Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 3932: Entrance to the Secret Passage

"Sir, please come with me. The secret passage is over there."

The red-striped giant leopard pointed to the right side of the top of the mountain, then led Lu Shen over, and came to the edge of the cliff.

"Is there a secret passage here?"

Lu Chen looked around his feet and saw nothing special, not even a stone, let alone the entrance to a hidden secret passage. He stretched his head and looked down, but he saw an abyss, "Don't tell me, you The secret passage you mentioned is just a matter of jumping down, right?"

The Immortal Pressure in the Immortal King Tower section is very strong, let alone flying, even jumping and falling are greatly restricted.

Even at the Immortal King level, they can generally only jump a few hundred feet. A particularly strong Immortal King can jump up to a thousand feet, which is basically the limit. It is unimaginable to be ten thousand feet high. It is too much beyond the limit of the Immortal King. Even if Immortal King Taiyi comes, if he dares to jump, he will definitely die.

Even Lu Chen was no exception. He didn't dare to jump because it was too high.

"My lord, I have misunderstood. The cliff is so high. Not to mention you humans, even our immortal beasts who are the best at jumping will not be left alive even if they jump. How can I teach you to jump off the cliff?"

The giant red-striped leopard shook his head, climbed to an edge of the cliff, then pointed at the cliff and looked at the cliff.

"How to use the mechanism?"

Lu Chen glanced over there and saw that the big rock was not far from the edge of the cliff, so he just went down a few feet or so. He could easily jump onto the big rock without any difficulty.

"Let me show you."

After saying this, the red-striped giant leopard jumped into the air and landed lightly on the big stone. Then he raised his paw and slapped the big stone. "The big stone is just an ordinary immortal stone. Don't hit it with too much force, otherwise it will break into pieces." , then the entrance to the secret passage cannot be opened."

The force of the red-striped giant leopard's slap was indeed not very strong. It was just a light slap, and it was slapped nine times in a row. It shook a certain mechanism, and the big stone suddenly became loose.

Boom boom boom boom…

There was a faint roar inside the cliff, and the boulder slid down.

After sliding down for several feet, the boulder suddenly stopped, revealing a hole more than ten feet wide above.

"It really does!"

Lu Chen didn't care about it anymore. He took a big step and jumped down. He happened to be standing on the big rock with the red-striped giant leopard. Looking at the dark passage inside the cave entrance, he couldn't help being surprised. "This thing is really well hidden." "If you hadn't demonstrated it yourself, I would never have found it."

"This secret passage runs through the mountain and leads directly to the bottom of the mountain. It will only be used in emergencies. However, Chibao Mountain has always been safe. No foreign enemies can enter here. I have never used this secret passage so far."

The red-striped giant leopard said.

"Hopefully I won't have to use it either!"

Lu Chen nodded. He already had some understanding of the secret passage, so he stopped staying on the boulder and jumped up.

"While you are practicing here, I will guard the perimeter. No one can enter my territory. This secret passage will most likely not be used."

The red-striped giant leopard jumped up slightly, but the big rock underneath started to slide up.

"Will the entrance to the secret passage close automatically?"

Lu Chen asked.

"Yes, if there is no load-bearing, the boulder will be lifted up and the entrance will be closed. If you want to open it again, you must follow the process I demonstrated."

The red-striped giant leopard said.

The red-striped giant leopard did not stop at the top of the mountain, so as not to affect the cultivation of Lu Chen and others, and quickly went down the mountain.

The red-striped giant leopard had no choice. The power of the divine beast Jade Kirin was too great, and it had to surrender, otherwise it would definitely lead a group of fairy beasts to tear Lu Chen and others into pieces.

Fortunately, its surrender saved the fairy beasts from a bloody disaster!

Nowadays, Lu Chen has become an abnormally powerful being. Coupled with the overall powerful combat power of the Fanatic Legion, he and his army of fairy beasts can be slaughtered to nothing.

As soon as the red-striped giant leopard left, Lu Chen began to station the legion and prepare for everyone to practice in seclusion.

"Senior brother, can you trust these immortal beasts, especially the red-striped giant leopard? I always feel that it is unwilling to do so. I am really afraid that it will stab us in the back."

Fei Long ran to Lu Chen and said a little worriedly.

"With the strength of the red-striped giant leopard, they can't stab us in the back. What's more, they are all afraid of Xiaoyu. They don't dare to go to Red Leopard Mountain to make themselves uncomfortable even if they have nothing to do."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, the red-striped giant leopard just wants us to leave as soon as possible. It won't do any tricks secretly. Even if it wants to, it won't have the means to do so."

"Even if it doesn't dare to backstab, it is really guarding us outside, but can it stop Taiyi Immortal King of the Broken Dragon Alliance?"

Feilong frowned and said this.

"I never expected it to stop the people of the Broken Dragon Alliance. None of their immortal beasts can stop them. In fact, I let them serve as sentinels. If there is a big movement outside, I can easily sense it. Then I can make a decision in advance. reaction."

Lu Chen said.

"What if it is caught by someone from the Dragon-Breaking Alliance and directly betrays you?"

Feilong actually assumed this, it was really a matter of not opening the pot, but fortunately Lu Chen was too lazy to care.

"That guy is a leopard spirit. He is very oily. Once he finds out that it is Taiyi Immortal King, he will definitely run faster than anyone else. There is no way he will be caught by the people of the Broken Dragon Alliance."

Lu Chen chuckled and said, "Ten thousand steps back, once we can't run away, we might as well stick to the top of Chibao Mountain. It's easy to defend but hard to attack. It's not easy for the people of the Dragon-Defying Alliance to attack."

"Senior brother, are you ready to attack Taiyi Immortal King?"

Fei Long's eyes lit up when he saw Lu Chen's confidence, and he also became confident.

He thought Lu Chen wanted to practice and improve the cultivation of the entire legion, and didn't want to fight Taiyi Immortal King in the Immortal King Tower section, but he didn't expect Lu Chen to be ready.

"I can still deal with ordinary Taiyi Immortal Kings, and An Yu can also."

Lu Chen nodded undeniably, and then said, "Although I don't want to expose my combat power so soon, but the Broken Dragon Alliance has come to bully me, so I have to fight them."

Although he said so, Lu Chen was still reluctant to fight. This is not other fairyland, where you can fight and run away.

This is his own fairyland. If he fights, he can't run to other fairyland. If he exposes his true combat power, he will have to face the continuous revenge of the Broken Dragon Alliance.

Although Lu Chen's combat power is strong now, he can kill the second flower Taiyi Immortal King, but he may not be able to beat the third flower Taiyi Immortal King.

It is said that Sanhua is very powerful, and is not on the same level as Erhua. Lu Chen's current state may not be enough. If the Three-Flower Taiyi Immortal King from the Broken Dragon Alliance comes, it will be troublesome.

"With my senior brother here, we are not afraid of anything. Let the people from the Broken Dragon Alliance come and kill them without leaving a single piece of armor."

Fei Long is no longer timid, but a little arrogant.

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