Liu Han finally passed the assessment of the two sisters of Qiancousin and became an appraiser of “Hob Food” company, although Xia Ya did not show great excitement, but it did not mean that she did not have waves in her heart.

You must know that the taster appraiser they hired with a high salary specifically for “hob seasoning” could only eat up to 8 kinds of extraction raw materials for this seasoning for the first time, and Liu Han could eat more than 15 kinds directly!

What is this concept? The sharpness of his tongue was equivalent to twice that of others, and Liu Han was still so young, he was only a senior student in Yuanyue.

As the CEO of Hob for many years, Xia Ya knows that this era needs a large number of talents, so she has always paid great attention to the cultivation of the company’s talents.

And at this time, Liu Han in front of her was like a piece of gold that could shine at any time in front of her, how could she not be moved?

After Liu Han accurately said the 15 kinds of extracted raw materials of “hob seasoning”, she had already made up her mind to keep Liu Han, the “gold” in her company, no matter what means or cost.

Needless to say, this perverted keen sense of smell will surely become a bright star in the culinary industry, and even she has a feeling in her heart that the person who can perfect the “hob seasoning” and successfully make it is Liu Han in front of her.

At this time, in the small conference room

Liu Han sat opposite the two sisters, Xia Ya and Hui Huan, tasted “hob seasoning” from the warehouse and talked for a while.

“That’s the case, so that’s the real reason why you were recommended here, just to make 200W in a short period of time and then create your own research, right?” Xia Ya looked at Liu Handao, who was sitting opposite him without a hint of nervousness.

Liu Han nodded and smiled: “Yes, if I can, I want to advance 200W from you and slowly repay it ‘in the future’…”

“To be honest, you are the first person to pass the assessment, and then you open your mouth to me to ask for 200W.” Xia Ya chuckled.

Liu Han did not panic, smiled and said: “No, I think 200W is already the lowest price, Sister Xia Ya or Sister Concubine also know the ‘Tongue of God’ compared to you, right?” ”

“Oh, are you talking about the granddaughter of Commander Engetsu, Erina?” Xia Budao.

“That’s right, as far as I know, the price of a tasting for a high-end restaurant is about 100W, and I want 200W is definitely not much, because my tongue is even more powerful than hers!” Liu Han said confidently.

Erina’s divine tongue Xia Ya had heard and seen it, and the degree of power was like a sophisticated instrument. In fact, Xia Ya also had the idea to ask Erinai to help try this “hob seasoning” before, but he gave up this idea for a series of reasons.

If he didn’t know Liu Han’s ability before, Xia Yafen would definitely think that he was talking big again, and he wouldn’t believe it. But now the words….

After thinking for a while, Xia Ya said to Liu Han: “I will give you 500W to help you create a research meeting in Yuanyue.” ”

Rao Shi’s concubine on the side was also stunned for a moment when she heard this. And Liu Han didn’t need to say more, and he was surprised for a long time.

I lean, so good? Liu Han originally thought that it would be very good to be able to advance to 100W, plus some of his own money, and then scrape together it may not be much of a problem.

But now Xia Ya is….

Soon, Liu Han realized that it was definitely not so simple, and couldn’t help but say: “Sister Xia Ya, there must be conditions for this, right?” ”

“Smart, the condition is that you must work in our company after graduation, and in the three years that you have studied in Yuanyue, we need to ask you to try the product, and you can’t refuse.” Of course, I will also pay you the salary of a normal senior tasting appraiser every month, and it will not affect your studies in the distant month. Xia Ya said to Liu Han for expulsion.

Liu Han immediately asked in his heart after hearing this, if it was just completely acceptable, not only did he not suffer a loss, but he felt that he had earned it. Not only don’t you have to be too restrained, but you can also get the sponsorship of this local CEO, but you must come here to work after graduation… Brother die, it’s too much. You want to tie me to your company, which is not okay. I’m a fat tiger, but I’m a person with ideas….

Unless… Ahem….

“Sister Xia Ya, other conditions can promise you, but after graduation, as for whether to come to your company, I dare not guarantee, although your company does have a lot of benefits, a lot of sisters, and there are two beautiful bosses~ But after three years, I don’t know what my situation is, how dare I rush to promise you~” Liu Han said with a smile, neither refusing nor agreeing.

This made Xia Ya frown, how could this Liu Han give him a feeling that was smoother than the old man in the mall?

Xia Ya frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said: “Then let’s do it first, in the three years that you have been studying in the past month, you are obliged to help our company try all and any products, as for after you graduate, we will talk about it in detail later.” ”

Saying that, the corner of Xia Ya’s mouth hooked a smile, even if you don’t agree now, I will find a way to make you agree in the future.

“In that case, let’s have a good cooperation.” Liu Han stretched out his right hand to Xia Ya and smiled, obviously agreeing to this “cooperation”.

Xia Ya also stretched out his right hand to shake Liu Han and said, “Happy cooperation, but since you are not yet 18 years old, we can only sign an informal agreement, as for your 500W advance in advance, you leave a bank card number and I will call someone to call you within 24 hours.” ”

“No problem!” Liu Han nodded, and then left a phone number and bank card number, and when everything felt that the conversation was almost the same, he was also ready to leave.

However, at this time, Xia Ya couldn’t help but look at him again and said: “Brother Liu Han, although the agreement between us has been formally negotiated, I still suggest that you work hard in the future development of the research association in the direction of ‘molecular cuisine’, and now our company is also developing towards this field, a little small, if necessary, I can also provide you with equipment and instruments.” ”

“Molecular cuisine? I’ll think about it. Liu Han doesn’t know anything about this thing, and if he can, he can really consider studying this field.

Subsequently, Liu Han left the Hob Company Building and returned to Yuanyue accompanied by his little secretary.

After Liu Han left, there were two sisters left in the office, Xia Ya and Concubine. At this time, Sister Huan opened her mouth and asked, “Sister, although his talent is commendable, no matter how he is still just a student, the treatment you gave him is better than that of many people in our company, and it will definitely cause dissatisfaction when it goes out…”

“Sister-in-law, for so many years, big companies have been fighting for talents, do we spend less money on recruiting talents? People who can taste more than 15 kinds of our products, this talent… It can be said that it is already at the monster level, and once his talent is fully discovered, people can’t believe it at all.

So before that, we have to hold him firmly in our hands. Give him some help when necessary, and when he fully grows, it must be a big help to our company… It can even allow our HOB company to return to its previous ‘golden age’! Xia Ya said firmly.

Hearing Xia Ya say this, Sister Hui no longer said anything, she has never objected to her sister’s decision, and it is precisely because of Xia Ya’s decision and decisiveness that the results of today’s Hob Company have been achieved.

“Huh… But I still feel a little incredible, my sister is optimistic about such a student for the first time. The corners of her mouth drew a hint of an unknown smile.

(PS: The next one opens a new world copy plot, generally a copy plot is several, no more and no less. )

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