sure." As soon as Song Zhixiao finished speaking, everyone had a picture.

It was such a place, people came and went, on the cement floor, Liu Zaishi squatted there alone, angry.

In fact, no, Liu Zaishi is thinking about how to go now, after all, he is only one person, and everything has to be thought of by him alone, as for V Quanlie?

Then it's better to think about it alone...

After chatting a few words about Liu Zaishi, they have to go back to themselves, what they have to do now is decide who to eliminate at the next stop, this is simple, but to do something interesting you have to think about.

Haha at this time has to provoke the beam, he proposed everyone to vote, the anonymous kind, write down the person and reason you want to vote.

Kim Jae-ho was lying on the table writing, protecting it with his hand, writing and suddenly turning back, Song Jihyo leaned on the back of the chair, noticed Kim Jae-ho's gaze and looked over, and looked at each other.

She smirked: "Look at what I do?" Are you trying to write about me?! "

"You guess?" Kim Jae-ho smiled and did not answer positively.

Song Zhixiao glanced at him strangely, pouted, and continued to write his own, with a smile on his lips, idyllic, the sun shone on his face, good-looking.

Kim Jae-ho wrote relatively quickly, so he looked at it a few more times.

In fact, there is nothing to write, it is all a sentence, that is, you have to think, write who is most beneficial to yourself, the most effective, the most interesting, after all, it is a variety show, interesting is always the most important.

After everyone handed over the tickets, haha said: "It's really not written maliciously~"

Li Guangzhu nodded with a smile, yes, there is no malice, just simply want to be eliminated.

PD announces the results, "Come, number one!" "

"Haha, because it's haha."


As soon as PD's words fell, haha directly found someone, Song Zhixiao.

This tone is only him, if it is Lee Kwang-joo, it will not be so flat, if it is Kim Jae-ho, it will not be this tone.

"Next, Song Zhixiao."

Unexpectedly, one person, one vote.

"The reason is, because it's beautiful."

"Certification!" Song Zhixiao immediately raised his hand, "I certify this!" "

She was satisfied with this reason and was not angry.

"Yay! It must be you! "Ha Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho slightly, smiling like a licking dog.

Haha guessed that this kind of words besides Kim Jae-ho who else.

What both men wrote on Monday was just a few words that caused lethality, monomer injuries and AOE dog food damage.

"Next, Kim Jae-ho, dancing is too ugly."

Kim Jae-ho slapped the table and got up: "Who are you two!" Yikes! Where I dance is ugly! Is this ugly?! Yes? "

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho twisted in place, Lee Kwang-joo and Haha quickly laughed and denied it, appeasing Kim Jae-ho's emotions.

I was so angry that I danced on the spot, but this is a dance, in fact, it is a bit insulting to the word dance...

Kim Jae-ho twisted and suddenly sat down.

"Don't jump?" Haha asked.

Kim Jae-ho said angrily: "The place is too small!" Can't be unleashed! "

"Come, this aisle is for you~" PD quickly commanded everyone to move back, haha almost died of laughter, and PD slapped a hand, this PD also understands too well, right? ·

Kim Jae-ho gasped, calmed down and said, "No music!" No soul! "

"Come, I'll give you music~" Li Guangzhu said and took out her mobile phone.

"I'll kill you!" Kim Jae-ho stood up and grabbed Lee Kwang-joo, who shrank back in fright.

"Almost, really..."

Kim Jae-ho is going to die of anger, didn't you see that I was looking for the bottom of the steps? One by one, they are tearing down his steps.

Song Zhixiao wiped the tears from his laughter and said, "I really can't tell who wrote it." "

"Because both of them are possible!" Kim Jae-ho angrily glared at the two smiling people, wanting to use this to make their consciences blamed, but it was useless, both of them were weak on the surface and happy inside.

Dancing is really the only point that Kim Jae-ho can complain about, if dancing is good, Kim Jae-ho should be able to touch Michael's file, then he is not perfect?

Of course, it's true that Michael doesn't know how to act, he doesn't know how to program, and he can't eat yet.

Last vote.

"Let's start with the reason." Li Guangzhu suddenly came to such a sentence.

Kim Jae-ho knew who wrote this, and sure enough, the dancing one was what haha said!

Of course, he didn't make a fork, PD continued to read: "Bad personality, like to torture people, eyes don't like ..."

Haha and Kim Jae-ho both burst into laughter, this sentence by sentence, completely against a person, as soon as the personality is not good, everyone understands.

"The name is, Qianchenglin."

"Hahaha~" Jin Zai and Haha were happy, as soon as he turned back, Li Guangzhu had been caught by Song Zhixiao, he really caught that, just now Kim Jae-ho just made a look, Song Zhixiao really grabbed Li Guangzhu across the table, and Li Guangzhu was really panicked.

"It's not me! Not me! "

"What's wrong with my eyes?!" Song Zhixiao directly grabbed Li Guangzhu's collar and questioned him, everyone knows that only he who likes to frame can say these words.

"Yay! Dance that it's you! "

Suddenly, Haha was also caught, Kim Jae-ho grabbed, this face, Haha and Lee Kwang-joo sat together, both of them shrunk back to the chair, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo were in a row, both stood up and grabbed the collar on the opposite side.....

This is a Monday couple, this is a Monday bully!

It looks very fierce, but in fact, it is the two who are caught who do bad things, and the two brothers at this time are whining, like victims.

In addition to the factor of variety show effect, it is inevitable that Song Zhixiao will get a high vote, because she is lucky, let her vote a few more times, if it is someone else, it is a vote and an accurate, and the last one who stays must be Song Zhixiao.

That's right, Song Zhixiao is now the next person to roll the dice with a two-vote disadvantage.

With bad luck, she had to get out of the car this time, leaving three big men in the car. And she still had to find a way to go on her own, there must be a person on the way, it was not so interesting.

The four quickly broke free from the damage caused by voting on the spot and went to the next game, because the second voter, the third, had to be decided.

The second person is Li Guangzhu, and the third is haha.

Kim Jae-ho was lucky and turned out to be the fourth.

Because it was still in the car, everyone ordered something to eat and drink again and played.

Every time he buys something to eat in the car, looking at the dazzling dazzle, Kim Jae-ho has the urge to order it all, probably because of the influence of someone with a lightning mark on his head.

However, because he was in the car, he restrained and did not be willful.

Liu Zaishi took the next bus and communicated with everyone, of course, using a mobile phone, and Kim Jae-ho took advantage of this time to test whether the new mobile game had bugs.

Now the mobile phone still has buttons, it is interesting, after two years full touch screen began to become popular, of course, now under his influence, it may be a little faster.

As for how fast, it depends on how capable his brother is.

But in fact, now they are mainly focusing on computers, mobile games are done by the way, first get some copyrights first, of course, now they have also made several very interesting games.

In fact, many games do not look at the equipment, interesting is interesting, now there is a new ARPG game, although it is pixel quality, he can still play a sense of blow, is the most powerful, completely original, and Roguelike, elements, there will also be brush brushes, and even at the beginning there is a chance to burst the orange kind of game, directly kill the first boss in seconds. 4.2,

When you krypton gold, the probability of this outfit will be slightly improved, of course, not much, Xuan does not save non-life, krypton does not change life, but just a few dollars of things, some people are still willing.

This is the only krypton gold element, which was learned by the mobile game department from the page game department, and now there are all kinds of commotion operations on the page game, some for children, such as what number, what manor, and some for adults, like what is the Warring States, what is hegemony, all depends on their own play.

Use these to make money, and then invest the money in the single machine, make a boutique single machine, as I have said before, Kim Jae-ho's generation has his own feelings for the single machine, and wants to make a series, such as The Elder Scrolls, like Radiation, like The Witcher, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, NBA2K, FFA and the like.

As for the story, now it is Kim Jae-ho who writes an outline, and then let the team whole, the gameplay is the same, Kim Jae-ho thinks of a direction, and the team will rectify.

If he comes to everything, what good is it to ask for the team.

Although there are not many people, but plan by plan slowly, there will be everything.

Of course, the game test is also done by a special person, who is actually playing purely, which is called the test.

Kim Jae-ho, this is a working hour to do two jobs!

He feels like a model worker!

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