Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 79 Soul Power Like the Sea

A young man came out with his head held high, holding a silver fan in his hand, with a smile on his face, but that smile looked sinister.

"Jiang Yao?"

Lu Chen recognized the other party, it was Jiang Yao, his target in the Wumen Competition!

When he was in Shuangmu City, he asked Zhu Feichen to let Jiang Yao go, just to motivate himself to work hard and defeat this arrogant guy with his own hands.

"Is it useful if you bring so many people here?"

Jiang Yao glanced at the disciples of Feixia Clan with great disdain in his eyes.

"Have you ever heard of an elephant being killed by ants?"

Lu Chen responded with a sneer.

"Ants are ants, and elephants are elephants. Ants can only be trampled to death. When will you regret touching the elephant?"

Jiang Yao laughed loudly, his aura fully opened, and the powerful pressure was released. He turned out to be the third level peak of the Spiritual Transformation Realm!

Behind Jiang Yao, hundreds of masters released their auras together, creating an instant overwhelming pressure. They were all masters of the Spiritual Transformation Realm.

The combined pressure released by so many masters shattered the clouds, crushed the mountains, and formed a terrifying pressure that swept forward and pressed heavily on all the disciples of the Feixia Sect.

People with low cultivation were suppressed on the spot and coughed up blood.

Even though his cultivation level was average, he was suppressed to the point of being unable to move.

Even the true disciples of Feixia Sect felt like there was a huge stone pressing on their chests and they couldn't breathe easily.

Only the elders of Feixia Sect have little influence.

Of course, Lu Chen has the soul power to relieve the pressure, so he will not be affected.

At this moment, Lu Chen realized that he had been misled by one sentence.

Ants often bite elephants to death. They bite dead elephants, not live elephants.

In front of absolute strength, the human sea tactic is a joke.

There were only a few hundred people on the other side, but just by gathering a coercive force, tens of thousands of people could not breathe.

If a fight really breaks out, most of these tens of thousands of people may be dead in less than an hour.

The battle in the martial arts is still about high-end combat power!

"You're interesting."

Jiang Yao smiled slightly. It was nothing on the surface, but he was quite shocked inside.

This is not the pressure of him alone, it is the combined pressure of hundreds of masters of the Spiritual Transformation Realm from Ziyun Sect and Shashamen. Those below the second level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm are deeply affected and under great pressure.

Normally, Lu Chen, who was only at the fifth level of the True Essence Realm, would have had a nosebleed.

However, that guy was fine. It was a ghost.

"You are really a country bumpkin. You have never seen the world. Not only is this interesting, it is even more interesting."

Lu Chen retorted calmly.

"Then show me the more interesting ones and see if I'm a bumpkin?"

Jiang Yao laughed and said disdainfully, "Is it possible that you have the ability to resolve this pressure?"

"What if you can? Will you let Elder Fang come over?"

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed and he stared at Jiang Yao, as if he was sure of Jiang Yao.

"no problem."

Jiang Yao spread his legs and mocked, "If you can't do it, just get under my pants, how about it?"

"Lu Chen, you cannot resolve this kind of pressure. You must at least be at the seventh level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm."

"You really haven't changed your gambling nature. How long has it been? You still dare to gamble?"

"Lu Chen, don't bet, you can't afford to lose."

Pan Qingyan and other elders were anxious and quickly spoke to stop them.

Wan'er also wanted to speak out to persuade Lu Chen, but the other party's pressure was so strong that she was speechless.

At this time, a roar sounded, shaking the entire audience.

"Lu Chen, what are you doing? If you get into trouble, don't say that you are a disciple of Feixia Clan in the future. I would rather kill myself than let you come to save me!"

Elder Fang's eyes were about to burst and he would rather die than surrender.

"It's a deal!"

Lu Chen was not influenced by anyone and decided to bet with Jiang Yao.

Are you kidding me? Do I look like a gambler?

After finally catching Jiang Yao in a trap, you are telling me not to gamble now?

Are you kidding me?

"Please start your show!"

Jiang Yao laughed loudly and waved his hand. Hundreds of masters behind him used their strength together, increasing the pressure.

This time, the coercion was even more powerful, affecting even the third level of the Spirit Transformation Realm.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, calmed down, and entered the ocean of memory of the ancient talisman.

After removing the numerous five-element talismans and the few elemental talismans such as air, cloud, ice, thunder, poison, etc., only a few rare special talismans remained.

Among those special talismans, there are talismans related to the soul, called soul talismans.

Lu Chen quickly found seven soul talismans, assembled a soul talisman chain with the secrets of the soul sea, and added it to his soul power.


A terrifying soul power burst out from Lu Chen's body.

With Lu Chen as the center, the soul power was like a sea, spreading in all directions like a ripple.

In the blink of an eye, within a hundred miles radius, the power of the soul is everywhere, like an ocean of soul power, swallowing up all pressure!

All the disciples of Feixia Sect felt light all over, the pressure was lifted, and they could move freely.

Those hundreds of masters in the spirit transformation realm, including Jiang Yao, were all suppressed by the powerful soul power, and the pressure on them could not be released.

The scene was not only shocking, but also extremely shocking.

Everyone, one by one, looked at Lu Chen with wide eyes, as if they were looking at a monster.

monster, freak, pervert, monster

A lot of words to describe Lu Chen appeared and circulated in everyone's mind.

With the power of one person, there are many people who can resolve the pressure of hundreds of people below the seventh level of the Spirit Transformation Realm.

But this kind of person is at least a seventh-level master of the Spiritual Transformation Realm, not Lu Chen, who doesn't even have the Spiritual Transformation Realm.

Even if someone at the seventh level of the Spirit Transformation Realm comes to resolve it, it will only be through coercion and pressure, and it is absolutely impossible to use the power of the soul!

The soul power is so terrifying, beyond everyone’s knowledge!

Even Pan Qingyan, Wu Qugong and other well-informed elders cannot understand what level of realm such a powerful soul power belongs to?

But they know that that kind of level does not exist in the secular world. Perhaps outside the secular world, there are some figures in martial arts myths who have it.

However, Lu Chen is just a green horse, how can he have a soul power as large as the sea?

It’s really confusing!

It’s so damn scary!

After dozens of breaths, Lu Chen regained his soul power, and there was no longer any pressure on the scene, only silence.

Who else dares to speak out?

Who else wants to talk?

Everyone is in shock, and they don’t know where the shock is going.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lu Chen looked at the dazed Jiang Yao with a smile on his face, "There are tens of thousands of eyes here, waiting to see you become a fat boy."

"When did I become fat?"

Jiang Yao came to his senses, but did not react. Lu Chen's words were difficult to understand.

“Have you ever heard of the idiom that you gain weight by breaking your promise?”

Lu Chen was not in a hurry, but followed the guidance, "There are tens of thousands of mouths here. As long as they spread, you will become the fattest kid in the world tomorrow."

Jiang Yaomeng came to his senses and completely understood what Lu Chen said. As long as he admits his bet and refuses to lose, the Feixia Sect's more than 100,000 disciples will help him spread the word everywhere.

I believe it won't be long before the entire Yongming Dynasty, let alone Dengzhou, knows about his default.

If this matter reaches the ears of Master Zhou, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, his head was as big as a bucket and his head became fat.

At this point, the only option is to let Elder Fang of the Feixia Sect go first, and then slowly play with Lu Chen.

Anyway, Lu Chen is here and can’t run away!

"Someone, let Elder Fang of Feixia Sect be released!"

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