Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 806: Pioneer of Hao Cang World Body Painting

?Big Brother, the Blood Soul Sect is in front! "

Cheng Guang looked at Wu Hao with a little fear. After being cleaned up several times along the way, he was completely honest.

On the way, he had already explained everything he knew.

Through this kid's introduction, Wu Hao had some understanding of the blood soul sect.

The Blood Soul Sect is different from Baihonggu, in this sect, the family power is deeply rooted, among which the four families of Zhao Le, Tao Su, are the most powerful.

In fact, the blood soul sect was originally the only three families of Le Tao Su, but later a noble girl appeared in Zhao's family, and she had a love affair with Yin Sha Xing Na Luo, which caused a series of subsequent changes.

No one would have thought that Xing Naluo got the blood-drinking knife of the gods who accompanied him to cross the world, in fact, it originated from a time of stealing incense and jade.

However, at that time, the Blood Drinking Knife was the heritage treasure of the Blood Soul Sect, how could a disciple of the Yin Sha sect get it?

Therefore, several families headed by the Blood Soul Sect, especially Lejia, began to spare no effort to chase and punish Naro.

Unexpectedly, the more people chased and killed, the more tyrannical they became. In the end, they became the climate in the Yin Sha Sect, and gradually became the king who can dominate the four demon sects.

In the face of absolute force, the Blood Soul Sect also had to bow its head.

Because of Xing Naluo's relationship, the Zhao family's power naturally rose in the Blood Soul Sect, and gradually surpassed the other three, and developed into a behemoth.

Even after the death of Xing Na Luo 20 years ago, the Zhao family's strength was not greatly damaged, and the Blood Soul Sect was still firmly controlled.

Zhao Guangming, the white-haired cat man who led them that day, was a member of the Zhao family of the Blood Soul Sect.

According to the fat man Cheng Guang's guess, Liu Yunyun should be the illegitimate daughter of an important figure in the Zhao family. I just don't know why I kept keeping incognito.

Because of the act of kidnapping the Daoyuan students to come to the Blood Soul Sect, in the final analysis, it was all because of Liu Yunyun alone.

Wu Hao also heard this fat man's description, only to realize that there was such an inside story behind this incident.

No wonder he felt that the pulsatilla had given him so much inexplicable attention at the time, and it turned out that the crux was in Liu Yunyun's body.

Sure enough to be the protagonist, amazing life experience is standard!

Thinking of this, Wu Hao couldn't help asking that Cheng Guang: "Why do you think she is an illegitimate daughter of the Zhao family? Can't she be another identity? The Zhao family is closely related to Xing Naluo, maybe Is she still the daughter of Xing Na Luo?"

"Impossible!" Cheng Guang's head wanted like a rattle.

"Master Devil Emperor has been trapped in the Devil Island for more than 20 years, and Miss Liu Yunyun is only sixteen or seventeen. There is no such possibility in time!"

"Isolate and ignorant!" Wu Hao curled his lips as he looked at this guy's vows. Sure enough, he is a character in the small world, with little insight.

If you tell him that their Wu family boss's pregnancy period is at least hundreds of thousands of years, you can't scare this guy to death.

However, the star realm has been hundreds of thousands of years, and this world is estimated to be tens of thousands of years, and this fat man is estimated to not live that long. Even if I told him, there was no way to prove it.

Xia Chong can't speak ice!

Wu Hao shook his head no longer entangled in this matter, looking at the shadowy Blood Soul Sect headquarters in the night, he couldn't help frowning.

"It seems something is wrong, the murderous aura is faint here, as if the battle just experienced!"

"I said why the people in the headquarters didn't come to support it. It turned out that this side was also attacked by the righteous dogs!" Cheng Guang said suddenly, "But don't worry, this is no better than the resident. There are many masters who are heavily guarded and righteous dogs. The children must have returned without success."

"So Yunyun is inside!" Wu Hao lifted up and asked with bright eyes.

"Well... she was in the breakout team led by Elder Zhao, and she should have returned to the sect at this time." Cheng Guang said as he walked towards the sect: "Brother is the first time to come to our sect. , Please let Cheng Cheng show his friendship as a landlord, our crystal pig hand here is a unique magic..."

Having said this, his voice suddenly stopped, and his eyes looked straight ahead.

"What's the matter?" Wu Hao looked in the direction of Cheng Guang's gaze, frowning involuntarily.

Now they are very close to the Blood Soul Sect, and they can see the situation there clearly.

It looked like it had just gone through a great battle here, and there were still unquenched flames and confiscated corpses.

It just doesn't look like a foreign enemy invaded!

Because the mountain protection formation to protect against foreign enemies showed no signs of opening at all. Moreover, the corpses on the ground were all dressed in the costumes of the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect, and there was no way to see the corpses of half of the righteous people.

"It's not the invasion of the righteous way, but your blood soul sect infighting?" Wu Hao couldn't help but muttered when he saw this situation.

At this time, the two Blood Soul Sect disciples who were converging their bodies not far away also found them and walked towards them head on.

"Calm, calm, follow their words!" Wu Hao whispered to the fat man.

The fat man greeted him with a smile on his face: "Brothers..."

"Password!" With one or two feet away from them, the two disciples suddenly shouted, looking at the approaching fat man with a vigilant look.

Cheng Guang continued to smile: "They are all brothers from the same clan, I just came back from outside, what password is not a password?"

The two men immediately unsheathed their swords, and while watching Cheng Guang vigilantly, they shouted into the distance: "Come on, there is suspicious...Uh!"

A pair of hands had already strangled their necks from behind them, suffocating the words behind them.

The two of them fainted neatly with their eyes widened.

Then, behind them, Wu Hao's figure flashed out.

In fact, when the two walked over, Wu Hao had already escaped into the void, leaving the fat man alone to deal with.

By the time the fat man caught their attention, Wu Hao had already completed the circumnavigation. Seeing that the situation was not good, he acted decisively.

Fortunately, he observed these two guys nearby, and no one else came. Otherwise, they yelled like this, and sooner or later they would attract the attention of others.

As soon as Wu Hao put the two down, the little fat man ran forward, holding a short dagger, puffed, puffed, puffed, and pierced the two people's chest deeply.

"Damn, the little fat man is cruel enough!" Wu Hao couldn't help sighing, unable to hear the joy or anger.

Cheng Guang smiled and said, "They saw my face...this...isn't it to avoid trouble in the future?"

Bang! Wu Hao banged on Fatty's fresh bald head heavily: "You idiot, you finally caught two live mouths. Before I had time to interrogate, you did it for me. So you tell me now, what happened here? What's wrong? Where should I find Yunyun, huh?"

Cheng Guang hurriedly smiled: "Big brother calms down, big brother calms down... I think it's like our blood soul sect is fighting in this place. Miss Liu Ji has a natural appearance, no matter which side she is on, she will definitely be fine. But it's me. Those with small arms and legs won't work!"

"Brother, do you think this will work. I have already told you what I should tell you, and I have led the way. Look at your subsequent actions, am I just a burden?"

"Or, I'll find a place to hide first. Can you do your big business? I hope you find Miss Liu as soon as possible, hehe, soon..."

Cheng Guang said sincerely, with strong voices. However, Wu Hao still shook his head: "No, you have to sneak in with me to find out the news, you still have a very important role."

"Sneak in?" Cheng Guang cried out strangely, "Brother, how can I dive with such a large tonnage! Besides, why don't I know what else I use?"

Wu Hao touched his bald and smiled and said, "Have you forgotten your previous experience? In case there is Longtan Tiger's Den, if there is a danger of being unable to resist, I will take you to escape!"

"My secret technique can't be used by one person, I must have two people!"

"I have to leave a partner to shell out for me!"

Cheng Guang's face was bitter, and he unbuttoned his clothes silently.

"Hey!" Wu Hao stopped him doubtfully: "The secret technique is only used at critical moments. Why are you taking off your clothes now?"

Cheng Guang didn't know where to get a set of talisman pen cinnabar, and while tracing on his body, he explained: "In order to prevent unsightly for a while, I will draw clothes on myself first!"

Then he handed the pen to Wu Hao: "Brother, I can't reach my back, please help me write the word "soul"!"./10_10112/

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