Mizuhara Fuyumi’s words made everyone below stunned again. A group of two members not only need to complete one of the “starter” or “main course” alone, but also the final judging method is still “bundled”?

This means that the quality of the dishes of the others in the group will also affect the qualities.

If the passing standard is 60 points, and each of the two dishes is 50 points, even if one student makes a very delicious dish, he can get full marks. If the other person makes a mess and doesn’t even score 10, then both people in the group will be judged unqualified and both will be expelled.

After understanding the exam questions and a series of rules for Mizuhara Fuyumi, Liu Han nodded secretly in his heart.

It turns out that not only do you need to have a certain level of cooking to make a qualified dish, but you also need to have the ability to communicate with other people, and it is not enough to just “bury your head in hard work” alone.

A good chef, or chef, must have the ability to communicate with diners and the rest of the team. Communication and collaboration skills, which are necessary for a team of chefs to identify their shortcomings and improve quickly.

On the contrary, if a chef is not good at communicating and collaborating with others, even if he is strong, he will one day stop in the same place and cannot improve again, and even if he becomes a chef, he must be a failed chef.

Therefore, the ability to communicate and collaborate is extremely important for chefs. And Fuyumi Mizuhara, who already has experience in running a restaurant, knows this even better, so she will use this special way to evaluate everyone.

After Liu Han understood this, he looked back at Ye Shanliang next to him and said, “Ye Shan-san, since the standard of this assessment is so, then let’s negotiate and assign cooking work, Ye Shan-san, do you want to cook the main dish or the appetizer?” ”

Ye Shanliang didn’t seem to care much about cooking, and said lightly: “I can cook that one casually, but I said in the front, the cooking you make shouldn’t hold me back too much.” ”

Liu Han knew Ye Shanliang’s arrogant personality.

Indeed, Ryo Hayama is very powerful, especially after he won the championship of the autumn trials in the original work, looking like a dragon and a proud sky, quite a feeling that he has mastered the world after mastering spices…

And it was not until after Tsukichi launched the regime, he became a master, and Chuangzhen had a duel with the theme of “bear meat”, and was defeated, that his arrogant character finally relented.

Before this, Hayama Liang was extremely proud, especially when it came to spices, he was even more confident.

Since Liu Han knew that Ye Shanliang was such a character, he naturally would not be angry because of his words, but instead said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, “Yo, then the meaning of Ye Shan’s words is that he definitely thinks that I will drag my feet?” ”

“Huh, isn’t it?” Ye Shanliang smiled like this, and put the spicy leaves in his hand in front of his nose and sniffed.

At this moment, Liu Han’s mind heard the voice of the prompt.

[Mission (3): The host and Hayama accidentally form a partner, but Hayama, who is hostile to the old enemy, despises the host, and now asks the host to show his strength.

Although it is just an ordinary task, and there seems to be no special limit, what must be done. You just need to show your strength a little

If that’s the case…

“Since Hayama-san said so, how about we have a simple competition?” Liu Han said to Ye Shanliang.

“Well, competition?” Ye Shanliang glanced at Liu Han suspiciously.

With a smile on his face, Liu Han said, “It’s very simple, isn’t this assessment going to be cooked by one person?” Then let’s take a look at the dishes we make, who is more delicious, and as for the work of review, please ask Suhara-sanpai. ”

After listening to Liu Han’s words, Ye Shanliang thought for a moment, and secretly said in his heart: Is it to test my strength? But fortunately, before the fall tryouts officially start, I also want to know how many pounds and taels you have…

After a short thought, Ye Shanliang nodded and said, “Well, anyway, this assessment is so boring, so it’s better to add some fun.” ”

“Yes, I think so too~ Then, I will be in charge of the appetizer, how about you take charge of the main course Hayama-san?” Liu Han said with a smile.

As Liu Han expected, Ye Shanliang nodded directly and agreed without thinking much about it: “Okay, then I’ll go and choose the ingredients, your own ingredients don’t need me to help you get them, right?” ”

“Oh, no need, I’ll do it myself.” Liu Han said with a smile.

When Hayama heard this, he left the cooking table with a proud look and went to select the ingredients.

Liu Han was also not in a hurry, and after thinking about the dishes to be made, he raised his right hand and looked at the direction where Mizuhara Fuyumi was and asked: “Senior Sister Mizuwon, I want to ask if there are any special requirements for the dishes in this assessment?” ”

Mizuhara Fuyumi, who was squatting on the bench, heard this, only then realized that she seemed to have missed this, and jumped down from the bench and added: “Oh, I forgot to explain, there are no restrictions on the dishes in this assessment, you can cook in any combination, and the taste of ‘appetizer’ and ‘main course’ can be too different…”

The meaning and obviousness of Fuyumi Mizuhara’s words is that the two-course dishes of a group of trainees can be varied. For a simple example, the appetizer can be Japanese, then the main course can also be Japanese, Western or Chinese.

But the taste should not be too far apart.

For example, if the appetizer is mainly sweet and sour, then the taste of the main dish cannot continue to highlight the sweet and sour taste, and must be replaced with other textures.

Because the same taste is bound to give diners a feeling of boredom, and the teeth and stomach will not be able to stand it. Of course, there is a higher emphasis on the pairing of Western dishes, but here Fuyumi Suwon obviously has no special requirements, as long as it is not too obviously wrong.

Therefore, this also created conditions for Liu Han and Ye Shanliang to compete in private.

Since the dishes were not restricted, Liu Han decided what to cook after a short thought, and he also knew that Hayama’s agreeing so cheerfully was just to test him.

Moreover, this task was not very demanding, and Liu Han also carried it out with a more casual mentality.

So let’s try to make that dish. Liu Han secretly said in his heart. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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