Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 555 This swordsman is very perverted

In the Xuantian Dao Sect, the spiritual energy of the world outside the door was 20,000 times thinner, gradually becoming thinner.

When the spiritual energy was thinned to one-third, an explosion suddenly came from Lu Chen's body.



Tiangang Baji!

The basic strength is doubled to 1,280 billion kilograms!

As long as the fighting body appears, the firepower is full, and the sky-shattering hand is released to defeat Xuanming Sandan!

It is even capable of fighting against Xuan Ming Four Refinements!

Cutting off the chopsticks has been completed, and we are now on the path to clearing the meridians!

Eight poles open the meridians!

Use spiritual energy to cleanse the veins of the whole body, remove the debris in the veins, and restore purity!

The difficulty of unblocking the meridians is much greater than cutting the knot!

There are many veins in the whole body, like a dense network, and more spiritual energy is needed to cleanse the impurities in this network.

The spirit gathering stage has passed, and the dragon vein cannot swallow higher concentrations of spiritual energy, otherwise it will be too much.

According to the current situation of the dragon vein, it is still suitable for 20,000 times the spiritual energy. Lu Chen can only do it step by step. There is no shortcut for now.

However, after breaking through the Eight Extremes of Tiangang and advancing a step further, the two dragon veins can extract spiritual energy faster by another level.

When Lu Chen thinned the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to half, the new breakthrough realm was completely consolidated.

At this moment, all the mid-level sixth-order beast blood in the stone coffin was absorbed by Lu Chen!

Just like before, Lu Chen was soaking in the blood of beasts to practice the Nine Dragons Returning to One Technique, practicing and exercising at the same time!

The realm has been broken through, and the physical body has become stronger!

The mid-sixth-level beast blood was being absorbed faster and faster, and Lu Chen knew that the mid-sixth-level beast blood could no longer keep up with the demand.

Continue to forge your body and make your body more powerful. You need to replace the late-level sixth-level beast blood!

Lu Chen stood up without changing the beast blood. He had some things to do and needed to temporarily practice and exercise.

Lu Chen walked out of the practice room and came to the hall, where he saw a fire fox wearing an alchemy robe, skillfully refining alchemy.

There are a large number of medicinal materials on the left side of the fire fox, countless beast pills on the right, and behind him are piles of nine-line Xuanming pills!

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Lu Chen chuckled, touched Fire Fox's head, and found a Nine Fire Mysterious Beast Pill in his hand.

Fire Fox's eyes lit up on the spot, and he quickly bit down on the Nine Fire Mysterious Beast Pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

Lu Chen put away all the Nine Marks Xuanming Pills, then released Xiaoyu, took out five large beasts from the space ring, and threw them on the floor to feed Xiaoyu.

The fire fox also eats wild animal meat, but its appetite is not large. It only eats one animal leg and is full.

Xiaoyu, on the other hand, felt as if she had been hungry for a hundred thousand years. She didn't even need to tear open the beast's meat to eat. She just bit into a beast and swallowed it directly. It was very terrifying.

In just a few dozen breaths, and after devouring the food, all five large savage beasts entered Xiaoyu's belly.


Xiaoyu gritted her teeth and burped.

"How can you eat so well?

What exactly is your belly made of? "

Lu Chen poked Xiaoyu's bulging belly and said with a smile.


Xiaoyu smiled broadly, stood on her back feet, stretched out her front feet, and suddenly bent them, revealing her bulging biceps.

This guy

Showing off muscles again!

Xiao Yucheng has grown a lot, his biceps are no longer small, but he has majestic biceps!

What's more important is that Xiaoyu's aura has also become majestic, with a bit of the aura of a divine beast, making all beasts surrender.

The only pity is that Lu Chen can't figure out Xiaoyu's rank!

Maybe, the mythical beast is different from the wild beast, just like this bird!

"Let's go out for a walk."

Lu Chen brushed Xiaoyu's hair as soft as jade silk and went out with Xiaoyu.

Fire Fox was too lazy to go out and continued to stay in the house refining elixirs.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Lu Chen felt a majestic aura covering the entire mountain!

Among them, many are the auras of powerful people in the Xuanming realm, and there are even more auras from the late Half-step Xuanming and Tiangang stages!

Lu Chen was overjoyed and summoned the entire Fanatic Legion members to the small square to review the progress of all members' cultivation.

As expected by Lu Chen, the medicinal power accumulated in everyone's bodies exploded!

Just as Lu Chen expected, all the members had been soaked in animal blood prepared from the essence and blood of the Beastman Emperor. Their bodies contained a trace amount of the essence and blood of the Beastman Emperor, which suppressed the explosive power of the medicine, and no one exploded!

The explosive power of the medicine has nowhere to vent, and is transformed into a powerful energy, which greatly assists everyone's practice!

Tiangang realm members of the legion, no matter how high or low they are, can use that energy to wash away the physical body and quickly break through. Four poles of spiritual energy, five poles of blood coagulation, six poles of marrow cleansing, seven poles of cutting, eight poles of meridians, and nine poles of palace opening.

Continuous and complete in one go!

Those who were originally in a higher position, or had higher talents, directly entered the half-step Xuanming realm!

The group of new members who were half-stepping into the Xuanming Realm, headed by Yu Li, all broke through the biggest barrier and officially entered the Xuanming Realm!

The realm of those core members has also changed to varying degrees.

Quan Sheng, Ma Jia and Niu Ding broke through the nine poles of Tiangang!

The four of them, Fei Long, Shou Hu, Gao Hai and Ai Shan, have already reached Xuanming!

Ruhua and Rookie were originally from the Xuanming First Forging, but with the powerful assistance of the Nine Patterns Tiangang Pill, they both broke through the Xuanming Second Forging.

Ruhua and Rookie have very high talents, special physiques, and their sudden cultivation speeds are already fast. They just joined the Fanatic Legion at different times.

Ruhua is a newly promoted person in the Xuanming Realm. She joins the Fanatic Legion earlier than a rookie, and she also takes the Nine Patterns Tiangang Pill earlier than a rookie.

The rookie has already been trained in Xuan Ming for a long time, but the sect does not have good resources to support cultivation, so his cultivation has been stuck. Now that he is nourished by the powerful Nine Marks Tiangang Pill, the realm barrier is quickly loosened.

Therefore, Ruhua and Rookie broke through the second forging at the same time.

As for Shangguan Jin

Lu Chen stared at him for half a stick of incense before he finally came to his senses!

Shangguan Jin turned out to be the third refiner of Xuan Ming Realm!

Lu Chen really couldn't find any words to describe this guy!

How long has Lu Chencai been in seclusion?

It’s only ten days!

This guy actually flew up, suddenly from the Tiangang Five Poles to the Xuan Ming Three Refinements, directly ascending to eight realms, one of which was a big realm, and in one fell swoop he became the person with the highest cultivation level in the entire Zealot Legion!

This swordsman is very perverted!

"How many pills have you taken?"

Lu Chen stared blankly at the high-spirited sword cultivator, his throat feeling sore.

If his Dantian is still there, he will never give up until he consumes ten thousand kilograms of Nine Pattern Tiangang Pills!

"As much as everyone drinks, I will drink as much!"

Shangguan said cautiously.

"So, Feilong and the others haven't broken through to the Xuanming Realm?

You are also doing the Xuan Ming Three Exercises. Do you have a secret?

If so, teach me! "

Lu Chen licked his lips and said.

"It can't be taught, this is the advantage of our sword cultivators!"

Shangguan Jin shook his head, and then explained, "The advantage of swordsmanship lies in the Xuanming realm. Starting from the half-step Xuanming realm, the advantage comes out."

"Half step to Xuan Ming is to build the power of will!"

"The will of our sword cultivators is already strong, and there is no obstacle for sword cultivators in the half-step Xuanming realm."

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