Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 690: Familiar breath

What happened on the flying boat made the white-haired cat-male dumbfounded. He has been screened for several times, but he has never seen such a scene.

Demon disciples should have wolf nature, so when entering the sect, the first thing is to let them see blood.

In fact, this way of stacking Arhats to protect most people is very simple, and he can even think of several ways to reduce losses.

But most of these people in front of them are flowers kept in the greenhouse by the so-called righteous people, and they suddenly encounter a life and death crisis. How many people can still remain so calm?

More people are agitated by the **** atmosphere, and it is easier to induce the most primitive ruthlessness hidden in their hearts, and they will use no means to survive in order to survive.

Looking at the western scene on the flying boat, the white-haired man couldn't help passing through a heavy mountain of meat, admiringly looked at Liu Yunyun who was guarded by them.

If he remembered correctly, the initial call of "stacking Arhats" came from her.

The grateful and trusting gazes that the disciples of the Taoist Academy looked at there had already explained everything.

He knew very well that Liu Yunyun would be able to develop these people into his own team easily if he experienced something similar again.

It really deserves to be the blood of that person, he is really a born king!

Thinking so in mind, the white-haired man clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention.

"Very well, this time the number of official disciples is really more than I thought!"

"It's not too late, we set out to Zongmen immediately!"

In any case, this place is still the place of righteousness after all. They can be prestigious for a while but dare not stay here. In order not to be reacted by the people of the upper three sects and encircle them.

Arhats were already stacked on that flying boat, so naturally they couldn't just fly away on that flying boat. Under the command of the disciples wearing **** soul clothes, these Daoyuan disciples were scattered aboard a few smaller flying boats. This big flying boat was arranged for the disciples in blood and soul clothing to ride.

Following the white-haired man's order, five flying boats broke through the air and sprinted towards the southwestern sky.

When the flying boat rose up, a few cries suddenly sounded on the flying boat of the Daoyuan disciples.




"Xiao Cui..."

This crying sound seemed to be contagious, and it swept a few flying boats in an instant. Some disciples were still lying on the edge of the flying boat and stretched out their hands, grasping something in vain.

However, some disciples watched cautiously at the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect who maintained order on the boat, with tears in their eyes, but they did not dare to show their lustful might.

Those disciples of the Blood Soul Sect did not stop them, but comforted them: "You don’t have to worry about the younger brothers and sisters, there are rules in the practice world, and it will not harm your family. As long as you practice hard in the sect, you will be free when you are able to perform tasks. Visiting relatives. Everyone is raised by his father and mother. In this regard, our Blood Soul Sect does not have any restrictions."

Wu Hao sneered secretly after hearing this.

Speaking lightly, these Daoyuan disciples were originally prepared to enter the sect of Guangzong Yaozu, which is where many families hope. But now that you become a disciple of the Demon Sect overnight, even if those in the right way really obey the rules, or are worried that the **** revenge of the Demon Sect will not liquidate their family members. However, the crowding and blinding of the secular world is enough to make them miserable.

But at this time Liu Yunyun was worrying about her family, and Wu Hao naturally wouldn't say these disappointing words. But to comfort her and the few friends around.

This is the end of the matter, self-pity and self-pity will not help. Instead, it is better to devote yourself to making achievements in the magic way.

If they really become a world-famous giant of the magic road, who dare to embarrass their family?

With Wu Hao, the leading party, the surrounding Blood Soul Clan quickly calmed down the emotions of these new disciples.

Then they began to tell these new disciples about the blood soul sect.

The Blood Soul Sect, Yin Sha Sect, Wanhua Tower, and White Rainbow Valley are the well-known major sects of the Demon Dao. They have been passed down for thousands of years and have the titles of the Four Demon Sects.

In this blood soul sect disciple's narration, the Demon Sect is the authentic of the Hao Cang Realm!

It's just that the so-called righteous way is too powerful, and it has long held the mouthpiece of Hao Cangjie's public opinion, falsely accused people of demons, and has persistently discredited for countless years. Over time, even the Demon Gate himself recognized this title.

In fact, those so-called righteous people are just running dogs who collude with the upper realm to sell the benefits of the Hao Cang realm. Those in the Demon Sect were actually the last resistance force of the Hao Cang Realm.

However, the power of the upper realm is too strong, and the people in the demon gate have not succeeded in correcting the chaos countless times. To this day, it is still this kind of the above three sects represented by the Hao Cang realm that dominates the fate of most of the creatures in this realm. .

Over time, they instead put on a glamorous coat. Become an object of admiration by people in Hao Cang world.

However, the real resistance has never disappeared!

Because the magic sect's practice is truly adapted to the environment of the Hao Cang world, and there are many talents in the magic sect. Every few generations, Tianjiao giants will appear unremittingly to defend the purity and independence of Hao Cang Realm!

The things mentioned by the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect left these new beginner disciples dumbfounded.

Even if Wu Hao listened to it, it felt a little weird.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved.

Almost any force he has seen will advertise his justice, and few people or forces will claim that their purpose is to kill the world with cholera.

For these things, the most important thing is not what they say, but how they do it.

At least now their wanton killing and not taking human lives seriously is a naked demon behavior.

Hmm...Not as good as their Red Lotus Sect.

However, this does not mean that what they said must not be credible. Who can figure out the truth and grievances between these forces?

However, one thing caught Wu Hao's attention.

That is, according to their rhetoric, the upper three sects in this world are supported by the so-called "upper bound". Strictly speaking, Wu Hao is also considered to be outside the realm of the body, and it is naturally clear about the abilities of the practitioners of the upper both resources and inheritance are higher than this kind of small world.

Since the upper three sects have the support of the upper realm, there is still no way to clean up the so-called magic way in this world. So what is the dependence of the people in these magic gates?

Wu Hao is very curious about this!

While he was thinking about this, he suddenly heard a loud shout from the horizon.

"Modao thief, stop!"

Accompanied by the sound, there were two escape lights, one green and one white, chasing their flying boat team at an astonishing speed.

The disciples of the Blood Soul Sect were slightly agitated. At this time, the voice of the white-haired cat man suddenly rang in their ears: "Continue on the course... they have me to deal with it!"

A **** escape light flew out from the largest flying boat at the head, and blocked the blue and white escape light that came after it.

Wu Hao stood up suddenly, looking at the direction of the **** escape with a look of surprise.

Thousands of thoughts turned in his mind in an instant.

"What is the origin of this Blood Soul Sect? Why is the aura of this orange cat man after his exercise is so similar to that of my Red Lotus Sect Blood Dao ancestor?"

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