Korean Entertainment’s Future Insight

Chapter 3464: Wedding invitation gift

Kim Taeyeon can be regarded as a woman who has attended two important weddings, and she has already booked the wedding a long time ago. Naturally, she has been familiar with the wedding process.

Wedding invitations are very important.

However, this time the wedding was held in China, and she was a little worried, worried that her relatives in the family were not convenient in the past — not because she was afraid of embarrassment, but because she was afraid that it would burden everyone.

The conditions of her family can only be regarded as above-average. Although there are many relatives in the family, they are basically in the same situation.

Even in her own home, it was because she made her debut that she was so popular that she relieved a lot of her burden. So, what she is thinking now is whether she wants everyone to come back when they have their wedding in Korea.

But if there are too few people in the past, I feel a little guilty.

Luo Junning didn't think of this. He was not perfect, and he hadn't said that he had no idea about money since he was young, but he rarely worried about money.

"Well, it's not long before the wedding. It's time to write a wedding invitation."

Why don't other people know about such an important wedding invitation? At least, Luo Junning must write it by hand with his wife, so that he can explain his mind.

The same was true at the weddings with Lee Ju-li and Park So-yeon.

Now it's Kim Taeyeon's turn, and he won't treat them differently. Even Lin Yoona and Jung Soo-jeong are arguing about helping, but he didn't agree, but the two girls were angry.

Just ran away hand in hand.

That's good, Luo Junning is also happy and quiet.

The wedding invitations are prepared long ago, so you don’t need to buy them outside, and you can’t buy them outside.

Regarding the guests who are going to be here, Luo Junning has discussed with his parents and contacted the father, but the father is not in good health recently, and it is not a real wedding, so he does not plan to attend.

Luo Junning was a little awkward, but he also knew the actual situation.

As a soldier of the older generation, Grandpa Luo has some prejudices against foreigners. Since he is not a daughter-in-law of his line who can truly be publicized, it is only natural not to attend.

He understood this matter, and did not choose to tell Kim Taeyeon, lest this girl think too much.

However, the absence of Grandpa Luo's attendance does not mean that none of the Luo family's relatives will be present. At least he has many cousins ​​and cousins ​​who have expressed their willingness to attend in advance.

All of them are young people, and it is easier for everyone to chat, and the scene will be more lively.

He doesn't even have to choose his best man, who are all relatives and brothers of his own family, so he doesn't have to worry too much about the bridesmaids.

Although the relatives of my family are all three generations, because of this, they will not mess with the relatives' women.

Moreover, their old Luo family does not have the bad habit of bullying bridesmaids.

The wedding of his sole heir to the Zelu Group, even if it was just a wedding without evidence, no one would dare to mess around and nothing would go wrong.

However, "There are still some wedding invitations being prepared at home, and some friends and partners at work will come."

Naturally, it was Luo’s father’s work friend and partner who met Luo Junning for the first time in a domestic wedding. Perhaps there are some jokes in his heart. Such a young master actually accompanies the entertainment industry and is still a female star in the Korean entertainment industry. Drama, still married in idol drama.

But it does not prevent everyone from coming over and getting a familiar face.

After all, Zelu Group is such a super group, the future will be Luo Junning, they say they are partners, in fact, they rely more on Zelu Group to enjoy food.

Even the existence of the top ten in China's rich list, not to mention being afraid of the Zelu Group, at least puts himself in the position of the little brother, and dare not easily conflict with the Zelu Group.

The Zelu Group, which does not show the mountains and the water, is the foundation-level group that is really not understood by the people.

No matter how ridiculous Luo Junning's actions seemed to them, he would cover them up and express his blessings.

And these people's wedding invitations need Luo Dad and Tang Han to arrange.

Perhaps when he gradually began to take over the Zelu Group and had a better understanding of group affairs and various relationships and connections, this kind of thing would not have to be done to others.


Kim Taeyeon nodded, and suddenly thought that maybe Choi Seung Ah would like such a party very much, after all, she is taking the path of a strong woman, helping him take charge of his property.

"Soft? Soft?"

Kim Taeyeon turned her head blankly and said, "Hey? Oppa, are you calling me?"

Luo Junning couldn't laugh or cry, this girl also learned to be in a daze, "How long have you been in a daze? Why haven't you written a wedding invitation?"

Kim Taeyeon realized that she had really thought too much just now, and she hadn't written a name yet.

"Is there too many relatives, so I don't know who wrote it first?" Luo Junning quipped.

Kim Taeyeon said with a guilty conscience: "Ani, that's not the case."

Although she was a little embarrassed, she still expressed her worries. She was not afraid that Luo Junning would belittle herself after knowing the situation. She understood his personality.

Luo Junning did not think too much about it, but gave serious suggestions, "Or, I will reimburse them for the cost of going back and forth? When I get to the capital, I will also arrange food and accommodation. They are all family.

"Oba, this will make people misunderstand that we are showing off our wealth." Kim Taeyeon said funny.

She is also very rich now.

Last year, I bought a villa for my parents with Luo Junning, not because she didn't have enough money, but because it belonged to both of them.

The number of relatives in her calculation is no more than 40 or 50 at most.

She still paid for this number of people to travel to and from Huaxia Capital. She was not worried about this.

Luo Junning is not stupid, and quickly understood Kim Taeyeon’s concerns, and smiled: "This is not to show off wealth, but to heart. After all, it is for everyone to come to our wedding and bless us, so I can’t let them spend it again. Money?"

Kim Taeyeon knew that he was looking for an excuse and thought it was feasible, but she couldn't help but said, "Then you won't let them give the gift money?"

Luo Junning squeezed her nose and ridiculed: "Tsk, my family is still a small money fan? It's not bad, you can save a lot of money if you leave the money to you in the future."


Kim Taeyeon slapped him with anger, no pain or itching, "Will I be angry if you do this again?"

pissed off?

It's good to be angry. He likes to watch Kim Taeyeon get angry, but he looks like he can't help it. That can be called a cuteness. When he sees it, he has the urge to move.

But now that he was talking about business, he had no choice but to bear it, "I mean it. Do you remember the previous two weddings?"

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