Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 827: Auspicious

The coalition forces of the Blood Soul Sect and the Yin Sha Sect were repulsed.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield around, the people in Baihonggu did not cheer or shout, but fell silent on the ground one by one.

Yan Jiuge and Master Baihonggu lay side by side on the blood-stained ground, and let out a long sigh.

This battle is really tiring!

Almost all of them are exhausted.

At this time, there was another sound of footsteps in Baihong Valley. Lian Jiuge glanced lazily, then stopped paying attention.

This is some of the junior disciples who hadn't participated in the war rushed over. Although they can't help much during the battle, they can still clean up the battlefield and help the hospital to rescue some wounded.

These elders who had almost exhausted their energy were also carried on stretchers by the disciples one by one, and were carried into the valley to rest.

Director Bai Honggu raised his hand lazily throughout his life, and then said weakly: "One day off, tomorrow morning, the injured elders will go to my cave to discuss matters..."

A deacon instructing the disciples to clean up the battlefield heard his order and hurriedly passed his order, and several disciples specially notified each elder.

The Lord Baihonggu nodded, and continued: "Immediately give out star stones to the, give out spirit stones! Let them quickly absorb and restore their true essence."

At this time, the deacon asked in confusion, "Master Valley, the elders shouldn't lack this, right? They have it with them!"

"Stupid!" Ren Pingsheng rolled his eyes and said, "You have to take them out. Now they don't even have the true essence to open the storage artifact!"

When the deacon heard this, his eyelids twitched, and he finally understood why he only allowed Lingshi.

This is to give the elders a start and help them recover a bit of true energy, so that they can use the storage artifacts and take out resources from their own savings to recover.

Worthy of being the owner of the valley, knowing everything!

At this time, there was a burst of cheers in the distance. Ren Pingsheng held up his body and looked over there, but he saw a lot of lower-level disciples making a fuss over there.

A group of people gathered together, as if throwing a disciple up high.

Ren Pingsheng frowned, this group of guys are also fooling around.

But he didn't immediately yell at him, but first asked the deacon to ask what was going on there.

Ren Pingsheng now has a little more patience and tolerance towards the disciples of the lower generations, because today the disciples of the lower generations have indeed made great contributions.

Originally, at the beginning of the war, Bai Honggu prohibited disciples below the congenital stage from entering the battlefield. Later, when the form became more and more stretched, I had to let the disciples in the refining period participate in the war.

However, these disciples in the Qi refining period have become the last straw that crushes the camel.

At the end when everyone is exhausted, the number of people has become a very important factor in measuring the strength of the two sides.

Anyway, this is the home of Baihonggu, there are so many people!

Although the main reason is that the disciples are replenishing the number during the Qi refining period, when everyone's true energy is exhausted, who cares about the Qi training or the golden core, everyone is a large infantry, and it is enough to cut each other.

In this way, Bai Honggu actually played an advantage, especially when the opponent evacuated, they hunted down and achieved a lot of results.

A brilliant victory!

After a while, the deacon finished investigating the matter there and returned to report.

The content of the report made Bai Honggu master's eyelids jump.

In the battle just now, a disciple in the Qi refining stage made a feat, beheading a golden core.

This kind of thing is rare in the cultivation history of Hao Cang Realm.

While the Lord Baihonggu felt relieved in his heart, he couldn't help feeling a bit of sadness.

So he waved his hand to the deacon and said indifferently: "Give him a great deed and arrange a reward! Hmm... I'm a little tired, send me back to rest!"


Wu Hao didn't expect that Bai Honggu's meeting the next day would even notify him to attend.

However, before participating, Lian Jiuge once told him to watch more, listen more, and there is no need to try not to speak at will.

Wu Hao nodded and agreed.

He really wanted to hear how the receptors in the Star-Sucking Sword Domain understood the various abnormal conditions that appeared in the Star-Sucking Sword Domain.

When it is a clinical trial, do a case return visit!

At the beginning, they first studied the results of this battle.

In this battle, Baihonggu suffered very few casualties, it seemed like a miracle.

This is naturally because someone is taking special care, and some guys who are originally in crisis of life and death often explode at critical moments.

Now Baihonggu is almost a professional householder.

After analyzing the gains and losses of the battle, they began to discuss how to deal with the Yin Sha Sect and the Blood Soul Sect rebels.

Some people felt that negotiations should be started, and some people felt that they needed to declare war immediately, making Wu Hao a little drowsy. However, they have reached an agreement, that is, they must strengthen their defense recently, lest they do not give up and attack again.

At this time, an elder named Wei finally brought up some anomalies he encountered in Guzhong.

The most obvious manifestation is that the true energy is consumed very quickly during the competition or battle. Even this elder has personally experimented out of the valley. In the White Rainbow Valley, compared to practicing swords outside the White Rainbow Valley, the true energy consumption is about twice as much for the same amount of time.

He thinks this thing is very abnormal, and it is very likely the direct cause of the final result in yesterday's battle.

As soon as this remark came out, the group responded.

The elders talked a lot, and their guesses came out of their mouths, making Wu Hao a little bit to laugh.

Some people say that Patriarch Ya is manifesting spirits, and some people say that Baihonggu has changed. Some people try to explain this phenomenon from the perspective of Fengshui and Yin-Yang.

At this time, Ren Pingsheng suddenly saw Wu Hao sitting and laughing.

He couldn't help but opened his mouth: "Summer, what are you laughing at?"

Wu Hao narrowed his smile and held a fist at Ren Pingsheng: "Congratulations to the Lord Gu, congratulations to the Lord Gu!"

Ren Pingsheng had some lingering fears and said, "What the **** are you going to do, where do you come from?"

Wu Hao talked freely: "The phenomenon mentioned by the elder Wei just now is obviously God Bless Baihonggu, this is auspiciousness from heaven!"

Ren Pingsheng sneered: "Is it still auspicious if we are inexplicably losing our true essence and spiritual power?"

Wu Hao nodded solemnly: "Naturally! Did the Valley Master forget how we won the battle yesterday?"

"We have lived in Baihong Valley for a long time, and it must not be long before we will get used to this kind of'auspicious' phenomenon very much!"

"The real meaning of this auspiciousness is that we can pull the enemy to the same level as us, and then use our rich experience to defeat them!"

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