Although the two sisters, Natsuya and Sister Miao, control Hob Foods and have a neon curry commercial market with an average annual value of hundreds of billions of yen, they have also encountered many difficulties in recent years.

Xia Ya and Concubine took Liu Han from the kitchen to another place, and as they walked, they told him about the current situation of the hob company.

“Although the sales of our company’s curry products in the past ten years have been quite good, after all, it is only cultivated in the curry industry, and it is too little involved in other fields, and the huge curry business empire has hit the bottleneck of development, and it is really difficult to achieve better results.” Xia Ya walked in front and said without looking back.

Liu Han couldn’t help nodding when he heard this, and said, “So, you want to develop into other fields to break through this field?” ”

Xia Ya nodded: “That’s right, our hob company began to solve this problem this year, and began to study more indispensable seasonings on everyone’s table, curry can do limited dishes after all, nothing more than curry rice, curry beef and other common foods.” Even if it is delicious and delicious, as long as it is a dish, there will always be a time when you get tired of eating. ”

“Research essential seasonings?”

Liu Han gradually understood when he heard this, and couldn’t help nodding: “So it is, it’s like MSG, salt, which are almost indispensable seasonings in almost every dish, right?” ”

Concubine couldn’t help but hide her smile, looked at Liu Han and smiled: “Little brother, it seems that you are very smart~”

Not again… Penis! Happy to skin? My fat tiger really can’t accept this title.

“Well, what… Sister Sister Huan, don’t call me little brother, it sounds strange and awkward, call me Liu Han.” Liu Han said with a drop of sweat on his forehead.

“Giggle~~ Okay, classmate Liu Han.”

Sister-in-law smiled and said, “So, the final assessment for you next is the new product that we have only developed recently this year~ As long as you pass this assessment, then congratulations on being a member of our hob company.” ”

Liu Han nodded, but he was a little looking forward to it, what kind of things this hob company would come up with to evaluate him.

After a few minutes, under the leadership of Xia Ya and Concubine, Liu Han finally came to a place similar to a warehouse. At this time, the warehouse has a variety of curries currently produced by Hob Company, and there are all kinds of curries from Japan, Thai, Indian and other countries.

Then there are boxes that are not packaged and do not know what is inside. After Xia Ya explained a few words to a warehouse clerk here, the warehouse clerk nodded and went inside, and after a while took a bag and gave it to Xia Ya.

After Xia Ya took it, he took another plate, and then took out a little of the contents of the bag. I saw that it was a white crystal that belonged to MSG, and it didn’t seem to have any special taste.

“This is your company’s latest product?” Liu Han asked.

Xia Ya nodded and said, “That’s right, we call it ‘hob seasoning’ for the time being.” ”

It’s really a cheesy name, Liu Han complained in his heart, and asked: “So you want to use this thing to evaluate me?” ”

“Yes, this crystal extraction method is not much different from the extraction of MSG, and the extraction objects are as many as 20 kinds of ingredients or seasonings. Now you only need to be able to correctly judge and say at least 5 types of use, even if you pass. Xia Ya smiled at Liu Han.

Liu Han couldn’t help but laugh when he heard this, you can look down on me fat tiger, but you actually look down on my “super sense of smell” exchanged for this 60-year life? Although it is industrially extracted, it is not so easy to distinguish the taste compared to the taste of tasting dishes, but it is definitely not difficult to distinguish five types.

And before that, Liu Han only used “smell” to judge the taste of other people’s dishes.

“However, what surprised me a little was that if you want to try this thing, you actually have to come to the warehouse with the two chairmen, it seems that you are very careful about protecting your products, are you afraid that I will expose your formula after eating?” Liu Han deliberately laughed like this.

“There is still the necessary vigilance, but it doesn’t really matter, even if you can really taste all the ingredients of ‘hob seasoning’, we are too late to be happy.”

Xia Ya looked at Liu Han and continued: “The production of ‘hob seasoning’ has to go through tedious production, which requires the use of a large number of ‘molecular cuisine’ technology, and knowing the recipe may not be able to be made. Moreover, this product is still in the research and development stage, even if it is really known by you, it will not have much impact. ”

“Well, it does seem like something very complicated. So, I’ll give it a try. Liu Han said and slowly put the crystal-like seasoning called “hob seasoning” into his mouth, and immediately closed his eyes.

However, when Xia Ya and Concubine saw this scene, the corners of their mouths were full of thick smiles.

Before our company invited the best tasting appraiser, he could only barely distinguish about a dozen, although his cooking skills are indeed good, but it is impossible to eat the taste as accurately as a professional tasting appraiser.

The two sisters were so determined in their hearts.

After the crystalline seasoning entered his mouth, it melted in Liu Han’s tongue. The sense of smell suddenly expands to the extreme, the taste is fed back to the brain, and then the appearance of ingredients continues to emerge in the mind.

Golden is wheat, yellow is corn, peeled potatoes and rice, and…

A moment later, Liu Han opened his eyes and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: “So it is, wheat, corn, potatoes, rice…”

When Liu Han accurately said the extraction materials of this “hob seasoning”, the eyes of Xia Ya and Huan Huan once again widened and their faces were full of incredulity.

Until Liu Han said the 15 kinds of seasonings, Xia Ya was very excited and said: “Yes, you have passed our assessment.” ”

“Eh… All right. Liu Han could actually say a few more flavors, since Xia Ya had said so, there was no need to continue.

Xia Ya looked at Liu Han in front of him and said positively: “From now on, you will be the tasting appraiser of our ‘hob food’ company!” ”

(To be continued.) )

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