Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 826: Ghost

From the beginning of the battle, the elders of Baihonggu who had achieved sword-raising have been relenting.

When they fought the gray beasts, they deliberately did not attack the vital point. Even when the sword intent broke out, they would at most cut off their limbs without hurting their lives, waiting for the people who had already used the "White Rainbow in the Valley" to complete Harvest.

To put it bluntly, they are making people heady.

Just for the outbreak at this moment!

Dozens of white rainbows pierced the sun like a ray of electric light, so that Venerable Huanglian Dao could not evade.

The terrifying momentum made the entire battlefield quiet, and only a series of harsh grinding noises could be heard.

In an instant, dozens of sharp swords filled the Venerable's body, like a big hedgehog.

Even the Venerable's invulnerable protection ability could not withstand the explosion of the sword raised by the elder Baihonggu for many years!

Seeing this scene, the combatants in Baihonggu burst into cheers, and their morale was greatly boosted.

But immediately they realized that something was wrong, stopped cheering, and looked at the sage standing in place solemnly.

Obviously there were so many swords stuck in his body, but he didn't have any blood flowing out.

Suddenly, the venerable shook his neck and grinned at the elders who had run out of "White Rainbow Gathering Sun", "Are you capable of this?"

As he said, his whole body shook, and a sharp sword flew out of his body and shot in all directions.

At this time, a little blood came out of the holes covered in his body, but it was not at the level of bleeding that his injuries should have.

The Venerable looked at his injury indifferently, took out a shiny silver rune and pasted it on his forehead, and a dazzling light enveloped his whole body. In the light, his injuries were quickly healed and improved.

After the light dissipated, he became vigorous again, looking at the elders in Baihonggu with provocative expressions.

"Come on...Is there any means, just use it?"

The people in Bai Honggu looked at him with horror. No one knew the power of Bai Hong Guanri better than them. This guy couldn't kill this guy, so how could he fight?

The Venerable laughed three times and rushed into the crowd again.

Rushing, rushing from left to right, there is no enemy!


"This guy is a bit upset!"

Perceiving such an existence on the battlefield, Wu Hao quickly reacted.

The fourteen-stranded sense of mysterious swordsmanship spread quickly along his star-sucking sword domain to the fourteen Baihonggu elders who were desperately sniping this Venerable.

Just now, Wu Hao has done an experiment on Baihonggu's body.

By absorbing the star sword domain, he was not only able to absorb other people's kendo insights here. You can also pass your specific kendo insights to the right target.

In this way, he can not only learn from the strengths of others when others are fighting and practicing swords, but also can share his own insights and pretend to be someone else's epiphany!

This method is more cost-effective and more targeted than before Wu Hao poured one person's insights into another.

For example, now, after Wu Hao comprehended the soul of the sword, he divided a powerful defensive sword formation in the Sun Luo Wanxiang Sword into 14 parts and passed them to the 14 elders.

In an instant, their sword intent skyrocketed, and these sword intents carried a harmonious and unified aura.

They are blessed to the soul, stepping on their feet, and the two of them use the right hand sword and the left and right swords in the front line, forming a two-dimensional force. The four people in the center line are in the form of four images, and the eight people in the back line are in the form of gossip.

The Liangyi Sword Array, the Four Xiangs and Eight Trigrams derived from the Liangyi, has a total of eight, eight and sixty-four variations. The yin and yang are intertwined in this sword formation, and the mystery is endless, and the sword can give birth to Tai Chi, endless.

The Venerable had just rushed into the two elders in the front line, and their sword strokes formed two circles on the left and the right, as if the sun and the moon were circulating, they stirred the Venerable in.

In this way, when this venerable reappeared, he would face the four sword circles in the center, and after four, there were eight sword circles waiting for him.

At this time, whether he is rushing forward, retreating, or conflicting between left and right, or even going up to the earth, what awaits him is a circle of two rites.

The fourteen of them changed their formations, which was enough to form the effect of thousands of horses. When the Venerable fell into it, he felt that there were sword circles everywhere, like stainless steel gears, constantly rubbing his body. A stray spark came out.

There is no way to go before, and no way to return afterwards.

Even if he dashed and broke through the sword circles, there were more sword circles waiting for him.

What made him vomiting blood even more depressed was that these sword circles didn't make any effort at all, they were just trying to make good use of the situation, and he could not rush out even if he used all kinds of methods.

This is the sword-born Tai Chi effect of the Liangyi Sword Array.

This kind of sword formation is difficult to cause a powerful killing effect, but it has a very powerful blockade and defensive function. It was created with the original intention to deal with unmatched powerful enemies.

The Venerable rushed for a while, desperately wanting to vomit blood.

He is now invulnerable and powerful, and he should have achieved the general effect of crushing.

But I didn't expect it to be like being trapped in a maze. No one can see it at all. You can only see the sword circles one after another, endless, endless!

He roared and vented for a while, but gradually calmed down.

It is not him who should be anxious, but these guys who are using the sword formation.

Because he is now one with human and corpse, he can borrow the spiritual and physical power of corpse refining.

This corpse refinement was specially refined, and its endurance is far beyond the scope of the golden core stage corpse refinement.

If it is consumed, it must be Bai Honggu's person who can't hold on first, not him!

Sure enough, he had already felt that although the opponent still maintained a sword circle, the attack power of the sword circle had already dropped significantly.

Very good... they will soon be unable to hold it.

Wait, why does it feel a bit wrong?

It seems that his spiritual power is also consumed a bit?

No, no, it's not a bit fast, it's ridiculously fast!

Could it be that this sword formation has other mysteries.

Hesitation and uncertainty began to appear in the eyes of the Venerable.

After persisting for a while, he finally couldn't help but began to call out: "Le Wuyou, Turing, are you all dead? Can't help?"

However, his call has not been answered for a long time.

After a long time, he heard a feeble voice: "Huhu...Venerable...Zhen Yuan...huhu...It's used up..."


The Venerable heard Turing's voice, but the voice was too small, and he couldn't hear it clearly on a chaotic battlefield.

But it's wrong?

Under the situation of the unity of human and corpse, shouldn't he be extremely keen on his five senses, why can't he even hear his voice?

At this time, he was shocked that his true essence was about to bottom out, and he couldn't sustain the unity of human and corpse. Not to mention other augmentation effects.

What is gratifying is that this sword formation that has been haunting him for half an hour and giving him a headache can no longer support it. The sword circle has become sparse and may collapse at any time.

Finally, when he escaped from the state of combining humans and corpses, the sword circle of the Liangyi sword formation was also weak and could no longer be organized.

At this time, the venerable saw clearly the situation of the outside world.

Seeing the outside world, the Venerable stayed on the spot and couldn't believe his eyes.

I saw the elite of Yin Sha Sect and Blood Soul Sect that he had brought, fighting against the people of Baihonggu like a mortal crop-handling style.

That kind of situation reminded the Venerable of his experience when he hadn't worshipped Huanglian and went to the streets and hacked people in the gang.

Everyone was fighting with their own bodies, let alone true essence, not even one using true qi.

As for the gray beasts that were controlled, they were all the same as his corpse refining, because the true energy was not enough to support them, they had already automatically returned to the spirit beast bag.

He even saw a blood soul sect elder of the gods, being chased by a Qi training disciple of Bai Honggu with a sword, slashing a street violently.

The two sides are fighting fiercely, and the battlefield appears fierce and anxious.

But the Venerable had a complaint in his heart for no reason. .

Pecking at each other!

Suddenly, the Venerable was full of spirits, because he saw the dozen or so Baihonggu elders who had just formed the Liangyi sword formation, panting and holding their swords upside down, and they were rushing towards him unkindly.

The Venerable hurried back two steps.

"There is a ghost in Baihong Valley... Let's withdraw!"

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