Korean Entertainment’s Future Insight

Chapter 3465: In return, plan

The first two weddings?

Kim Taeyeon lowered her head and thought, "Is there a gift money for the first two times?"

In the wedding of Luo Junning, Li Juli and Park Soyeon, apart from the parents of both parties and most of the entertainers of the entertainment industry, naturally no relatives of the woman were invited.

Moreover, there are a large number of people sitting at eight or nine tables and ten tables, and these are just relatives who are relatively close.

It can only be said that there are so many relatives of Koreans, and there are even occasional repetitions... Fortunately, Luo Junning has not encountered it for the time being, which avoids embarrassment.

In the first two weddings, Kim Taeyeon had been a best man and a bridesmaid.

When she was the best man, she stood with Luo Junning at the door for a while, and received a lot of gift money.

These gifts are all real. They are wrapped in red envelopes. They are definitely not empty. In other words, although the first two weddings were in the name of the TV series finale, the various procedures were based on the formal wedding. , And even more high-end.

For example, for the banquet, the cost of a table is nearly ten million won. If you change it into Chinese currency, it is sixty to seven thousand per table. With a little extra money, you can go to the presidential suite for 111,000 nights for one night.

For ordinary people, it is an absolute masterpiece!

Thinking about it this way, the gift money must be very high, right?

Thinking of this, Kim Taeyeon's face became more and more embarrassed. She wanted to accept the blessings of her relatives, but she absolutely did not want to increase the burden on her relatives and friends.

In the past, Taeyeon liked to keep things in her heart.

But after being with Luo Junning, this habit gradually changed, and she was willing to talk to Luo Junning about her heart, so she didn't conceal it, and directly stated her worry.


Luo Junning was amused, with an expression of "you are a little fool", she looked at Kim Taeyeon in embarrassment, and directly performed the girl's coquettish skills.

The kind with offensive power.

Luo Junning couldn't bear it, so he quickly grabbed her hand and said, "Did they not tell you?"

"Hey? What are you talking about?" Kim Taeyeon was really distracted.

Luo Junning explained with a smile.

It turned out that Lee Ju-li and Park So-yeon’s wedding did receive everyone’s gift money, but for the hostess’s relatives, no matter how much gift money the woman’s relatives gave, they would eventually send back a big red envelope to control the gift money’s expenditure. The level of an ordinary family wedding.

In this way, the blessings of relatives and friends have been obtained, and the faces of relatives and friends have been satisfied, and it has not caused them to spend too much and increase the burden of life.

Turns out, is that so?

Kim Taeyeon finally understood why neither Lee Ju-ri nor Park So-yeon were bothered by this incident.

Not to mention Lee Ju-ri, her family conditions are not bad, and the standards of her relatives are also there, but Pu So-yeon’s family conditions are a bit worse. It would be a great burden to attend such a wedding banquet of nearly tens of millions of won. .

It turns out that they haven't been worried about this. Is there such a situation?

"Oba, then I will write a wedding invitation right away."

Kim Taeyeon happily took a bite on Luo Junning's face, and then started to write wedding invitations happily. It seemed that there would be many of them.

Luo Junning smiled awkwardly. He just wanted to respond, but he didn't expect her to move so fast.

Fortunately, Lin Yuner and Zheng Xiujing have already left, otherwise, it would be a shame.

On the other side, Lin Yuner and Zheng Xiujing did not go too far, after all, Luo Junning is still here, and Lin Yuner will have an announcement later that there is a play to be performed.

Fortunately, there are their rooms in the apartment building, so there is no place to be found.

"Yoona, brother-in-law and Taeyeon are getting married soon. You don't want to do it when Taeyeon is the heroine, but you will be prepared?"

Zheng Xiujing shrank on the sofa.

Unlike Jung Soo Yeon, she likes to lie on the sofa, but she is also a little girl who likes to occupy the sofa. Of course, she prefers to hold her legs on the sofa.

The most important thing is that she found that Luo Junning liked this posture, so she took it for granted.

Lin Yoona doesn't have so many habits. Her mind is simple and concentrated. Now she is focusing on Luo Junning, not thinking about engaging in these pleasing habits.

"There are preparations and plans, but I just don't know how effective it will be."

Zheng Xiujing's eyes lit up, looking at Lin Yun'er with a slightly shy appearance, she couldn't help but excitedly said, "Are you going to continue drilling brother-in-law's bed?"

"What, nonsense!" Lin Yuner was shocked and looked at Zheng Xiujing in disbelief.

How did this girl know about this?

Jeong Soo-jeong curled her lips, "Yoonni, don't hide it. This is no secret anymore. I know it. Unfortunately, it wasn't Ouni you told me. We are still allies."


Can allies say such shameful things?

Lin Yoona is going crazy, and she wants to immediately ask Kwon Yoon Lee why she broke her promise. Otherwise, why would Jeong Soo-jeong know about this again? ! ! !

Could it be that when you were sleeping, you accidentally talked in your dreams and were heard by other sisters?

In any case, the news leak is now certain.

Moreover, looking at Zheng Xiujing's sincere eyes, Lin Yuner tentatively asked: "You... don't you think I am not ashamed?"

Zheng Xiujing rolled her eyes and said with a chuckle: "So I am worried about this? What's the matter with this? With my brother-in-law's temper, if this method can be directly succeeded, I would like to use it myself, so why not be ashamed. of?"

What she said was the truth.

Isn't it just taking advantage of his brother-in-law to get drunk and get him under the covers, make him misunderstand, and then accept the relationship? What's the big deal?

As she said, if Lin Yoona can prove that this plan is indeed feasible, then she will definitely copy it as it is-this was the case with Huang Meiying last time.

If it is not clear that she cannot be as cruel to herself as Huang Meiying, she would want to learn Huang Meiying.

Lin Yoona didn't know Jeong Soo-jeong's thoughts. After hearing this girl didn't laugh at herself, she secretly relieved and temporarily suppressed her dissatisfaction with Quan Jeon-ri, "Do you think this is useful too?"

"This...not to mention whether it is useful or not. It is difficult to find such an opportunity now, right?" Zheng Xiujing analyzed, "You forgot what happened last night. Brother-in-law was guarding you, and he gave you to Get drunk."

This is the truth, the big truth that makes Lin Yuner heartbroken.

Obviously he is so beautiful, why did he throw himself into the crystal after getting drunk? Didn't he have any affection for him?

Isn’t Taeyeon lying to herself too?

Do not!

No way!

You have to work hard, and you have to believe that you can do all of this, otherwise you will be timid, so what reason is there for success? ! ! !

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