Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 554 Learning to Forge

"I'm a rookie and I stand upright, how can I be a coward?"

The rookie was angry.

"What use are you to standing upright in my army?

Standing firm is for use on the battlefield, not for the fanatical legion. The fanatic legion only has unity and no stubbornness! "

Lu Chen waved his hand and slapped the rookie on the head, "I asked you to be a coward in the legion. I am not allowing you to quarrel with your brothers in the legion. I am not asking you to be a coward in front of the enemy. Do you understand?"

"I seem to understand a little bit."

The rookie rubbed his head and nodded, but his eyes were still a little confused.

"Third, once you join the Fanatic Legion, you have nothing to do with Ye Wu. You must be loyal to the Fanatic Legion!"


You want me to sever ties with Senior Brother Ye Wu? "

"Idiot, it's not about severing the relationship, it's about you not being able to follow Ye Wu anymore, you can only follow me!"

"Are you a little too domineering?"

"Yes, I am very domineering. If you feel you can't accept it, you can get out now."

"What about the Hades fruit?"



The rookie was shocked. It was the first time he had seen such a scoundrel in the world.

"Rookie, Lu Chen's request is not excessive, you must agree!"

Ye Wu said.

"But, I want to follow Senior Brother Ye Wu in the future."

Rookie said.

"Rookie, this is impossible. If you are trained by someone else, you must follow them and be loyal to them. This is the foundation of being a human being!"

Ye Wu said seriously.

"Once you join the legion, you will be as deep as the sea. You will be a member of the legion in life and a ghost of the legion in death!"

Lu Chen made another stab.

"Are you asking me to sell myself?"

Rookie said.

"All the brothers in my legion are prostitutes. Once they're here, don't even think about leaving. Otherwise, if you come in and out at will, what else do you need from the legion?"

Lu Chen said.

"Okay, since they are all selling themselves, then I will be the only one left. I agree to all your conditions!"

The rookie gritted his teeth and said.

"From this moment on, you will be a rookie in the Zealous Legion, no longer a rookie in the inner sect. You can be a strong bird in front of the enemy, but here in the Legion, you must be a coward, otherwise I will destroy your cultivation. , and then expel you from the army!"

Lu Chen stared at the rookie and lectured sternly.


The rookie responded and stood up straight.

Ye Wu was very happy to see Lu Chen accept the rookie. He chatted with Lu Chen for a few more words and then left.

Of course, Lu Chen's attitude towards Ye Wu has also become much better, and the reason will naturally not be mentioned.


That's how snobbish!

If the rookie didn't have a lightning martial vein and a nine-star talent, he wouldn't accept it even if he took the Pluto Fruit!

"Fat dragon!"

Lu Chen called out casually.

The fat dragon suddenly appeared, startling Lu Chen and the rookie.

Lu Chen suspected that Fei Long had been eavesdropping nearby, but he had no evidence.

"Rookie, you will be with Fat Dragon from now on!"

Lu Chen ordered.

"He is only at the fifth level of Tiangang, he is far worse than me."

The rookie was a little reluctant.

"He's a little better than you!"

"Which point?"



"He is the number one coward in the Fanatic Legion. I want you to be a coward like him!"


"Ah, what? Although Fei Long is a coward, there will definitely be benefits for you to follow him!"

"He is a coward and his status must be very low."

"You are wrong. He is the commander of the Fanatic Legion. When I am away, the entire legion must obey his orders!"


"He is still the number one weapon maker in the legion. As long as you make him happy, he may give you two kitchen knives of the holy weapon level when he is happy."


"You're so big, why don't you just go with Fei Long?"

Lu Chen gave the rookie another slap, and then said to Fei Long, "He is left to you. You should train him well. He is only allowed to be a coward in the legion, not to be strong. Don't let him cause trouble in the legion, otherwise I will take him. You are asking."


Fei Long nodded quickly.

"Teach him the beast blood body training technique and let him soak in the beast blood early, otherwise his body will not be able to keep up with the pace of his brothers."

Lu Chen took out another handful of Nine Patterns Xuanming Pill and handed it to the rookie, "You can take these first, and I'll give you another batch in a few days to keep you satisfied!"

The rookie was holding more than a dozen Nine Marks Xuan Ming Pills, and his mouth was almost crooked with joy. This was the best of the best. I heard that it could keep him full, and he immediately felt that he had come to the right place and followed the right person!

"Senior brother, I heard that he has a heaven-level martial art and a nine-star talent. Do you plan to focus on training him?"

Feilong asked with a smile.

"There is a three-month probation period. If his performance during this period satisfies me, I can train him, otherwise forget it."

After Lu Chen said that, he disappeared in a flash, leaving only Feilong and Rookie.

"Fat Dragon"

As soon as the rookie opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Fei Long, "You have two choices, either call him Master Fei or call him Brother Fei!"

"Fat brother!"

"Well, dear, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask me and I will tell you everything I know."

Fei Long said proudly.

"You said Lu Chen"

As soon as the rookie said it, he was severely interrupted by Fei Long, "Are you polite? Lu Chen is the boss of the Fanatic Legion. No matter who is in front or behind, you have to call him boss, otherwise he will be dealt with by military law!"

The rookie was stunned for a while, and even had the illusion that he had not joined a martial arts force, but had entered the wrong military camp and became the wrong soldier.

"The boss said that as long as I perform well, he can cultivate me. What does this cultivation mean?"

the rookie asked stammeringly.

"Senior brother's cultivation is a good thing, he will personally teach you your awesome combat skills!"

Fei Long said.

"Then I don't need to be trained, because I have great combat skills!"

said the rookie.

"How awesome is it?"

Fei Long asked.

"Double-sword combat technique!"

"What rank?"

"Mid-level earth level!"


Feilong burst out laughing on the spot. After a while, he finished laughing and said, "Any general-purpose combat skill in our legion is a top-level earth-level combat skill. Your mid-level earth-level combat skill is just rubbish."


Any combat skill is at the top level of the earth level?

Then isn’t it my ancestral combat skills?”

The rookie was shocked. He did not expect that the combat skills of the Fanatic Legion would be so powerful. They were directly at the top level in the Eastern Wasteland.

"You have to throw it away! The mid-level combat skills of the earth level are too weak and there is no market in our legion. You can throw them in the trash can."

Feilong still interrupted the rookie, and then finished the attack with a look of disdain.

"What level will the combat skills taught by the boss be?"

The rookie licked his lips and asked eagerly.

"Being at the lower level of Heaven level, or the middle level of Heaven level, the boss will decide based on your qualifications."

Fei Long said.

Hearing this, the rookie's eyes widened. Heaven-level combat skills?

This is beyond the strongest combat skill level in the Eastern Wasteland!

For a moment, he was very eager to be cultivated by Lu Chen!

"Don't be stunned, come with me."

After Feilong said that, he turned around and left.

"Where to go?"

The rookie followed up and asked.

"Come to my room."

"do what?"



"No, learn to blacksmith!"


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