Korean Entertainment’s Future Insight

Chapter 3462: Early morning time

"Brother! You stole breakfast by yourself!!!"

A pair of white hands took the breakfast away, and Luo Junning said helplessly: "What is stealing breakfast? Ask the soft...Taeyeon, am I stealing it!"

This smelly sister, toss herself up in the morning.

Lin Yoona was holding the bowl and looking at Taeyeon.

Kim Taeyeon blinked and said affirmatively: "Yes, Oppa is stealing food!"


Luo Junning was dumbfounded, but Lin Yuner laughed triumphantly, "Brother, look, even Taeyeon says you are stealing food, what else can you say?"

What else can Luo Junning say? It's obvious that several girls have joined together now, or the child Crystal is sensible, and didn't mess around with them.

Zheng Xiujing yawned, but her eyelids were still fighting.

She didn't sleep very well last night, she always had nightmares, felt that there was some terrible little animal, and wanted to strangle herself.

She ran and ran in her dreams, and she was too tired to run. She had no energy when she got up in the morning, and she was a typical excessive exercise.

"As punishment, you have to watch us eat first, brother."

Lin Yuner was not forgiving, and she didn't even return the bowl to Luo Junning, making people dumbfounded.

Luo Junning shook his head, didn't care about this girl, just as compensation for getting drunk last night, but why Taeyeon, this girl, suddenly stood on Yoona's side, is the sister's affection?

Facing Luo Junning's puzzled eyes, Kim Taeyeon shrank her neck with a smile, feeling a little wronged: Who told you not to make others soft? !

Even if you call your name directly, isn't it possible to show affection in front of your sisters?


Luo Junning didn't know, just one name, he actually offended his girlfriend. If he knew it, he would definitely...reward with severe revenge.

So this man, don't be shy.

Especially when it comes to show affection, you shouldn't be shy at all, otherwise you will be missed by your girlfriend without telling you.

This is a loss, a bit wronged.

Lin Yuner was eating breakfast proudly. Who made her elder brother get drunk last night and didn't bully herself while she was drunk?

Let me explain first, this is not her brother Lin Xiaoyun's body, absolutely not!

She was just dissatisfied with her brother's impolite charm.

A beautiful woman like himself is drunk and has no resistance. He has no action at all. This is not rude, what is his charm?

If this spreads out, what confidence do I have to admit that I am the face of Girls' Generation?

After raising this matter to a very high level, Lin Yoona took it for granted, but Kim Taeyeon couldn't stand it anymore and took the breakfast and returned it to Luo Junning.


Lin Yuner panicked, saying, good sister, on the same front, why did you surrender to the enemy, sister.

Kim Taeyeon rolled her eyes, these silly games shouldn't be too much, otherwise it's easy to really hurt each other's feelings.

Before, Yoona knew it well, but today...Forget it, when she faced him, how could Yoona keep her sane enough? Don’t blame her.

"It's Taeyeon, you care about me."

Luo Junning happily stretched out her hand, seeing that the breakfast was about to arrive, but Kim Taeyeon suddenly turned and returned the breakfast to Lin Yoona.

Luo Junning:? ? ? ? ?

Is it itchy? !

Lin Yuner smiled happily: "Hehe, it's O'Neill you are the best."

Kim Taeyeon rolled her eyes, and she also felt that Luo Junning was a bit too much last night, how could he get such a cute sister Yoona drunk, too much!

Be punished, or he will dare next time, huh!

The breakfast finally came to Luo Junning. They didn't really want to be hungry for Luo Junning. Seeing that the breakfast was cold, they went to warm it up specially.

Luo Junning said that he was quite satisfied, and after a big deal, find time and get back with revenge.

Kim Taeyeon was sobbing cold on her back, she didn't dare to look at Luo Junning's eyes. It was also at this time that she remembered that she seemed to be completely controlled by him.

What I did just now, hiss...Is there any regret medicine?

Oh oh oh ~ it's over~

She is not Lin Yun'er and Zheng Xiujing, even if Luo Junning wants to punish them, at best it is more than words, and it is impossible to actually do it.

But she is different!

As his true girlfriend, and a girlfriend with poor physical strength and endurance, this demon would really punish himself physically, and it was the kind of corporal punishment.

Just thinking about it, I feel that my whole body is weak.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this kind of physical punishment does not even have to wait too long, it may happen tonight...Kim Taeyeon feels that her feet are a bit soft, very soft and soft.

Luo Junning was amused.

Is it so terrible to myself, just a look in the eyes makes Taeyeon soft?


This girl, wouldn't it be that she didn't make her feel soft twice, so she quarreled with herself?

The more I think about it, the more it is possible. If it is so... Luo Junning suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. If it was so, then he would have been too wronged in the morning.

"Brother, there are not a few episodes in the script behind me, it seems that everyone is required to participate in it." Lin Yuner has entered the state of actor Yun, holding the script to ask Luo Junning for advice.

Jung Soo-jeong slept all morning, finally awake, and said disgustedly: "Yoona, you are still an actor. Don't you know?"

Lin Yuner:? ? ?

When did Crystal even dare to question his identity as an actor?

Lin Yun'er puffed up, "You know? Then tell me, what is the reason?"

"Just say it!" Zheng Xiujing stood up proudly, and deliberately stood up. Lin Yuner's face was dark, but Zheng Xiujing didn't care, as if nothing happened, "In fact, you have already said the reason. Do not understand?"

Lin Yooner rolled her eyes and said in a bad mood: "If you really want to know, just say it, don't sell anything. It's not fortune telling. This kind of ambiguity is not feasible here!"


Not cooperating at all.

Zheng Xiujing curled her lips. Seeing her brother-in-law and Taeyeon both looking at her with interest, she suddenly regained her energy, coughing lightly, and said: "The reason is very simple, because the script has few episodes! In other words, this drama The finale is about to come. At the finale, it is natural to gather most of the important roles and film the most important moments of the whole show? Yoona, don’t you understand?"

Lin Yun'er's face was completely dark, how could she not understand, how could she not, she just... glanced at Luo Junning, Yun'er puffed up, and stopped talking angrily.

Zheng Xiujing is like a general who has won the battle, proudly saying to Luo Junning: "Brother-in-law, am I right?"

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