Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 805: Where is the sword master?


Lord Bai Honggu's eyes flashed slightly, and he seemed to feel a familiar breath just now.

Now many masters in Baihonggu are gradually leaving the battlefield. In order to prevent accidents, he stayed behind to the elders.

Fortunately, the will of the people in the right path is not very strong, so they can easily evacuate the battlefield.

Today's attack is very strange, the blood soul sect headquarters has not come to support the staff, which cast a shadow in the heart of the White Rainbow Valley Lord.

So he chose to save his power and waited to investigate the matter clearly before speaking.

Seeing that he was about to leave, he didn't expect to feel this breath.

The Lord Baihonggu recalled that the aura just now looked a bit like their treasure, the White Rainbow Sword.

The figure that made him a little headache could not help flashing in his mind.

Bai Hongjian shouldn't be here... right?

Despite this thought in his heart, Bai Hongguo still concealed his figure and carefully searched around the battlefield twice, seeing that those who were cleaning the battlefield were in the middle of nowhere.

As a result, he did not feel the shadow of Wu Hao or Bai Hongjian at all.

The Lord Baihonggu laughed mockingly.

Sure enough, this was tossed too much by the new sword master. He felt a little nervous and he was going to have hallucinations.

Confirming that the situation he was worried about did not happen, Bai Honggu Master no longer stayed here, turning into a light to chase in the direction where the elders evacuated.

His escape was extremely fast, and he soon caught up with the elders' team.

Being able to catch up with them so quickly was not only because of his quick escape, but also because the elders stopped, as if they were discussing something.

Soon, Lord Baihonggu saw a new figure among the elders.

Practice nine songs!

Practicing Jiuge had been out on the field before, so this time he didn't participate in the rescue operation at the Blood Soul Sect resident. It seems that he is back now.

"Jiu Ge, I'm back..." Bai Honggu said hello, and was about to ask the elders in the team why they stopped.

You must know that this position has not yet reached a safe position, and it is not advisable to stay for a long time.

However, before he could speak, he practiced Jiuge eagerly: "Master Gu, I just came out of the valley. Something went wrong, that kid ran away!"

He didn't mention who the kid was referring to, he knew that the Valley Master would understand.


Sure enough, the Lord Bai Honggu asked without hesitation: "When did it happen?"

"It was not long ago..." Lian Jiuge hurriedly retelled the situation he had learned after returning to Gu Zhong to Master Bai Hong Gu.

Lord Bai Honggu nodded without hesitation, and then arranged the task without hesitation.

He divided the elders here into three groups. Some elders who had been injured in the previous battle arranged for them to return to the valley immediately, and notified the personnel staying in the valley to strictly guard.

In addition, he arranged for some elders with stronger concealment ability to go to the blood soul sect headquarters to investigate their situation.

The remaining people are personally led by him. They will return to search for Wu Hao's traces and monitor the movements of those in the right way by the way.

The elders of Baihong Valley quickly took the task and scattered away, leaving only the Lord Gu and the helpless look of Jiuge.

"Juge, you are most familiar with Xia Xia, where do you think he is most likely to go?"

Listening to Gu's question, Lian Jiuge answered without hesitation: "Naturally, I will go to that Miss Liu Yunyun!"

"So, as long as you find Liu Yunyun, you can find that kid?" Bai Honggu asked thoughtfully.

Lian Jiuge nodded twice, but he hesitated as if thinking of something.

At this time, the Baihonggu master suddenly looked towards the horizon.

A ray of light quickly fell in front of him, and it was an elder who had just been dispatched: "Enlighten the Valley Lord, there is a situation!"

"What's the matter?" Bai Hong Gu asked quickly: "But I found Bai Hong Sword Master?"

The elder shook his head: "We found a flying boat, which seems to be Zhao Guangming, the shoveling officer!"

"Where?" Bai Hong Gu hurriedly asked. He had heard the description of Lian Jiuge and knew that Zhao Guangming was very likely to be with Liu Yunyun, and Liu Yunyun was very likely to be with Bai Hong Sword Master.

"In the southwest!" The elder pointed towards that side, and then said quickly: "It's just...there are chasing soldiers behind them. And they look like people from the Blood Soul Sect. So there is no contact."

"Let's go!" Bai Honggu nodded slightly when he heard the words, and hurriedly headed southwest.

Lian Jiuge and the elder looked at each other and hurried to catch up.

Soon he found Zhao Guangming's flying boat, but now the flying boat doesn't seem to be in good condition.

The flying boat has pits and pits, and even the tail is broken in half. It is almost a miracle that it can still fly in the sky now.

In addition, several people wearing the costumes of the elders of the Blood Soul Sect were constantly attacking around the flying boat with their swords.

On the flying boat, Zhao Guangming and his orange cat are relying on the formation on the flying boat to guard some of the disciples on the flying boat, but they are obviously already powerless and defeat is only a matter of time.

"She is Liu Yunyun!" Lian Jiuge said, pointing to the female disciple on Zhao Guangming's flying boat who was guarded by him.

"It should be Xing Yunyun..." Bai Honggu murmured, decisively: "Save people!"

As soon as the voice fell, his figure flashed and he came behind a blood soul elder who was besieging the flying boat.

The sword light flashed, like another sun rising in the sky.

Bai Hong Guan Ri!

"You..." The elder's eyes widened, and he fell from the sky without even screaming.

While the Lord Baihong Valley took advantage of the burst of sword light, and when he could not see the flashes around him clearly, he escaped into the void again.

One sword kills, and the effect of the second sword is uncertain.

But he was hidden in the void, enough to give the enemy enough shock.

When the Lord Baihonggu broke out, Lian Jiuge and the elder also started to act.

They almost shot at the same time as the White Rainbow Valley Master, causing the other two Blood Soul Sect elders to die and the other severely wounded.

"It's Baihonggu!"

The remaining elders of the Blood Soul Sect saw two deaths and one wound in an instant, so wherever he dared to stay here, he directly used the blood escape secret technique to escape, even the seriously injured companions could not take care of them.

So the few people hiding in the void easily solved the seriously injured blood soul elder.

Then they showed their bodies.

"It turns out that it was the Lord of the Valley who came, thank you for your help!"

Zhao Guangming looked pale, but he still held on and bowed.

"What's the matter, why are you fighting yourself?" Baihonggu Master frowned and asked.

Zhao Guangming smiled bitterly: "It's Le Wuyou, he doesn't know how to recognize the master of the impermanence of the gods, and colluded with the Yin Shajiao to start a rebellion. Now he still put his idea on Miss Yunyun..."

"Wait!" Baihonggu master suddenly waved to interrupt him, and then asked him: "Have you seen one of our disciples in Baihonggu? His name is Xia Xia, um... just has a good relationship with Miss Yunyun That summer!"

"Ah?" Zhao Guangming didn't react for a He was talking about major events that affected the pattern of the magic door, and suddenly asked a disciple of Bai Honggu what happened?

But who told him that he was a senior expert who had just saved him, so he answered honestly: "I never saw it."

Lord Baihonggu sighed disappointedly: "Not here, where is it?"

At this time, he suddenly saw that Lian Jiuge was hesitant to talk.

So I drank: "Do you have any clues, tell me!"

"This..." Practicing Jiuge hesitated: "I still...I have an important situation to report!"

"Actually... he is a big road idiot. It is possible to appear anywhere!"

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