Korean Entertainment’s Future Insight

Chapter 3463: Businessman Kim Young Min

You are right, of course you are right!

Such a simple truth, in fact, everyone knows, unless it is the kind of film and television drama that has changed so much, all the important supporting actors except the hero and the hero are killed, and the whole drama is only the title.

But this is an urban idol drama, it is about sweet love, naturally it cannot be so murderous.

Even the biggest villain is nothing more than Kim Young Min, a BOSS who has his own position, and from the perspective of a company president, he can only say that he is responsible.

In a sense, this drama has no villain in the traditional sense, let alone **** pictures, and the ratings are all ages.

That being the case, is Zheng Xiujing wrong?

Lin Yuner curled her lips, it was not that she didn't understand this truth, and what she wanted to see most now was the attitude of her brother Luo Junning, to see if he still wanted to take the opportunity to bully herself.

Of course Luo Junning will not continue to bully Yoona.

Bullying your sister is done once or twice once in a while, and it can’t continue forever, otherwise it’s easy to hurt feelings and get tired.

Do you have any good ideas?

Besides, Kim Taeyeon is still watching, if he bullies Yoona so hard, and don't talk about it first, at least she will end.

But when it comes to the villain, there are more shots for Kim Young Min at the wedding.

After all, it's the big villain... Wait, this wedding is in China, so this thing has to be told to Kim Young-min in advance to avoid the itinerary.

As soon as Luo Junning called to arrange work, he still called Jin Yingmin, and Zheng Xiujing, who was unwilling to play dumb as Luo Junning, had to curl his lips and let the topic go temporarily.

"China Capital?"

Kim Young Min is a very hardworking businessman. Regardless of his background, at least he sits in the position of the president of the S.M company and is worthy of his status.

So at this time, he was already in the company.

Listening to Luo Junning's description, he thought for a while, and said, "Sorry, the company is a bit busy lately, and maybe I can't spare time to pass by then. But I will give the gift, it must be generous."

When he agreed to star in "My Girl", he had read the script and knew that it would end with a happy ending.

His own villain will eventually bless them and attend the wedding, but he agreed at the time because 90% of the wedding may be in Seoul, and at most it will go to Jeju Island.

In this way, he can also spare time.

But I didn't say that I was going to the capital of China, so why didn't you play the card according to the routine?

He has appeared in more than ten episodes in the play, and his image has gradually begun to be whitewashed. The whitewashing process that Luo Junning arranged for him may not be profound, but it also has considerable benefits to his image.

The most visible to the naked eye is the girl's generation fans, who don't scold him much.

Unlike before, that almost never stopped, when Girls’ Generation had a little grievance, or even seemed to be wronged, they would take him a few words.

There were even people who began to praise his acting skills.

Just kidding, does he need this?

There are many benefits, but he has already got it. Going to attend the wedding is just icing on the cake, and there is not much benefit, so he naturally does not want to go.

And it's not that it doesn't give Luo Junning face, is it?

Luo Junning understood this, so he was not angry. He just smiled and said, "That's a pity. At my wedding this time, there were also some heavyweights in the Chinese entertainment industry. I originally wanted to introduce you to someone you know, but now, Hey~"


Jin Yingmin said anxiously: "I just looked at the itinerary. I will be free by then, and I will be free for two days before and after. That's OK. I will arrange the work first, that's it.




Kim Taeyeon, Lin Yoona, and Jeong Soo-jeong all opened their eyes wide, and looked like they couldn't believe it. Luo Junning was amused, and his hands were a little itchy.

However, he restrained himself, so he just squeezed Kim Taeyeon's face.

"Ouba, Kim represents him, he..." Kim Taeyeon came back to her senses, not caring about Luo Junning's small movements, but hesitated.

Luo Junning said: "What happened to Representative Jin?"

"The performance of Jin representative is too exaggerated, he is usually very serious and calm?" Lin Yuner rubbed her eyes, very dazed.

In fact, when they were in the crew, they had seen Kim Young Min in a similar state, but that was in front of the camera.

They only thought that it was Kim Young Min's acting skills, but they didn't expect to... ? ?

"Representative Jin is also a human, don't think so much, look at the crystal, she didn't think about it." Luo Junning said.

Zheng Xiujing blinked and tilted her small head: "Hey? No, I was thinking that Representative Jin had been particularly concerned about the China Entertainment Industry, and had been on business trips in the past for a period of time, and there was some cooperation, so that she wouldn't even know people. , Do you need an introduction from brother-in-law?"

"Yes, he knows people, but it doesn't mean that others want to sell his face, but if it is introduced by heavyweights, it will be different." Luo Junning explained.

Zheng Xiujing's eyes lit up, and when she was about to speak, Lin Yuner said first: "Brother, this heavyweight person, isn't it you?"

"Why, doesn't it look like?"

Luo Junning tidyed up her clothes and answered confidently.

The girls looked up and down, and had to admit that Luo Junning was really a clothes rack, and his temperament was excellent. Even ordinary casual home furnishings could feel like a supermodel.

The girls who were confused by "beauty" did not discuss the previous topic.

Luo Junning did not go on, after all, the theory is like that, but whether or not to introduce Jin Yingmin, or how to introduce Jin Yingmin, let's talk about it separately.

After all, although he has been in the Korean entertainment industry for so long, he does not have a good impression of some Korean artists.

Especially some time ago, and a few years ago, he was clearly an idol who received a warm welcome in China. After returning to South Korea, he said without shame that the money of China is good, and all sorts of belittling China.

Even beautiful female stars are still annoying.

As for Kim Young Min who wants to develop the Chinese mainland market, he will not help much. Except for Girls' Generation, F(X), and Crown, other things are not considered by Luo Junning.

Moreover, even if they were them, he was also very careful about their state, and it was absolutely impossible for similar situations to occur, and he should guard against them from the root cause and from their thinking.

The effect is quite good, after all, they often spend time with him, and they have not been brainwashed by some Koreans, let alone some people in the Korean entertainment industry to deliberately discredit China.

"Oba, are you going to prepare a wedding invitation today?"

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