Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 80 One move

Jiang Yao gave an order and Elder Fang was released.

Wu Qugong, who was standing behind, looked a little gloomy. He didn't want to be so quick, but he didn't object. He handed over the command here to Jiang Yao because he wanted Jiang Yao to train himself. Naturally, he didn't want to interfere with Jiang Yao. Decide.

But he still sent a secret message to Jiang Yao: "Although Lu Chen's soul power is powerful, it does not have the corresponding realm. The soul power cannot constitute an attack power. You can feel free to take action and beat his spirit."

Jiang Yao's eyes narrowed slightly, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

Indeed, once Lu Chen’s Taixie Sect grows, it will be very terrifying.

Fortunately, with Master Zhou's support, he didn't have to be afraid of Zhu Feichen.

In the martial arts competition, he must kill Lu Chen to avoid future troubles.

"I heard that you are already invincible at the same level. Are you interested in fighting across levels?"

Jiang Yao asked.

"Mao interest."

Lu Chen turned around and prepared to tell everyone to retreat.

Elder Fang has been rescued, what the hell is he going to do?

There is no need to stay any longer. The best thing to do is withdraw as soon as possible.

Moreover, the other party was also prepared and was not afraid of a group fight with Feixiamen.

If the two sides really fight, the tens of thousands of True Element Realm disciples from Feixia Sect will be cannon fodder and vulnerable to a single blow.

Only Pan Qingyan and a few other elders, as well as dozens of true disciples, are capable of fighting, but they may not be able to support them for long in front of hundreds of masters in the spirit transformation realm.

This is the horror of high-end combat power!

"You're not interested, but I am. Why don't you leave without a fight?"

Jiang Yao said with a smile, but his tone was threatening.

But Lu Chen had been mentally prepared for it, he knew it was coming and it would not be easy to leave.

"Are you going to fight me?"

Lu Chen turned around and mocked, "The martial arts competition in the imperial capital is our life and death battle. Have you forgotten this engagement?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten. I just want to warm up with you in advance."

Jiang Yao continued to smile and said, "Don't worry, I promise not to beat you to death."

"Then don't worry, I promise to beat you to death in the martial arts competition."

Lu Chen said.

"You can talk a lot, but it's useless. I won't accept that trick. If you don't fight today, your Feixia Sect's more than 100,000 disciples will never leave. I promise to make them disabled one by one. ”

Jiang Yao stopped beating around the bush and threatened directly.

"Jiang Yao, you are a dignified third-level spirit-transforming person, but you actually bully someone who is at the fifth-level true essence level. Are you still shameless?"

A clear female voice sounded, filled with anger and contempt, resounding throughout the audience.

The person who spoke was none other than Wan'er.

"Miss Wan'er is here too."

Jiang Yao was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that the girl in cotton clothes next to Lu Chen was the talented beauty he had spotted at the Shuangmu City admissions ceremony.

Wan'er is pretty, gentle and charming, much more beautiful than Zhou Ruoxue.

Before Zhou Ruoxue died at that time, he was already attracted to Wan'er, but unfortunately Wan'er was Lu Chen's.

Seeing Wan'er again, his lust suddenly became active, and he was thinking about how to keep Wan'er here.

However, Wan'er was born as a maid. She had served Lu Chen for many years and developed a thoughtful character. One look at Jiang Yao's sultry eyes and she knew that Jiang Yao was very bad. In addition, Jiang Yao was Lu Chen's enemy, which made her even more... I hate Jiang Yao.

Although Wan'er was young, she was very good at handling things. She didn't respond to Jiang Yao and just left Jiang Yao there as if he were in the air.

Sure enough, Jiang Yao suddenly became embarrassed when he saw Wan'er ignoring him.

"Jiang Yao, if you want to spar, it's not appropriate to approach Lu Chen. I'll let my true disciples compete with you."

At this time, Pan Qingyan also suppressed her anger and spoke.

"Then are there any of your true disciples who are at the third level of the Spirit Transformation Realm?"

Jiang Yao glanced at the true disciples of Feixia Sect with disdain, and said disdainfully, "If not, then don't come out and embarrass yourself. I have no interest in fighting with those rubbish."

This is Jiang Yao's insult to Feixiamen!

There was a commotion up and down the Feixia Gate, filled with rage.

However, without the power to refute, Feixiamen could only swallow this bad breath.

Indeed, most of the true disciples of Feixia Sect are at the first level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm, only a few are at the second level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm, and none are at the third level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm.

In terms of realm, the true disciples of Feixia Clan lost to Jiang Yao.

In terms of combat strength, Jiang Yao is recognized as the most powerful among the true disciples of the three major martial arts schools.

When Jiang Yao was at the second level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm, he had already defeated masters at the third level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm. Now he is probably even more incredible.

Even if Feixia Sect's strongest true disciple goes out, he probably won't be able to take one of Jiang Yao's moves and he will be humiliated.

"However, I am interested in taking on the trash among the trash."

Jiang Yao glanced at Lu Chen and teased, "Lu Chen, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, you mean, we are all trash!"

Lu Chen nodded and replied calmly.

Lu Chen's incisive response made the scene burst into thunderous laughter.

The more than 100,000 disciples of Feixia Sect were all happy. No matter the outer sect, the inner sect or the true disciples, even Pan Qingyan and other elders admired Lu Chen's language ability. This was a rhythm that would not stop until the opponent was beaten to death.

Jiang Yao's expression changed drastically. Why are we all rubbish?

Can I be the same as you?

I am a genius, you are rubbish, and your whole family is rubbish!

"Okay, okay, you succeeded in irritating me. If you don't fight me today, you won't be able to leave, and none of you from Feixia Sect will be able to leave."

Jiang Yao was so embarrassed that he immediately became angry.

"What, you can defeat me with one move?"

Lu Chen immediately caught the loophole in Jiang Yao's words and quickly dug a hole.

Don't miss this opportunity, it won't come back again.

"To fight against a rubbish among rubbish like you, one move is already a huge compliment to you."

Jiang Yao snorted and said disdainfully.

"What if you can't defeat me with one move?"

Lu Chen continued to dig deeper and enlarge the hole.


Jiang Yao's tone was firm and full of confidence, "If I can't defeat you with one move, I will never use a second move. You can take people away."

"It's a deal!"

Lu Chen nodded, with a smile on his lips. This idiot was in trouble.

Pan Qingyan, Elder Fang and others couldn't help but frowned. Lu Chentuo was too big.

They are masters of the Spirit Transformation Realm, so they naturally know how powerful the Spirit Transformation Realm is, and it is definitely not something that the True Yuan Realm can resist.

Jiang Yao is a master at the third level of the Spirit Transformation Realm. Lu Chen might not be able to take even one move, let alone one.

They were worried that Jiang Yao would kill Lu Chen with one move.

"Young Master, be careful."

Wan'er also knew that it was dangerous. Although she believed in Lu Chen, she was still very worried.

"Let's see how you respond to my move?"

Jiang Yao smiled coldly, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Lu Chen from the air.

A five-fingered giant claw flew out, the space trembled, and the grass and trees were shattered. The giant claw released a terrifying energy and locked onto Lu Chen!

Everyone at the scene was shocked. Jiang Yao just grabbed it casually, and his claw strength exceeded one million kilograms.

Ten half-step spirit transformation realms working together may not be able to catch this catch. How could Lu Chen, who was only at the fifth level of the True Yuan realm, be able to catch it?

However, the next moment, Jiang Yao's expression changed in vain, and he cursed Lu Chen ten thousand times in his heart.

Because, he suddenly remembered something and felt that he had fallen into Lu Chen's trap.

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