Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 3931: Open Road and Hidden Passage


Yu Qilin tilted his head and stared at the giant red-striped leopard with a painful expression, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Qilin's hind legs were slightly bent, standing upright, and his forearms were spread out, preparing to make a bodybuilding posture...

"Shao Dese!"

Lu Chenwei reached out angrily and put his hand on Yu Qilin's head, pressing it down directly, abruptly interrupting its pretentious state.


Yu Qilin was confused, and then slightly disappointed because he couldn't show off.

Lu Chen didn't care about it. He turned over and rode on the back of the unicorn, and then said to the red-striped giant leopard, "It's okay. The jade unicorn won't roar, especially after we settle down, it will completely calm down."

When the red-striped giant leopard saw Lu Chen using the jade unicorn as a mount, its eyes widened and its jaw almost dropped in shock. It had never seen such a powerful person before. ..

If Lu Chen was a beast master, that would be fine.

The problem is, Lu Chen is not a beast master. This is what shocks him the most.

How did someone who was neither a beast master nor a god make a divine beast surrender?


The giant red-striped leopard swallowed hard, then raised his paw and pointed deep into the valley, "Sir, go inside, and I will lead you through the valley directly to Red Leopard Mountain!"


Lu Chen rode the jade unicorn, turned around and waved to the fanatical army, indicating that they should set off.


As the red-striped giant leopard roared, all the immortal beasts breathed a sigh of relief and retreated one after another.

The moment Jade Qilin appeared, the terrifying bloodline suppression was like an overwhelming impact. All the immortal beasts were almost out of their minds. They just wanted to escape and had no intention of fighting.

Now that the leader has ordered a retreat, it means that there is no need to fight or come into contact with the Jade Qilin. Can these fairy beasts not be secretly grateful?

The red-striped giant leopard led the way, leading Lu Shen and others through this narrow valley, and then continued deeper into it, crossing countless mountains and rivers, and finally reached the most remote area and came to a towering mountain. feet.

This mountain is unique, shaped like a prostrate and lurking giant leopard, as if it will rush out and attack at the next moment.

The fairy plants on the mountain are dense, and all the fairy plants are red. From a distance, it looks like a red giant leopard, lurking to capture prey.

This is Chibao Mountain!

In addition to the appearance of Chibao Mountain, which resembles a leopard and the immortal plants are all red, there is also an amazing amount of immortal energy here, even more than the immortal energy of Dan Sect. You will definitely gain a lot from practicing here.

"This mountain was originally the place where I evolved, but..."

The red-striped giant leopard pointed at the mountain peak, looked at the jade unicorn, and said helplessly, "But the master is here, and the jade unicorn beast is also here. I can still move my place."

"Chibao Mountain, we are just temporarily training. I believe that in less than a year, we will be able to retire, and the place that is yours will still be yours."

Lu Chen chuckled and said to the red-striped giant leopard, "So, you don't need to worry. The place we really want to go is Taiyi Palace. We won't stay in Red Leopard Mountain for a long time, and we won't stay here."

"Since I gave up Chibao Mountain, time will not count. You can live as much as you like. It doesn't matter."

The red-striped giant leopard spoke like this, but there was a burst of secret joy in his heart, completely inconsistent with what he meant.

It was originally worried that Lu Chen would live here forever!

But Lu Chen knew that the temporary stay was only about a year, so it secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chibao Mountain, is there a particularly hidden place or a particularly safe place? I want to practice in such a place without any interference from the outside world."

Lu Chen said.

"Chibao Mountain is originally at the deepest part of our fairy beast territory. It is not accessible to ordinary fairy beasts. It has always been quiet and undisturbed, let alone people from outside coming to harass us."

The red-striped giant leopard looked at Lu Shen, suddenly remembered something, and asked again, "Sir, are you in trouble outside, are you afraid that people outside will come in and harass you?"

"Yes, I do have enemies outside, and I am indeed worried about them coming."

Lu Chen nodded and said so.

"People from outside can't enter the territory of our fairy beasts, unless they also have mythical beasts!"

The red-striped giant leopard said.

"They don't have any mythical beasts!"

Lu Chen said.

"Without the mythical beast, you can't even hope to step into my territory, let alone come to Chibao Mountain."

The giant red-striped leopard breathed a sigh of relief and said confidently, "Sir, you can practice with peace of mind. I will lead my subordinates to guard the perimeter for you. No matter who wants to break into the habitat of my immortal beast, I will make it impossible for them to eat it. Walk."

It was precisely because of its promise that it almost lost its life, and even caused the fairy beasts here to almost be exterminated!

Because it didn't know who Lu Chen's enemy was, and thought it was some powerful immortal king from Wanli Tower City.

If it knew that the person who wanted to hunt down Lu Chen was not the Immortal King, but the higher-level Taiyi Immortal King, it would never dare to give Lu Chen a guarantee, or even take Lu Chen in.

The immortal beasts here are only at the eleventh level, but Taiyi Immortal King is equivalent to the twelfth-level immortal beast. It is not at the same level at all, and it cannot be provoked at all.

"Then our safety depends on you."

Lu Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw the giant red-striped leopard fell into the trap.

"At the top of Chibao Mountain, surrounded by cliffs, there is an open road and a secret road."

The red-striped giant leopard looked at Lu Chen, and then revealed a little secret of the Red Leopard Mountain, and then said, "The open road leads directly to the top of the mountain. The terrain is dangerous and easy to defend but difficult to attack. As for the secret passage on the top of the mountain, it is used in case of unexpected needs. If something happens and the top of the mountain cannot be defended, it can be used to quietly leave. However, this secret passage is well hidden, and those who don't know it can't find it at all."

"I like places with retreats. We will go to the top of the mountain to stay and practice on the top of the mountain."

Lu Chen said happily.

"Follow me up!"

The red-striped giant leopard ran up the mountain first and led the way.

Lu Chen led the crowd to follow and ran all the way to the mountainside. Only then did the mountain road become difficult to walk.

Because there were more and more cliffs, and some people even climbed cliffs to the top of the mountain, cutting off one side of the road.

At the mountainside, there was only a narrow mountain road to walk along, and the two sides were either steep cliffs or cliffs.

The higher you go, the more dangerous the terrain, the more cliffs there are, but the more intense the fairy air is.

Finally, we reached the top of the mountain, which was a leopard-shaped place on the Red Leopard Peak. The top of the mountain was very large, and it was no problem to accommodate tens of thousands of people. It was no problem for the Fanatic Legion to stay and practice here.

The top of the mountain was just as the Red Leopard said. Except for the road to the top of the mountain, there were cliffs on all sides. The cliff walls were very smooth, and people on the top could not walk down.

"Where is the secret passage?"

Lu Chen asked.

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