Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 791: Tragedy caused by dog ​​abuse

A person's true vitality aura will be affected by blood, true vitality and other factors.

Most practitioners who came from the sect are often imprinted with the sect inheritance in their breath.

The inheritance of the sect is not just as simple as the exercises. It also involves the foundation building methods, the characteristics of the exercises, the inheritance of secrets, the methods of Ming acupoints, the methods of auxiliary practice, etc., and even the methods of eating and drinking, secret alchemy, utensils, and talisman. The refining techniques of the formation and formation are all included.

This is inherited from the continuous improvement, improvement, and inheritance of the sect from generation to generation. It is not so much a feature as it is a culture!

Take Wu Hao, for example. Most of his methods were actually learned through Akrypton Krypton and his own jungle. But when he shot, he would still carry traces of the Red Lotus Sect.

It is precisely because of the contact day and night that Wu Hao is extremely sensitive to the aura of the Honglianzong technique. As soon as this white-haired man used the exercises, Wu Hao discovered an abnormality.

He carefully observed that the aura on the opponent's body was still different from the blood technique of the Red Lotus Sect.

It doesn't feel like a blood relative, but a bit like an offshoot of a relative.

Could this Blood Soul Sect be the inheritance left by a certain senior Red Lotus Sect who came to this world by chance?

Wu Hao thought about it in his heart, but he felt a sense of identification with the Blood Soul Sect.

You must know that there is a time difference between this world and the star world. That's close to a ratio of one to twenty. Therefore, the thousand-year history of the Red Lotus Sect is 20,000 years of vicissitudes in Hao Cang Realm.

What's more, before the Red Lotus Sect, they also had a much longer history of the Five Color God Sect.

In this way, the history of their Red Lotus Sect is enough to radiate to the prehistoric era of the Hao Cang Realm.

Hao Cang Realm is so close to the Star Realm, so it is normal for one or two sect seniors to come here.

Wu Hao is still thinking about the origins of the Blood Soul Sect and the Red Lotus Sect, but he has already dealt with each other over there.

I saw that the white-haired man shot with blood and power, and it was in a match with the cyan dazzling needle-point to the wheat.

The lazy orange cat in his arms also turned into an orange electric light, rushing up at a speed that was completely incompatible with its body shape to entangle the figure in the white light.

There were bursts of noise from where they were fighting, and the huge waves of air caused the guardian formation on the flying boat to flash randomly.

The movement they made made Wu Hao startled.

Could it be that the few people in Hao Cangjie's shots were rare celestial arrogance figures, no matter how they shot, they had such a momentum.

But after a closer observation, Wu Hao shook his head and smiled.

Where are there so many Tianjiao? Such masters of the God Realm are just ordinary goods, not even as good as their late hall master Yan Beigui of the Red Lotus Sect.

Now they look so fierce, only because of the momentum of their moves and the effects of light and shadow.

Wu Hao pondered, this should be related to the world level.

The stability of this world is far inferior to that of the stars world. The same trick can produce a bursting effect in the Hao Cang Realm, but it may not even splash out even a little ripple in the Star Realm.

So their confrontation looked like a mighty one, but it was actually the same.

If the primordial soul of the star realm came here, maybe one shot would destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

Of course, it is even more likely that the tribulation here has wiped out the big brother before the destruction of the heavens and the earth.

Wu Hao was looking vigorously on this side, but the battle over there had undergone a new change.

"Be careful!"

Accompanied by an anxious shout in the cyan escape light, the void figures around the white escape light flashed, and a faint phantom appeared.

A sword light shone suddenly, covering all the surrounding light in an instant, piercing into the white escape light like a white rainbow.

"Junior Sister!"

The voice in the blue light became more and more eager, and he wanted to go to the rescue but was entangled by the white-haired man.

A faint yellow ray was aroused from the white escape light, which was obviously some kind of protective means, but this kind of protection was extinguished like paper paste in the white rainbow-like sword light.

However, this finally bought a breath of time for the figure in the white retreat, allowing her to avoid the vital point.

As the blood was spilled in the sky, the figure in the white retreat swirled and fell down.

At the critical moment, the cyan escape light suddenly skyrocketed, and flashed like a movement out of thin air to catch the figure in the white escape light, and flew away with her holding her aside.

Neither the white-haired man nor the figure in the void meant to pursue it.

They stepped onto the biggest flying boat, and the white-haired man said in a deep voice: "Speed ​​up and run at full capacity!"

In Wu Hao's painful eyes, those Blood Soul Sect disciples took out a lot of spirit stones and filled the core of the flying boat's power. Feizhou trembled a few times before turning into black rays of light to cut through the sky.

"What's the matter with you, you seem to be unwell?" Liu Yunyun asked with concern looking at Wu Hao's expression.

"It's okay, it's okay, the old problem is committed again..." Wu Hao casually said.

Liu Yunyun became even more nervous when she heard it, and hurriedly approached Wu Hao to check him up and down.

Wu Hao's figure was a little stiff, and Liu Yunyun was at the mercy of Liu Yunyun in a daze.

He felt distinct, and two eyes kept lingering on him.

One came from the white-haired cat man, and the other came from the figure in the void.

At this moment, his heart was frantically spitting out: "I rely on, you big men, don't care about the issue of chasing soldiers. What are you always staring at our young girls?"

"Are you all single dogs, and are now suffering from our dog food, so you have a deep resentment?"

Thinking of this, Wu Hao felt quite refreshed.

As the saying goes, "I don't abuse single dogs in my life, the artillery fire is in vain"!

Show it if you have love!

Thinking of this, Wu Hao approached Liu Yunyun and grabbed her little hand.

Liu Yunyun did not earn it after earning a few times, and she didn't earn it anymore after she glanced at him for nothing.

On the pilot flying boat, the white-haired man's eyelids were jumping non-stop, and he was holding back his hands several times. The trembling hand made the fat cat lying in his arms a dissatisfied "meow".

Suddenly there was a voice transmission from the void: "Your heart is upset..."

"I'm considering whether to kill him!" The white-haired man replied straightforwardly.

"I remember the order you received was to try to ensure the safety of that young lady without interfering in her private life." A response came from the void.

"But... that kid doesn't suit my eyes!" The white-haired man's expression twitched slightly: "I don't know why, the first time I saw him, I wanted to kill him."

"Just so, how about let me take him to Baihong Valley? Or make you out of sight and out of mind!" The voice in the void said flatly, without the slightest emotion.

But the white-haired man still heard a hint of nervousness and concern.

"Well, you are practicing Jiuge, so you are waiting for me here!" The white-haired man reacted: "My disciple of the Blood Soul Sect, do you want to grab it too?"

The void was silent.

"Ahem..." The white-haired man's tone softened a little: "Take it away, but this disciple is not that ordinary. It is for the great courage to keep his face unchanged between life and death. It is for the great wisdom to judge the time and the situation, know the function and observe the function. . Such a wise and brave disciple, if you take it away, it is really a big loss for my Blood Soul Sect. Well...something has to be compensated. I remember that you got a nine-leaf bodhi not long ago. Anyway, you are. Sword practicers, it’s not good to grow flowers and grass, or let me raise them for a year or two?"

Having said that, he was a little embarrassed that Nine Leaves Bodhi could help people enlighten. Although the effect will continue to decrease, it can only last for nine months at most. However, such things that enhance understanding in the spiritual world have always been extremely rare, and they can be said to be priceless.

When he said that, he was asking too much, and he wanted to let people pay back.

However, the answer from the void made him stunned: "Okay, it's a deal!"

The white-haired man opened his mouth, just as he was about to say something, he felt something flying in the sky.

He caught it, and immediately smelled a scent of urinary scent. Not that nine-leaf bodhi, what is it?

At the same time, a voice came from the void again: "This place is out of the control of the righteous people. Since it is safe, I will go back and pay the order. Goodbye!"

Saying that the phantom flashed and flew to the side of the flying boat where Wu Hao was.

Wu Hao was cruelly torturing the dog, and he didn't expect that Void suddenly stretched out an arm, and he was about to pull him up by his waist.

"Oops, the abuse has happened, and the dog is jumping the wall!" Wu Hao sighed in his heart, instinctively he would resist.

However, the hand in the void was faster, tapping one of Wu Hao's acupuncture points lightly, and he immediately became paralyzed, and his blood vessels were not running smoothly.

The figure in the phantom has no nonsense, picking up Wu Hao and flying!

"Summer, summer, what's wrong with you, what are you going to do?"

Liu Yunyun held Wu Hao's hand tightly, and asked loudly to the gray-clothed man who appeared in the void.

However, the man in gray did not pay any attention to her meaning, and gave her a virtual nod. She suddenly felt a numbness in her hand, and Wu Hao had already let go.

Watching the man in gray hugged Wu Hao and turned into a gray light that became smaller and smaller, Liu Yunyun lay on the edge of the flying boat and shouted: "Summer, you wait... I will definitely go. Save you!"

With a snap, Wu Hao finally rushed through the acupuncture points, and shouted back at Liu Yunyun with his teeth and claws: "Don't grab my lines! Yunyun, you wait... I will definitely go to the Blood Soul Sect to find you!"

"Huh?" The man in gray who was holding Wu Hao let out a startled suspicion, and he nodded at Wu Hao again, and he was motionless again.

The gray-clothed man felt uneasy, and snapped at him twice.

However, more than ten breaths later, Wu Hao once again waved his arms at the flying boat of the Blood Soul Sect.

"Promise me, you must protect yourself...wait for me!"

Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa!

The grey-clothed man tapped Wu Hao a dozen times in succession, but he didn't believe it anymore. His Baihong acupuncture hand couldn't control this kid today?

After dozens of breaths...

"Be sure to wait for me!"

The man in gray flew silently, but he stopped ordering Wu Hao.

At this time, he began to hesitate in his heart.

"Would you like to return this guy? How come I suddenly feel that Nine Leaves Bodhi is better..."

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